Autism Commission
22+/Employment and Higher Education Sub-Committee
April 5, 2017–2:45pm – 4:00pm
500 Harrison Avenue
Present: Carolyn Kain, Dianne Lescinskas, Todd Garvin, Lea Hill, Dian Bohannon, Terry Farrell and Michael Stepansky.
Ms. Kain welcomed everyone to this meeting of 22+/Employment and Higher Education and called the meeting to order at 2:45 pm.
Ms. Kain started the meeting by sharing a draft document that she had created with information for Adults who could be eligible for services through state agencies. (See attachment) This is a draft and Ms. Kain asked that the members of this sub-committee give comments and feedback. It could be used as a document sent out as part of an email blast to members of AANE or other organizations. Some suggestions were as follows:
- Use the language of Expanded Eligibility in the opening paragraph
- Think of the language in the document from a young adult with ASD perspective – it may need to include language that says they can bring a companion with them to apply for services
- List specific services – provide a link to the service
- Who is the intended audience? Pilot the information and get feedback prior to sending out to a larger group (AANE?)
Discussion around the challenges of getting a diagnosis as an adult was discussed. Beth Israel has one or two physicians that are well versed in this testing. AANE refers clients to Beth Israel. Other challenges noted:
- Lack of adult providers to do a full neuropsychological evaluation
- Most place that do the evaluation have a 12-18 month backlog
- Mass Health not accepting all diagnosis’ – they require certain testing
- DSM-V testing
- DDS has certain criteria to be eligible and it includes getting a diagnosis from a qualified physician (they will look back at school records and IEP for a diagnosis)
Ms. Kain informed the committee that MRC will pay for testing if it will lead to employment. She will reach out to MRC to get clarifying language around this benefit.
Ms. Farrell mentioned that her organization receives about 1-2 calls per month from aging parents looking to get their adult child a diagnosis. Many of these adults will seek out DMH services due to behavior and sometimes end up homeless. DDS works with DMH to address some of theseissues but the individual still needs to have the ASD diagnosis for services.
Ms. Kain updated the committee on a meeting she had with DMH and their PATH program. They are looking to provide ASD training to staff at the homeless shelters as well as their outreach workers.
Michael Stepansky, from DMH, updated the committee on employment services and the Clubhouse model.
- Clubhouse offers tiers of support
- Transitional Employment support (position lasts up to 9 months to build skills)
- Supported Employment
- Independent Employment (social support behind the scene)
It was noted that the Clubhouse is not getting many individuals with ASD as clients. The reasons could vary and may include that the clubhouse is at capacity or the individual does not believe the clubhouse model is right for them.
Mr. Stepansky went on to discuss the Recovery Learning Community model.
- Similar to the clubhouse (peer run)
- The members set the agenda and programming
- No eligibility needed; just self-disclosure
- No application and they do not track attendance
- Not intended to be a social club – more of a job skill club
- Focus is on employment but in a casual setting
Barriers to Employment
- Mixed results with MRC
- Employer training on ASD is needed
- Stigma attached to self-disclosure
- Obtaining the job
How to strengthen Employment Opportunities
- Frontload Support (soft skills, interview and application process etc.)
- Educate Employers on the strengths of individuals with ASD
- Build supports in the natural environment
- Life Map and Coaching
- Build skills that are needed to not just obtain the job but keep the job
- Work Without Limits – Dianne will reach out and ask if they will present on their work to both the 22+ and 14-22/Employment Committee
- CVS – they have a large supported employment program
- MRC’s pharmacy technician training with CVS
- PSA on the strengths of ASD for employers
The next meeting for this subcommittee has been scheduled for May 3rd at 1:15-2:30pm.