Woodgrove High School PTSO
General Meeting Minutes
Date: 2-11-14
Time: 7:03
Place: WHS Library
Attendance: Susanne Kahler, Tia Brierton, Geri Fiori, Chris Vann, William Shipp, Pam Hayba, Phoebe Smith, Christy Hollar, Maura Walsh-Copeland, Karina Chiesa, Gina Bingaman, Diane Bath, Kelley Hines, Denise Hawthorne
Minutes from meeting 1-14-14 approved.
Officers’ Reports:
President (Susanne Kahler):
1. Public comment opportunities coming up in February for LCPS budget proposal.
2. “Dinner and a Show” as well as Coffee fundraiser proceeding.
1st Vice President (Phoebe Smith):
1. Teacher nominations for “teacher of the year” through Shenandoah University discussed. Karen Castelli, David Bishop, Stacey Hobbs and Emily Stevens names were raised as potential nominees. After discussion, the motion was made by Chris Vann to nominate Emily Stevens and Stacey Hobbs. Motion seconded by Phoebe Smith. Student and colleague recommendations for these nominations needed now. Phoebe and Susanne working on this.
2. Bunny Hop-5K –Sherri and Phoebe will initiate this fundraiser.
2nd Vice President (Chris Vann):
1. “Woodgrove Grounds” launching tomorrow for the first time. If successful, this will be a regular occurring fundraiser.
Treasurer (Tia Brierton):
1. PTSO and GNP printed financial summary provided. General PTSO funds $9,226.39. GNP has $1861.39. One outstanding item-Carolyn Saunders scholarship not yet cashed.
2. Tia broke expenses into subcategories so it will be easy to see what we spend on average for different events with printed copy provided.
3. Kaplan will provide testing for one student as charity and Geri will pass along a name to Tia.
Committee Reports:
Fundraising (Sherri Zoldos): absent
Hospitality (Karina Chiesa): No Report
Membership (Adrienne Lyne) absent
Other Official Reports:
Volunteer Coordinator (Christy Hollar): No added information to previously reported fundraisers (5K and “Dinner and A Show”).
MSACC (Michele Watts-Rivera): absent
LEAP representative (Maura Walsh-Copeland):
1. Internet safety is topic of next LEAP meeting.
Webmaster (Maura Walsh-Copeland): No report
Staff Representative (Kelley Hines):
1. March 22nd- Presentation at admin building “When the Bus Stops Coming” to review support services for those students who will continue to need support after graduation (i.e. estate planning, etc)
2. Building request form can be accessed on the website (Google doc form) now. Will make booking events, etc more streamlined. Three week advance notice required and online entries will be time stamped. Will go into effect Feb 24th.
Parent Liaison (Pam Hayba)
1. March 29th Share and Shop
Principal (William Shipp)
1. Federal funding for activity buses (M,W,F) leave at 5:15
2. Report cards distributed last week and grades can be accessed on Clarity.
3. Attendance-kids continue to do well. With winter weather, safety is first for kids-do not come if circumstances not safe. These absences will be excused. If student is a senior, they will have to work it out with teacher for exam exemption (2 absences per class) –up to teacher discretion.
4. SOL-(juniors) week of March 17th writing (2 components)
5. Building use-Kelley went through changes
6. Scheduling for sophomores occured last week and upcoming 9th graders will schedule this next week. June 1st last day for schedule changes.
7. “We the People”-placed 3rd in the state.
8. Drama play Nine Princesses going up this Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
9. Hosted “All County Chorus” this past weekend. It was a wonderful performance.
10. Academic Team- 2nd in region and will go to States semi-finals.
11. Finals of conference tournaments this weekend—gymnastics, swimming, etc.
New Business:
1. Nominating committee needs to be formed. Need hospitality chair and secretary.
2. Two funding requests: Gina Bingaman requested funds for (TSA) Technology Student Association to be used for regional competition fees. Twenty three students are going to regional competition March 1st. Three will head to state and then possibly nationals. Susanne made a motion to approve the request for $500. Tia seconded the motion and it was approved. Geri Fiori requested funds to send Ryan Thomas to the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Seminar this summer at JMU. Tia made a motion to fund the $195 request and Phoebe seconded it.
Meeting adjourned at: 8:38
Minutes compiled by: Jackie Erb