Key New Accountability Model Questions (for first implementation in 2012-13)
November 2011
►Your Name or members of group providing feedback (optional):
►LEA and School (if applicable):
►Email (optional):
Note: As you read below, keep in mind that our goal is ensure that every student will graduate from high school, globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21st Century. Our accountability model must help improve student outcomes, increase graduation rates and close achievement gaps.
The new High School Accountability model will require a balance between four indicators
- % proficient on Algebra I, English II and Biologyassessments defined by new SCOS
- % of students achievingReadiness Benchmarkon the ACT components
- % of students in cohort graduating from high school within 5 years
- % of graduates who took and passed Algebra II or Integrated Math III class
Indicator / Current Suggested Weighting / Your
End of Course Assessments / 35%
ACT Benchmarks / 20%
Graduation Rate / 35%
Taking and Passing Algebra II or Integrated III / 10%
►Question 1:
a)Do you think this balance of indicators aligns with what we should value? Why or why not? If you have another suggested weighting, what would it be and why?
Reporting and Categories
The new accountability model will have an absolute performance index and growth index.
It is proposed that both of these indices will be reported in a grid with categories as demonstrated below.
►Question 2:
a)Do you think that each schools needs a status designation (such as “School of Distinction”) based on their performance? Why or why not?
b)What status designation would you give to each of the categories in the Performance Index (Category 1 being the highest achieving)?
Other Indicators
While ensuring that the accountability model remains focused on achievement and growth, we want to select some indicators for which schools could be rewarded additional index points.
Some of the currently suggested indicators for earning extra points include:
- WorkKeys assessment participation and scores
- Schools requiring the completion of the graduation project
►Question 3:
a)What additional indicators would you suggest for additional index points? At what grade level (Elementary, Middle or High)?
Rewards and Sanctions and ESEA Flexibility
As part of our new accountability model, we will need to propose rewards for schools that achieve at high-levels and improve significantly. Likewise, we will propose interventions for low-achieving schools and schools contributing to the achievement gap.
Additionally, the United States Department of Education recently released guidelines for ESEA (No Child Left Behind) flexibility. Part of this includes changing the way NCLB sanctions work. As part of our application we will identify 3 categories of schools.
- Reward Schools (highest performing and highest progress)
- Priority Schools(lowest achieving based on proficiency and lack of progress)
- Focus Schools (contributing to the achievement gap)
►Question 4:
a)What rewards and recognition would be most meaningful and motivationalfor schools to receive as a result of high progress and high achievement? (think creatively!)
b)What interventions would you suggest for schools with low achievement or low progress (think specifically about ways to make required interventions align to improving outcomes)?
Other Thoughts
►Question 5:
a)What other feedback or questions do you have about the new accountability model?
b)The ESEA Flexibility Documents can be found at Please include any thoughts and feedback on how North Carolina should approach the application process.