Elementary School
Student Last Name First Name
Date of Birth ______/______/______Home Phone # ( ) ______
day month year Email Address ______
Legal Address
Number and Street Name
City/Town Postal Code
Last Name First Name Work Phone #
Last Name First Name Work Phone #

Elementary School Teacher Recommendations:

English / o Locally Developed / o Applied / o Academic / o Enhanced
Mathematics / o Locally Developed
·  For students performing at the grade 5-6 math level / o Applied
·  For students at grade level but struggle in math / o Academic
·  For students at grade level / o Enhanced
Science / o Locally Developed / o Applied / o Academic
French / o Open / o Applied / o Academic
Geography / o Applied / o Academic
Support Program / o Math Support Class Sem.1 leads to MFM1P1 Sem.2
·  For students who have gaps in math from grade 7 and 8 / o Empower Class Sem.1 leads to
ENG1L1 Sem.2
·  For students who have gaps in phonetics and coding words

1.Students must choose ONE from each of the following six courses. Please note you will choose either Female or Male physical education. Be sure to check the teacher recommendations above to ensure that you are choosing the appropriate course-changes are NOT easily made.

English / o ENG1L1 Locally Developed / o ENG1P1 Applied / o ENG1D1 Academic / o ENG1D1E Enhanced
Mathematics / o MAT1L1 Locally Developed / o MFM1P1 Applied / o MPM1D1 Academic / o MPM1D1E Enhanced
Science / o SNC1L1 Locally Developed / o SNC1P1 Applied / o SNC1D1 Academic
French / o FSF1O1 Open / o FSF1P1 Applied / o FSF1D1 Academic
Geography / o CGC1P1 Applied / o CGC1D1 Academic
Phys. Ed. / o PPL1O1F (female) o PPL1O1M (male)
Elearning / There are elearning options for grade 9 students. Please call Ms. Susi in guidance for more information at 905-573-3000 ext. 5014

2.Students must choose TWO of the following courses: ONE from each box.

Dramatic Arts Instrumental Music
□ ADA1O1 □ AMU1O1
Visual Arts
□ AVI1O1 / Introduction to Information Technology in Business
□ BTT1O1
Food and Nutrition Exploring Technologies
□ HFN1O1 □ TIJ1O1


Please check off any life threatening conditions, physical limitations or any other concerns which might affect the student.

□ Epilepsy / □ Fainting Spells / □ Ear, Nose, Throat Infections
□ Diabetes / □ Digestive Upsets / □ Hemophilia
□ Migraine Headaches / □ Nosebleeds / □ Asthma
□ Medic Alert Identification
Medic Alert for:
______/ □ Other:
______/ □ Allergy
□ Food ______
□ insect stings ______
□ drugs ______
Does the student have an asthma inhaler? Yes □ No □
Does the student have an EPIPEN? Yes □ No □

Please include the following with this Option Sheet:

□ a copy of the most recent report card

□ a copy of the most recent Individual Education Plan (IEP) if the student is receiving special education/resource room assistance

Option Sheets must be submitted to Saltfleet District High School

no later than Friday, February 2, 2018

Elementary Principal’s Comments and Signature: