World Friends IT Volunteers Program 2015
Request Survey for IT Project
IT Project- Work with public agencies, local companies, or schools in partner countries to implement IT Projects on topics including; website building, mobile application, database, network, security, etc.
- Consult in certain IT fields and specifically customized to the need of a local organization
▶Request Survey (Next Page)
If you want to work with World Friends IT Volunteers, you are requested to fill out and send the survey clearly notifying your demand. It is important to note that individual Volunteers will be recruited according to required qualifications or the demands from countries concerned. Therefore, it is essential that this Request Survey must be completed with full details and returned to us before 23rd February 2015. (Application period may be shorten depending on the circumstance.)
The deadline for Request Survey is 23rd February 2015.
If you have any inquiry about this program, don’t hesitate to contact us anytime.
National Information Society Agency (NIA)
Global IT Cooperation Division
Global IT Planning & Consulting Department
·Email :
·Tel : +82-2-2131-0560
·Fax : +82-2-2131-0333
Go to the next page to fill out the form!
1.General Information
Country / Name of Country / (Full Name)Capital City / (Full Name)
First Language
Second Language / (If available)
Organization / Name of Organization / (Full Name)
City(near airport) / (Full Name)
Address / (Full Address)
A distance from Capital City / EX) Two hours by car
Type / ①Government ②Public Sector
③University ④School
⑤IAC(Information Access Center) ⑥NGO
⑦Private Sector ⑧Others( )
Description of Organization / (Briefly describe about major activities of your organization including history, the size, constituent etc.)
Web site
(Main Contact Point) / Name / (Mr./Ms) (Full name)
Position / (Full name)
English skill / ①Poor ②Intermediate ③Fluent
Mobile / (Including country code)
Office / (Including country code)
e-mail / (More than two emails, if available)
Fax / (Including country code)
Final Decision Maker
(CEO, Director, Commander, etc) / Name / (Mr./Ms) (Full name)
Position / (Full name)
Mobile / (Including country code)
Office / (Including country code)
e-mail / (More than two emails, if available)
Fax / (Including country code)
2. Circumstances and Accommodation
Facilities for Volunteers / Rooms(office) availablefor volunteers / ①Yes
Connection Speed / ①385kbps Under ②385kbps~1Mbps
③1Mbps~2Mbps ④2Mbps~10Mbps
⑤10Mbps~100Mbps ⑥100Mbps Over
⑦Others( )
CPU of PC / ①Below PentiumⅢ②PentiumⅣ
③Pentium D④Core2 Duo
⑤Others( )
S/W Equipped / ①MS Office②Flash ③Photoshop
④Web Editor ⑤Others( )
Equipment Provided / ①Projector ②Printer ③Scanner
④Fax Machine ⑤Copying Machine
⑥Phone ⑦Others( )
Accommod-ation for Volunteers / Recommended
Accommodation / ①Home Stay ②Youth Hostel ③Dormitory
④Condominium ⑤Apartment Rent
⑥Others( )
Expected Living Cost Staying in Recommend place
(4 Persons for 1 month) / US$
(If it is too expensive, we couldn’t dispatch our volunteers because they have limited expenses.)
Kitchen Facility / ①Available ②Unavailable
Distance to the Work Place / ①1km and below ②1 ~ 5km ③6 ~ 10km
④11 ~ 15km ⑤16 ~ 20km
⑥21km and above
Daily roundtrip Transportation
to the Work Place / ●Is it possible to support transportation?
●If no,
- Recommended transportation : (ex:bus)
- Roundtrip fares : US$ (for 4 people)
General Living Cost / Cost of one meal in local restaurant / US$
Laundry / US$ per load
Safety / (Free to describe the condition of organization and local areas regarding to safety, ex: security measures of the organization, attitude for foreigners, violent demonstration, contagious disease and etc)
Requiring Attention / (Free to explain about what KIVs should require attention in your country, ex: no short pants, any religious rules, and etc)
3. Information on preferred Volunteer Activities
(including requirement for Volunteers)
Dispatchinginformation / Preferred Date / (dd/mm~dd/mm)
1. Short term: between July and August (Less than 30 DAYS)
2. Medium term: between July and August (Less than 62 DAYS)
※you need to write specific date(ex: 01/07~31/07). Schedule may change under circumstances.
※Calculate how many days the project will take.
Requested Number
of Teams
(1 team has 4 members) / ①1 team ②2 teams ③others( )
※If your organizationis able to handle more than 2 teams, it would be helpful in selecting your organization this year.
●If you want 2 teams, will they all participate in the same project?
①Yes ②No (each project per a team)
IT Project
(Please, describe it specifically) / Title / (ex: website building, developing mobile application)
IT Skill Required
●Is the software equipped for the project?
①Yes ②No
Expected effect
Cultural Exchange / Optional Choice(If not needed, please do not mark)
Interesting Items
(choose things that you want to know or to learn) / Video / Movie, UCC, etc
Audio / Korean or Pop Music, Playing Instrument, etc
Performance / Korean Martial Arts, Dance, etc.
Others / Korean Cuisine, Korean Language, etc
Others / Additional Activity Requirements / (Feel free to describe additional activities excepting IT Project and cultural exchange.)
Expected IT equipment / (Free to write down what IT equipment the organization needs, ex: projector, printer and etc. This is IRRELEVANT to the donation of IT equipment from NIA, but it might be reflected.)
<A full view picture of
your organization> / (This is requairedfor selecting organization where to dispatch IT volunteers.)
<A picture of the office room used
for IT project / (This is requairedfor selecting organization where to dispatch IT volunteers.)
Thank you for the cooperation