Guidelines for Prayer Outside Planned Parenthood

From Christian Voices for Life

First a word on why prayer outside abortion clinics is valuable:

  1. Prayer is always valuable. We pray for the women who are tempted, that they will find the support and courage they need to choose life. We pray for women who have aborted in the past, that they get past their denial and defensiveness and find forgiveness and healing in our merciful Lord. We pray for the workers at the clinic, that their hearts will be opened to the truth and that they will walk away from their participation in the evil of abortion. Praying at the clinic helps keep us focused and faithful to earnest prayer for these intentions.
  2. Our presence on the public sidewalk is a witness to both the general public passing by, and the clinic workers and clients who see us there. Our presence is a reminder that this business is not just any other business; that something disturbing is happening there.
  3. It has been observed over and over again that some clients will change their mind because of people praying outside the clinic. It is a last-ditch effort to shine the light of Christ into the darkness of a plan to abort.
  4. While the Stafford Planned Parenthood no longer performs abortions, they do provide “emergency contraception” which can also end a young life, and refer patients to the main PP (at 4600 Gulf Freeway) for surgical or medical (pill/ RU486) abortions.

General Guidelines:

  1. We are legally allowed to stand on the public right of way along the street, not in the private property of the clinic or shopping center. For 4600 Gulf Freeway, we stand on Gulfcrest, on the sidewalk. Parking is available right on the street. In Stafford, there is no sidewalk, but we may stand on the grass between the feeder road and the hedge. Parking is available behind Chair King or elsewhere in the Fountains. Do NOT park in the lot owned by Roberts Carpets, which is intended for the use of the patrons of the businesses.
  2. It is not permitted to approach clients in any way that could be interpreted as harassment, or to block either pedestrians or vehicles from entering the property.
  3. It is advisable to have two or more praying together rather than being alone. “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.” Matt 18:20.
  4. It is important to be aware of traffic and stay a safe distance from the road. You should be prepared for the weather, use sunscreen, etc.
  5. You are welcome to pray with or without a sign. CVL can supply you with a sign that says “Pray to End Abortion” or “Pregnant ? Need Help? 800-395-HELP”. These signs are made from Life Chain signs, mounted on a firm board. The signs may be hung on your back while you pray.
  6. It is advisable to have a packet of pro-life information available to anyone who might approach you and be in need of help. CVL can supply you with such a packet.

Christian Voices for Life

Christian Voices for Life is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. www.