Ms. Smersh
Classroom/Office: 1412
Hello and welcome to Teaching Academy! I am Ms. Smersh, the Family and Consumer Sciences teacher here at Skyline High School. This year I will be teaching Health, Child Development and Teaching Academy. I earned my Bachelors in Human Development, Family and Consumer Sciences Education from Washington State University. Go Cougs! When I am not teaching I love to get outdoors, play with my two adorable cats, or spend time with family. I look forward to a great year! Go Spartans.
Students in Teaching Academy/Careers in Education are expected to demonstrate, both academically and personally, the ability to think and act independently. In this college-level course, students will experience teaching – solving problems, collaborating with peers and mentors, and serving as role models with excellent work habits.
Attendance: Attendance is a vital component for success in this class. Most of the work/learning of this class cannot be effectively “made up.” A teacher’s contract with the school district provides for paid days off for illness. The student’s contract provides for six sick days each semester before the course grade may be affected.After six absences, students will have automatic interviews with their teacher and counselor to determine if they can remain in the class. Each absence will result in a loss of attendance points. These points cannot be made up. Students are not penalized for school-related absences. It is also important for students to be on time to both class and their internship. Failure to do so will affect their employability skills grade.
Observations: During first semester, observation worksheets and write-ups must be completed prior to placement in the field site for second semester. For any absence on observation days, rescheduling must be made on the student’s own time. There will be no additional class time allowed. All make-up observations are due within one week of return to class or the student will receive a zero for the assignment.
Transportation: Safety traveling to and from observation sites is paramount. Students should always obey traffic laws, including driving the speed limit and wearing safety belts. Transportation is the sole responsibility of parents. The off-campus pass only allows a student to travel directly to and from the observation; there is no time to buy gas, food, go home, or make other stops. Abusing this privilege may result in removal from the program.
Professional Conduct: Students are required to exhibit superior behavior. Being a role model is a serious responsibility. Language must be positive and wholesome. Student work ethic must model dependability, dedication, and good judgment. Students must always be alert for student safety.
Grooming must be clean, tidy, and modest. Appropriate dress for observations is what you would wear to a job interview. ATTITUDE must be enthusiastic and helpful (be a self-starter!). When visiting another school, students must respect all school rules, teachers’ expectations, and the children. Students must not chew gum or bring food into the classroom or to the observations. No hats or hoods may be worn in the classroom or when visiting schools.
Course Competencies: Competencies are the tasks, assignments, and activities that students will successfully complete throughout the year. They are outlined in the Course Standards and Competencies. It is the student’s responsibility to mark assignments in their planners and complete them on schedule. If help is needed, your teacher will provide individual assistance as requested outside of regular class time.
Leadership: Students will be expected to join and participate in the Family and Consumer Sciences leadership club, FCCLA. If students have financial hardships, the fee will be waived, please discuss this with the teacher. For more information about FCCLA, visit my website under the FCCLA tab.
Building Leadership through Passion Project: Students will have the opportunity to work on and create several passion projects this year. Passion project is based on a business practice used in many companies such as Google where individuals spend approximately 20% of their work time on a project of their choosing related to the company’s goals. Students are to work on whatever project they would like during the 20% as long as it has to do with teaching and education in some way. Through this project, students will take ownership oftheir own learning. The process includes having a driving question, extensive research, sharing the progress and potential solution. Students are graded on the process, not the finished product and will be weighted in the Employability Skills category.
Course Competencies 70%
Employability Skills30%
*ES points are awarded every day you are in class on time, on task, and prepared. These points cannot be made up.
The grading scale is based on the following percentages:
A 100-93A- 92-90B+ 89-87B 86-83B- 82-80
C+ 79-77C 76-73C- 72-70D+ 69-67 D 66-60F Below 60
Students must receive a B or better to be eligible for college credit waiver/articulation.
Tech Prep College Connections Program: This course is Tech Prep College Connections approved and articulated with Cascadia Community College. Students who demonstrate proficiency of the college course competencies with a ‘B’ (3.0) or better grade, may be eligible to earn college credit through the Tech Prep program. During the year all of the college competencies will be covered in class.Students must register online using the statewide enrollment and reporting system and also are required to pay a non-refundable $46 annual consortium fee to earn college credit through the Tech Prep College Connections program ( Students MUST register for Tech Prep college credit while they are enrolled in the high school course.
Questions? Contact the Tech Prep College Connections office at: or 425-564-6158. Please also visit the Tech Prep CC website at:
Portfolio Requirements: Your portfolio will show you have met the standards and competencies of the course and will be presented when you apply for admission to various universities’ Schools of Education. It is your portfolio that proves you are ready to enter a teacher certification program. You may receive course or requirement waivers based on your documentation of competencies. You will collect entries and artifacts for your portfolio during the entire course that documents all 42 Teaching Academy competencies. You will organize and present your portfolio at the end of the year.
Supplies: Students will need the following supplies:
1.A three-inch, three-ring presentation binder.
2.A two-inch, three-ring binder or place in binder for class material.
3. Extended tab dividers and sheet protectors.
3.A planner or calendar for keeping track of assignments and dates. Students must have this with them every day.
Student Legal Rights
The school assures compliance with the state and federal guidelines and regulations regarding nondiscrimination against any student on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, or disability in recruitment, hiring, placement, assignments tasks, hours of employment, levels of responsibility, and pay. Harassment of any student with regard to race, color, national origin, gender, or disability is strictly prohibited.
Disabilities: Students who need course adaptations because of a disability, have emergency medical information to share, or need special arrangements if the building is evacuated, should explain these needs in writing as soon as possible.
Equity: In the classroom, everyone will be spoken of and treated with respect regardless of race, gender, academic program, or religious affiliation.
If any student believes they have been a victim of discrimination or sexual harassment, they are encouraged to notify the teacher. Ethnic, racial, sexist, or homophobic remarks are not acceptable and are grounds for immediate discipline.
Contact Information: Questions and suggestions are welcome, as they help provide a quality program to meet students’ needs. My office hours during the school day are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 7:15-7:25am / 2:16-2:45pm and Wednesdays from 9:45-9:55am/3:35-4:05pm in room 1412. I can also be reached at my office phone (425)837-7859. Please feel free to contact me with your concerns and questions. My preferred method of contact is via e-mail at I am always happy to talk to parents individually about any questions or concerns they may have about their student’s performance in this class or about the content of the course.
Parents/Guardians and Students. Please sign the attached form confirming that you have read these expectations. Students, keep these Course Expectations in the Guidelines section of your class notebook. Return the signature portion to class.
After reading the Course Syllabus I understand that:
My attendance is vital for my success and that my grade will be impacted if I miss more than six days per semester. If I am absent, it is my responsibility to get the missed assignments.
Class participation and attendance are part of my daily grade.
I must perform at a “B” or better to be eligible for college waiver/articulation.
I will need to be organized and have the necessary supplies. I must be prepared every day.
I am expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times.
I will dress appropriately for observations.
Print Student Name: ______
Student SignatureDate
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate