APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP 2016 (Jan 1st to Dec 31st)
Name: / M/FAddress:
Postcode: / First claim Club: (if not Thornbury)
Date of birth: / County of birth:
Tel no (home): / Tel no (mobile):
Occupation (optional)
e-mail address (for the TRC mailing list):
Type of member / Fee / Late supplement(after end of February) / Tick / Cumulative total
Full adult member / £15 / £5
Student (NUS card) / £8 / £4
Junior (U16) – see note 3 / £1 / £1
Associate or second claim member – see note 4 / £7 / £3
Additional adult family member / £11 per person / £5
- For re-joining members only, a late payment supplement will be added for payments made after the end of February.
- Family Membership is restricted to family members who normally reside at the main address given above.
- Applications from Juniors (U16) will only be accepted as part of Family Membership.
- A second claim member is someone who has chosen another club as their first claim club. An associate member is a TRC member who is retiring/has retired from running with the Club, but who wishes to continue in membership. This is also open to volunteers (e.g. friends or partners of existing members) who have no wish to participate actively in our sporting activities, but offer a helping hand.
- For new members joining after July 1st there are reduced fees - please ask the Secretary for details.
- For new members joining after 30th September payment of full membership fees gives membership valid up to the end of the following year.
Additional Family Members
Full name / M/F / Date of birth / County of birth1.
I/we wish to join/rejoin Thornbury Running Club and agree to abide by the Club Rules. As a member/members of Thornbury Running Club I/we agree to take part in the rota for assisting at Club-organised races, for marshalling or other duties as required. I/we understand that if called upon I/we will be expected to help. I/we declare that each applicant named above is an amateur as defined by the eligibility rules of UK Athletics. I/we acknowledge that Thornbury Running Club cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage sustained during Club activities.
I/we enclose payment of £…….... for the 2016 inclusive fees.
Please indicate (x) if payment made on-line
SIGNED……………………………………………… DATE…………………………
Payment can be made on line or by cheque. In either case the completed application form must be sent to the Secretary: Sue Carscadden, 37 Adelante Close, Stoke Gifford, BS34 8RT
(tel: 01454 773993) or e-mailed to
On-line payments should be made to Account No 01190517 Bank Sort Code 30-12-04
Cheques should be made payable to THORNBURY RUNNING CLUB
TRC 2016