Blugold Beginnings – Mentor
Our Mission: to inspire fifth through twelfth grade students, especially underrepresented, low-income or first generation students, to believe that a post-secondary education is important, attainable and available at UW-Eau Claire and other post-secondary institutions.
Mentor Description 2013-2014: Blugold Beginnings mentors are placed in area elementary, middle or high schools. Mentors work to enhance their assigned students’ academic performance and bring awareness to the options and benefits of higher education. Mentoring takes place during after school and some weekend events. Mentors are expected to meet with their mentee(s) a minimum of twice a week. Mentor time commitments and schedules are unique and dependent on school schedules and mentor schedules. Mentors are encouraged to join the Blugold Beginnings student organization and participate in the annual Tour Days. Transportation to and from school sites is the responsibility of the mentor, limited carpooling available.
• Attend all mentor training sessions and staff meetings
• Work with teachers and Blugold Beginnings Staff to accomplish student goals
• Tutor students in subject areas needing support
• Be creative in motivating students to learn, stay on task and complete work
• Document students’ progress using Skyward and College Knowledge Binder
• Engage in the mentor/mentee relationship with an open mind and be a positive role model
• Create a safe and fun learning environment
• Be sensitive to the student’s learning style and adapt your own tutoring style to support it
• Discuss and reinforce “college knowledge” and the importance of higher education
• Encourage attending college as a plan for their future
• Participate in and assist with a variety of Blugold Beginnings events throughout the academic year
• Communicate with family of assigned mentee(s) on a monthly basis with student progress reports
How a position with Blugold Beginnings will benefit you and your future career:
· Transfer academic knowledge to real-world situations
· Analyze the impact mentoring has on academic and personal growth
· Practice effective time management skills
· Integrate skills utilized through mentoring experience in future career
· Support other mentors to create a positive and cohesive environment
· Facilitate effective communication with mentees, their parents, and other program staff
· Create a worthwhile experience that enhances your professional development
· Formulate and hone a professional attitude and work ethic
· Develop and utilize skills for promoting equity, diversity, and inclusivity in a professional context
· Execute effective critical thinking skills in academic, social, and professional contexts
Priority application deadline: Dec. 20th, 2013, positions open until filled
Complete a Blugold Beginnings Mentor Application and submit to:
Blugold Beginnings Brewer 50, PO Box 4004
Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004
EMAIL: • PHN: 715-836-3015 • FAX: 715-836-5225