Project/Sponsor Eligibility
- Project/Sponsor Eligibility
- The City of Corona submitted its 2005 Urban Water Management Plan to the DWR in June of 2008.
- Neither Corona nor Western Municipal Water District (WMWD) have submitted AB 1420 documentation to DWR for different grant programs for the Arlington Desalter Connection Project No. 27-1208 & Western Municipal Water District Promenade Connection (Arlington Desalter Promenade Connection).
- The Arlington Desalter Promenade Connection is neither a groundwater management nor recharge project.
- Water Supply Benefits
- The Arlington Desalter Promenade Connection is one of the building blocks for WMWD’s integration of water supply for retail and wholesale customers (water suppliers) within its service area. Certain portions of WMWD’s retail and wholesale customers are primarily dependent upon State Project water and are affected by a shutdown or reduction in delivery from that system. Corona has a balanced water supply coming from local groundwater, MWD’s Colorado River water via Lake Matthews and MWD’s State Project Water from the Henry J. Mills Treatment Plant. Corona’s location and emergency inter-ties with Riverside, Norco and the Lee Lake Water Districts make it possible for Western to provide water to wheel water to those agencies through Corona’s system. Further Corona balanced water supply will allow it to provide water to WMWD and other agencies during outages or reductions in water from the Colorado River or State Project systems. Later projects planned by WMWD would build on this early integration of water supply systems by constructing interconnections between its Arlington Desalter Pipeline with the Chino Basin Desalter, estimated for 2014, and its La Sierra –Mills retail system. Lastly, the Arlington Desalter Promenade Connection can be used to resolve water related conflicts within WMWD’s service area because it gives WMWD and its local agencies more water supply alternatives for dealing with Tier 2 drought reductions and their related cutbacks for use of Colorado River and State Project waters.
- Corona’s water system has the ability to deliver up to 10 million gallons per day (MGD) or 11,202 acre feet per year(AFY) into the Arlington Desalter pipeline; WMWD has the ability to deliver up to 4 MGD or 4480 AFYto Corona’s system. WMWD’s capacity would increase as other supplies are developed and connected to the Arlington Desalter pipeline. The most recent review of Corona’s water supply, the “Water Supply Assessment for the Arantine Hills Specific Plan Project Corona, CA” can be used to judge Corona’s ability to produce water needed to match the connection capacity. This water supply assessment identified Corona’s unused water supply capacity in excess of 30,000 acre (AFY) for Normal and Single-Year Drought conditions from 2010 through year 2030 (see Table 12, page 26).
- Water Quality/Salt Management Benefits
- The Arlington Desalter Promenade Connections can help WMWD and its member agencies meet salinity guidelines and regulations for the Santa Ana River Basin by allowing greater access to desalter water supply for local water agencies; capacity of the Arlington Desalter can be maximized to a greater extent throughout the year because of the ability to distribute it to other water agencies; additional desalter water will be made available as the Chino Desalter is expanded and new connections are made to the Arlington Desalter Pipeline.
- Cost Effectiveness
- The engineer of record for the project estimated construction costs at $780,000 although design, construction management, inspection and administration are expected to increase the total project cost to approximately $900,000.
- Project Readiness.
- Design plans and technical specifications have been completed and reviewed by both agencies. The plans will be routed for signature to WMWD and the Corona City Engineer within the next 2 weeks. Corona expects to have the project advertised for bids in late September with project award and notice to proceed in early January, 2011.
- Western prepared the CEQA analysis in 2008; Corona’s City Council approved the Mitigated Negative Declaration in May 2009.
- Active Partnerships
- Corona and WMWD executed an agreement for the construction of the Arlington Desalter Connection on October 1, 2008.
- Natural Hydrology and Land Use
- Not proposed in the application.
- Cost Match
- A Prop 84 grant helps lower costs to the proponents, Corona and WMWD, allowing them to spread their scarce revenues to more projects, it helps encourage projects that integrate regional resources that benefit other water agencies within WMWD’s service area that are not party to the agreement and it helps lower and or maintain water costs in the face of developing new expensive water supplies.
- Corona’s share of project costs were included in its 2010-2011 Capital Improvement Budget approved by City Council on June 15, 2010. Western is preparing a budget request for its Board of Directors to approve its share of the project. A copy of the project schedule is included.
- Not applicable.
- Not applicable.
- The project is not eligible for Prop 1E funding.
- Corona and WMWD would be faced with delaying other high priority construction and capital replacement projects to make funds available for constructing the Arlington Desalter Promenade Connection.