/ Monday DAC E-Mail
March 12, 2018
/Assessment Calendar
/ When will the Office of Assessment and Accountability (OAA) pull school calendars from Infinite Campus (IC) to populate Student Data Review and Rosters (SDRR) application for the K-PREP Test Windows? /In this Issue:
/ The Office of Assessment and Accountability (OAA) will extract the calendar information from IC to populate SDRR. All IC calendars should be updated by Friday, April 6 at 5 p.m. ET to allow time for the roll-up of data from the District to the State Edition of IC. OAA will extract data from IC after April 6.OAA uses the IC calendar information in two ways:
1)To determine when the last 14 instructional days will occur in a district;
2)To calculate and pre-load student information for 100-day accountability based on the student enrollment in IC (extracted just before rosters open) combined with the first day of the K-PREP window entered in SDRR.
SDRR will be open during April 9-20 to allow DACs to enter the date of the first day of K-PREP testing for elementary, middle and high schools in the district. There is only one date for each level. District-level users may make changes to the K-PREP test windows in SDRR, while School-level users may view the test window dates. These windows are checked against calendar information in IC. Attached is the District Last 14 Instructional Days listing of the earliest possible testing startdates and the last day of the school year for each district, based on current IC information.
Pre-loading of student accountability data is accomplished by using both IC and SDRR information. To reduce the workload for schools and districts, OAA tries to pre-load as much accountability information into SDRR as possible. Maintaining accurate calendars makes this process work for everyone.
Please note that the first day of the five-day spring summative testing window must fall within the last 14 instructional days of the school year. It is crucial that all IC school calendars are checked for accuracy, including preschool/alternative programs that may change the district calendar.
Detailed information and screen shots are available via the red "I NEED HELP" button, which is accessible from every page in SDRR
If after using the “I NEED HELP” button, districts still have questions, e-mail KDE Assessment for assistance. / ACT Additional Materials
ACT Training
Algebra II EOC Sample
DAC/BAC Certification Forms
Industry Certification List
Monthly DAC Webcast
DAC Spotlight
Previous Topics
Important Dates
Jan. 29-Mar. 29: / Create ACT Online Test Sessions in PearsonAccessnextFeb. 1-Mar. 31: / KOSSA Testing Window
Feb. 1-Mar. 31: / TRACK (Skilled Trades) Testing Window
Feb. 5-Mar.16: / ACT Approved Accommodations Late Consideration
Feb. 9-Mar. 14: / ACT Additional Orders Available in PearsonAccessnext
Mar. 8-22: / ACCESS for ELLs 2.0® Data Validation Window in WIDA AMS
Mar. 15: / Administration Code/Inclusion of Special Populations Training for Allegations in Frankfort
Mar. 15: / March Monthly DAC Webcast (11 a.m. ET) DATE CHANGE
Mar. 20: / ACT Initial Testing Date
Mar.21: / ACT Rosters Open in SDRR
Apr. 9-20: / DACs Enter K-PREP Test Window for Elementary, Middle and High School in SDRR
Apr. 16-27: / Kentucky End-of-Course Field Testing Window
The Office of Assessment and Accountability (OAA) will host a live monthly District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) webcaston Thursday, March 15from 11 a.m. – 12 noon ET. Future broadcasts are scheduled for the second Thursday of each month.The webcast will be hosted by Jennifer Stafford, Division Director, and Michael Hackworth, Program Manager, in the Division of Assessment Support. Leann Pickerill, Academic Program Manager in the Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL), will discuss through course tasks, Chris Bentley, Science Program Consultant in OTL, will share important updates with the Biology End-of-Course (EOC) clusters and Kiley Whitaker, Academic Program Manager in the Office of Career and Technical Education (OCTE) , will cover important information regarding 2018-19 industry certification list and other updates in Career and Technical Education. Other topics will include ACT updates and reminders, EOC resources and Assessment and Accountability updates. The PowerPoint presentation will be shared in a Special DAC E-mail early Thursday morning.
Please join Jennifer and Michael at 11 a.m. ET on Thursday for the live broadcastfrom the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) Studio in Frankfort. Questions may be asked by sending an e-mail to KDE DAC Information.
These sessions will be recorded and posted on the KDE Media Portal and the KDE Meetings and Trainings page with any pertinent materials.
At the close of the End-of-Course (EOC) field test window and the K-PREP test window, the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) needs confirmation that proper testing has occurred.Building Assessment Coordinators (BACs) will complete the BAC Testing Certification 2018—K-PREP and the BAC Testing Certification 2018—End-of-Course Field Test (if applicable). Please do not remit the BAC forms to KDE.
BAC forms are returned to the District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) and kept on file in the district.
- EOC Field Test forms are due by May 11.
- K-PREP forms are due two weeks after testing completion.
DAC Certification forms should be returned as each test window completes toTeresa Kingin the Office of Assessment and Accountability (OAA). The DAC may choose one of following methods to return the DAC form(s):
- Scan and e-mail the form toTeresa King
- Fax the form to (502) 564-3249
- Mail the form to:
ATTN: Teresa King
300 Sower Blvd.
Frankfort, KY 40601 /
SDRRSecure Web App
Alternate K-PREP
DAC E-Mails
School Report Card
Open House
Helpful Links
ACTAdmin Code Training Registration
The deadline for ordering additional test materials is March 14. No additional materials will be available to order after the deadline.Orders for additional materials beyond those received in the initial shipment and orders for non-college reportable materials can be placed in PearsonAccessnext. Students will need to be added into the system for the order to be completed. Instructions for adding students to PearsonAccessnext and ordering additional materials can be found in the PearsonAccessnext User Guide for the ACT® Test.
All ACT testing staff, both new and experienced, must attend a training session conducted by the Test Coordinator before test day.Near the end of the ACT Test Administration Manuals (standard time and accommodations) is a section titled “Training Session Outline and Topics for Discussion.” Subjects include Security of Test Materials, Room Preparation, Pretest Activities, Test Day and After the Test.
During a training session, the Test Coordinator is expected to discuss the topics described in each section with testing staff. The Test Accommodations Coordinator must also attend and share any relevant topics with accommodations staff in a separate training session.
The following resources for are available for training:
- Appropriate Administration Manuals
- The ACT Administration Manual for State and District Testing (Accommodations, Paper)
- ACT Administration Manual for State and District Testing (Non-College Reportable, Paper)
- Administration Manual for State and District Testing (Online)
- Test Day Overview for Room Supervisors (video)
- ACT Calculator Policy
- Test Coordinator Information Manual
The Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL) has updated and released an EOC sample question set for Algebra II that is now available. The Depth-of-Knowledge (DOK) levels were removed for the revised version to allow educators to focus on the content standards for mathematical practice associated with each question. In addition, to provide additional clarity, language and answer choices were adjusted in the question set (see item 4).If you have any questions or need guidance on the Algebra II EOC sample, please contact Alison Wright or Krista Hall in the Office of Teaching and Learning.
As previously shared in the Commissioner’s Monday Messages, every science teacher (each grade, K-high school) should facilitate at least two TCTs during the 2017-18 school year. Each district will select and submit one piece of typical student work for each of the two different tasks at each grade level. Student work submissions are due June 15, 2018.District Assessment Coordinators (DACs) may begin submitting student work samples at this time by visiting theScience TCT Student Work Submission site. Further directions regarding the submission of work samples can be obtained by viewing the March 15, 2018 DAC webinar via the KDE Media Portal. Collected student work will be used for teacher professional learning and will not be used to evaluate teachers, schools or districts.
For technical questions related to student work submission, contact Caryn Davidson. For submission requirement questions, contact Leann Pickerill.
The 2018-19 Industry Certification list is now available.A separate document has been created for KOSSA for the 17-18 and 18-19 school year.A column has been added to the industry certification list to identify those that are considered HIGH DEMAND in the new state accountability system.The certifications identified as HIGH DEMAND by Kentucky Workforce Innovation Board (KWIB) will receive 1.25 versus 1.00 for all other certifications under Transition Readiness.The last column (Phase-Out) highlights those certifications that were not identified during the annual review of certifications and are set to phase out at the end of the 18-19 school year. The process for identification of industry certifications is mandated by KRS 158.6455.This process is designed so that local Workforce Investment Boards (WIB) make initial recommendations for certifications, therefore, any recommendations that you have for additions should be routed through your local WIB.Please note that KOSSA is still a viable option for Career Readiness and falls into the End of Program Assessment with Articulated Credit heading.
For information concerning CTE related components of the new accountability model, please visit the new webpage CTE and State Accountability.
If you have questions or concern, please feel free to reach out to Kiley Whitaker.
DAC Monday Email
DAC Spotlight
Hopkins County is located in western Kentucky along the I-69 corridor and contains the junction of the Pennyrile and Western Kentucky Parkways. Hopkins County’s population is approximately 47,000, and the school district has a total enrollment of 6,602 students in sixteen schools. There are thirteen, five-star state-funded half-day preschool sessions, three half-day Head Start sessions, and one full-day child care partnership classroom, seven K-5 elementary schools, one K-8 school, three 6-8 middle schools, two 9-12 high schools, two A-5 schools, and the new Hopkins County Career and Technology Center.Hopkins County is the ninth largest county in the Commonwealth based on area, and our school system is comprised of students from multiple communities, which contributes to the diverse student population across our district, so the challenges one school faces are not necessarily the same as another.
School staff strives to make every effort, every day to provide the opportunity for every child to learn and be college and/or career-ready upon graduation. Preparing students for future careers begins as early as elementary school through various school-to-careers activities and continuing to provide support all the way through their senior year.Career pathways are offered in high schools for students to consider the course sequence necessary to be prepared for a career in a profession of their choice. Hopkins County high school students and teachers also benefit from their school’s participation in the Advance Kentucky AP program, which provides training and resources to schools to remove barriers to Advanced Placement course enrollment and encourages more students to take these rigorous courses.
Hopkins County Schools has added many layers of support for students to be successful at each grade level. The district focuses on the importance of using the formative assessment process so all teachers and students use learning targets to guide teaching, learning and assessment. Teachers use classroom assessment data, district common assessment data, and universal screener data to drive instruction and make decisions regarding intervention, remediation and extension activities for students. Elementary and middle school students take the MAP assessment three times each year. Teachers adjust their whole group and small group instruction based on MAP data analysis and Tier 2 students receive remediation of specific skills through the ExactPath platform. High school students take the CERT assessment three times each year and every student receives remediation for the specific skills needed to improve prior to taking the ACT.
The Hopkins County Central Office staff works to ensure that schools, teachers and students have access to technology and other instructional resources for an engaging, student-friendly learning environment. The district instructional directors work directly with school leadership teams to provide guidance and support for the formative assessment process, Principal Advisory Council meetings, and Professional Learning Community meetings as well as other district/school initiatives. Instructional directors also work directly with schools to provide focused guided planning coaching for grade-level or content-area teachers. Professional Learning is designed to provide opportunities for teachers to learn current, research-based instructional strategies and gain the technology skills necessary to provide 21st Century student learning. As a district, the mission is to educate, empower and inspire every child to reach his or her potential and be a continual learner, and its vision is to unite the community to support and value education so that every child can experience success and fulfillment. We are #TeamHopkins… One Team, One Mission, One Community. /
April Devine
Hopkins County
Disclaimer: Any views or opinions presented in the article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE).
Previous Topics
The School Report Card Secure sitewill open for district review of Finance data on March 15.Two tabs (Learning Environment and Finance) will open for review and input of 2016-17finance data. KDE has requested District Finance Officers (1) review the Finance tab to confirm the 2016-17 data is accurate, (2) calculate the school-level spending per student, and (3) ensure the school-level spending per student amounts are entered into the Learning Environment -- Students tab. District Finance Officers should work with local School Report Card Contacts if there are questions about access and data entry.If your district believes incorrect data has been loaded to the SRC, please contact Jessi Carlton or Steve Lyles.In order to obtain access to theSchool Report Card(SRC)secure site, each person must (1) have a KDE web apps ID and (2) be granted access to the SRC/FRC for that KDE web apps ID. Any questions regarding access should be directed to the district Web Apps Administrative Point of Contact (WAAPOC). District WAAPOCS are listed in the on-line School Directory.
All reviews of Finance tab data and entry of school-level spending per student data should be completed by close of business on April 15. Other than the Finance and Learning Environment tabs, no other verification or validation of SRC is required at this time. To assist district staff, the Calculating The School-Level Spending per Student guidance document has been created.
Pleasedirect any questions or concerns you have regarding the data or the parameters used to pull the information to either Jessi Carlton (502.564.3930 ext. 2468) or Steve Lyles (502.564.3930 ext. 4416). / Top of Page
A Chromebooks and iPads information document has been added to the website. For more details, please go to the Set Up TestNav on Chrome OS page on the Pearson TestNav 8 Online Support site.
The training or sandbox area in PearsonAccessnext is open for use in training staff for the EOC online field tests. This is also referred to as the “Brown” site, since it has a brown stripe across the top of the page. For questions, please contact Pearson at 888-437-1430.
•PearsonAccessnext Online User Guide
•Sandbox or Training Area
Schools may begin creating test sessions in PearsonAccessnext for the EOC field tests. Training and other documentation are available on the EOC page and in PearsonAccessnext. / Top of Page
Contact Information