Table 2. Annual expected health impact by individual treatment offered in isolation or by combination of treatments
Intervention / treatment group / “Patients-to-be-treated” (% of all patients)* / Risk of death by treatment status group / No. of expected deaths / RRR for death / PPE-deaths
(% of all expected) / No. of readmissions
/patient / Expected readmissions due to all causes / RRR for readmission / PPE-readmissions
(% of all expected) / Readmissions (all causes) prevented as % of
all EMAs
Model 1 (optimal uptake of spironolactone, carvedilol and N-LEI by individual treatment)
S Alone / 169 (59%) / 0.32 / 54 / 0.30 [10] / 16 (18%) / 0.54 / 91 / 0.18 [10] / 16 (11%) / 0.14%
C Alone / 180 (63%) / 0.32 / 58 / 0.35 [30] / 20 (22%) / 0.54 / 97 / 0.2 [31] / 19 (13%) / 0.17%
N-LEI Alone / 243 (85%) / 0.32 / 78 / *** [11] / 0 (0%) / 0.54 / 131 / 0.23 [11] / 30 (20%) / 0.26%
Model 2 (optimal combined uptake of spironolactone and carvedilol by all eligible but untreated patients)
S Alone / 63 (22%) / 0.32 / 20 / 0.30 [10] / 6 / 0.54 / 34 / 0.18 [10] / 6
C Alone / 74 (26%) / 24 / 0.35 [30] / 8 / 40 / 0.2 [31] / 8
S + C / 106 (37%) / 34 / 0.55** / 19 / 57 / 0.34* / 20
No S/C / 43 (15%) / 14 / 0 / 0 / 23 / 0 / 0
Model 2 total / 286 / 92 / 33 (36%) / 154 / 34 (22%) / 0.29%
Model 3 (optimal combined uptake of spironolactone, carvedilol and N-LEI by all eligible but untreated patients)
S Alone / 9 (3%) / 0.32 / 3 / 0.30 [10] / 1 / 0.54 / 5 / 0.18 [10] / 1
C Alone / 11 (4%) / 4 / 0.35 [30] / 1 / 6 / 0.20 [31] / 1
N-LEI Alone / 37 (13%) / 12 / *** [11] / 0 / 20 / 0.23 [11] / 5
S + C / 16 (6%) / 5 / 0.55** / 3 / 9 / 0.34* / 3
C +N-LEI / 63 (22%) / 20 / 0.35** / 7 / 34 / 0.38* / 13
S + N-LEI / 53 (19%) / 17 / 0.30** / 5 / 29 / 0.37* / 11
S + C + N-LEI / 90 (31%) / 29 / 0.55** / 16 / 49 / 0.49* / 24
No S/C/N-LEI / 7 (2%) / 2 / 0 / 0 / 4 / 0 / 0
Model 3 total / 286 / 92 / 33 (36%) / 154 / 57 (37%) / 0.5%

S=Spironolactone, C=Carvedilol, N-LEI-Nurse-led educational intervention, RRR = Relative Risk Reduction, PPE = Prevented or Postponed Events, EMA = emergency medical admission

*See Appendix ** As per reference [35] *** Unclear