COM-001-WECC-CRT-1 Digital Circuits Synchronization Page 1 of 6
- Title: Digital Circuits Synchronization
- Number:COM-001-WECC-CRT-1
- Purpose:To minimize digital circuit timing problems between WECC entities owning or operating digital Time Division Multiplex(TDM) telecommunication networks. Timing circuit problems will be minimized by establishing synchronization requirements for the WECC telecommunication networks.
- Applicability:
- Functional Entities:
- TransmissionOperator thatowns or operatesTDM telecommunication systems.
- TransmissionOwnerthat owns or operatesTDM telecommunication systems.
- Effective Date:September 20, 2011
B.Requirements and Measures
WR1. Each Transmission Owner andeach TransmissionOperator shall employ atleastoneGlobalPositioningSystem (GPS) referencedorautonomous referenced(e.g.cesiumbeam)PrimaryReferenceSource(PRS) clockwith alongtermaccuracy of+1x10-11withasliprate of1slipper 72 days (stratum 1).
WM1. Each Transmission Owner and each Transmission Operator shall make available documentation showing the existence and use of at least one PRS within a telecommunication network per WR1.
WR2. EachTransmissionOwner andeachTransmission Operator’s telecommunicationsnetwork shallhave built-intimingredundancies suchthatloss ofaPRSreferencesignaldoes notresult inlossof stratum1timingtraceabilityto network elements.
WM2.EachTransmission Owner andeach TransmissionOperatorshall provide evidencethatitstelecommunicationnetworkshave built-in timingredundanciessuchthatloss ofareferencesignaldoesnotresult inalossinstratum 1 timingtraceabilityto networkelements perWR2.
Acceptableevidence oftimingredundanciesinclude:
- Diagrams or drawingsshowinghowtimingsignals propagate withinthe network(s);
- Screenshotsof network managementmonitoringsystems showingnetwork timingsignal propagationorroutes;
- Diagrams, drawings, or screenshots ofindividualequipment configurationindicatingcapabilityto usemultipletimingsignals traceable to stratum 1.
WR3. Each Transmission Owner andTransmissionOperator’s telecommunicationsnetwork shallhaveeachofthefollowing capabilitiesinrespondingtosystem or clockfailures:
3.1.Telecommunicationequipmentshall besettoautomatically reconfigure timingreferencesourcessuchthattraceabilityto stratum1PRSismaintained.
3.2.PRS clockfailures,includingloss ofaGPSsignal source,shall be alarmedand monitored.
3.3.SynchronousOptical NETwork(SONET)elementsshallindicate lossofstratum1 traceabilitydue toPRSfailures.
WM3.EachTransmission Ownerandeach TransmissionOperatorshall provide evidencethatitstelecommunicationnetworkshaveeach ofthe capabilitieslistedinWR3.
WR4.Each Transmission Owner andeach TransmissionOperator shall employ synchronization planningtoreflect eachofthefollowing:
4.1.Timingfor eachnodeinatelecom networkistraceable toa PRS clockper WR1.
4.2.Clockswithless thanstratum1accuracyshall notbeused except in emergencysituations.
4.3.The planis reviewed andupdatedevery12months.
WM4. EachTransmission Owner andeach TransmissionOperatorshallmake availablesynchronization planning documentationreflectingasa minimum eachoftheattributes listedinWR4.
Version History
Version / Date / Action / Change Tracking1 / 3/3/2011 / OperatingCommittee Approval / Developed as WECC-0066. Initial Version
1 / 6/22/2011 / WECCBoard ofDirectors Approved / Final
1 / 9/5/2012 / WECC Board of Directors changed designation from “CRT” to “RBP”. / Designation change
1 / 6/25/2014 / WECC Board of Directors changed designation from “RBP” to “CRT”. / Designation change
1 / 4/1/2016 / No Change / Converted to new template
1 / 5/17/2016 / Five-Year Review / In accordance with the Procedures, documents created under the Procedures require review each five years. This document was reviewed by the available members of the original drafting team. The team concluded that no changes were needed. That report was provided to the WSC in June 2016.
WECC receives data used in its analyses from a wide variety of sources. WECC strives to source its data from reliable entities and undertakes reasonable efforts to validate the accuracy of the data used. WECC believes the data contained herein and used in its analyses is accurate and reliable. However, WECC disclaims any and all representations, guarantees, warranties, and liability for the information contained herein and any use thereof. Persons who use and rely on the information contained herein do so at their own risk.
Attachment A–References
WECCTELWGGuideline,“Digital CircuitsSynchronization”,March 2010.
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Western Electricity Coordinating Council