Mike (L) / Mel (L) / Megan (L) / Lyndsay F. (L) / Rose (L)
Mathew / Andrew / Dan C. / Stacy / Harisha
Mike W. / Vinoka / Caitlin / Anna G. / Tanushree
Lucia / Bronwyn / Sean F. / Heather / Katie U.
John W. / Lindsay B
Culminating Assignment
Unit 3: Children’s Storybook
For this assignment you will be assigned groups of 4 to 5. The (L) designates the Group Leader. Please read each component and all requirements for the assignment carefully.
Part A: Research
With your group you will research one influential person during the 19th and early 20th Centuries and the major work the person is known for. Research information and details about that person in order to understand and have insight regarding the way the person thinks (in-depth knowledge). These are the areas you must research:
1. Background information (Bibliography)
2. Key dates (Time line) of their life
3. Major Contributions
4. Describe 5 major events that affected their work (social, economic, political or other events that are relevant). What were the major events that led to their philosophical approach (ways of thinking)?
5. Synopsis of their work
6. Impact their work has had on the 21st century
Groups / Influential People4 / Charles Darwin
3 / Albert Einstein
2 / Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov (Lenin)
5 / Luddites
Czar Alexander II
1 / William Wordsworth
Part B: Children’s Storybook
There are three sections to Part B. Please read the requirements carefully. In this section you with your group will create a children’s book to read to elementary students at .
Section 1: Creating the Storybook
- Create a book that is fun, creative and educational.
- The book should be a story about the person you have researched or an event that led to the philosophical approach of the person.
- This is a good time to show your creativity and have an impact on those that are reading your storybook.
These are some requirements when creating your book.
· The book must be bound
· It can be done on the computer, hand drawn or hand written for both the illustration and written components
· Make use of colours and different materials
· A creative, eye catching title page
· Accurate Historical Content
· References (any material used must be cited)
The book will be handed in after the presentation along with any material used to create the book for evaluation.
Section 2: Presentation
You and your group will be presenting your children’s book at Central Park Public School on . During your presentation, be creative and original.
You and your group will be graded on the delivery of the presentation and the material as well as the level of engagement of the students.
Section 3: Due Dates
______This will be your first day in the library. By the end of the period, you and your group will hand in the answers to the following questions for evaluation.
1. Bibliography
2. Create a Time line
3. What are the major contribution(s)? Explain
4. Describe 5 major events that affected the contribution(s) and why.
______This is your second day in the library. There will be two things that will be handed in at the end of the period.
· On a separate sheet of paper, list some ideas or materials your group is planning to use in creating the book. Also list some ideas on how you and your group is planning do your presentation
· Research your information and answer the following questions.
1. Provide a synopsis of his work or philosophical thought
2. What was the result of his work or philosophical theory?
3. How has it affected/influenced the 21st century?
______This day is a work period for your group to finalize and finish off what needs to be done. Prepare for your presentation on __ .
· Presentation date to be confirmed: ______
· At the end of the presentation, each group will hand in their book for evaluation.
Presentation Criteria / Points4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Organization / Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. / Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow. / Audience has difficulty following presentation because student jumps around / Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information.
Visuals / Students use different visuals to reinforce the story / Students used visuals from the book to reinforce the story / Students used minimal visuals to reinforce the story / Students did not any visuals
Content Knowledge / Student demonstrates full knowledge through the delivery of the content / Student is at ease with content, but fails to elaborate. / Student is uncomfortable with information / Student does not have grasp of information
Delivery / Student used a clear and confident voice. Students are actively engaged / Student's voice is clear. Students are moderately engaged / Audience members have difficulty hearing presentation. Students are somewhat engaged / Student speaks too quietly for students in the back of class to hear. Students are not engaged.
Creative / Students are creative and original throughout the presentation / Students are somewhat creative. Not much originality / Students are somewhat creative with no originality / Students are not creative or original
Total →
Children’s Storybook
Creativity 5 4 3 2 1
Original 5 4 3 2 1
Illustrations 5 4 3 2 1