Towson University, College of Education

Department of Special Education

SPED 644.211Universal Design for Learning and Differentiated Instruction

Instructor/Contact Information:Brenda Workmeister, , 410-446-1072

Office Location/Hours:Armistead Gardens by appointment

Course Location/Time: Armistead Gardens /4:15-6:45pm


Text: Rose, D.; Meyer, A.; Gordon, D. (2013). Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice. CAST: Wakefield, MA. Digital text: Retrievedonline at

Paper text: Purchase at

Articles: Selected articles will be assigned on a weekly basis (see bibliography and tentative course outline for details). These articles will be linked on the SPED 644 Course Gateway at or on the UDL Connect site:

Optional Text

Text: Novak, K. (2014)UDL Now A Teachers’ Monday-Morning Guide to Implementing Common Core Standards using Universal Design for Learning.CAST: Wakefield, MA.

Towson University College of Education’s Mission: To inspire, educate and prepare facilitators of active learning for diverse and inclusive communities of learners in environments that are technologically advanced.

Towson University’s Conceptual Framework: All students should be able to identify and discuss the Conceptual Framework. It is our mission statement that is operationalized by required content, professional and pedagogical national, state, and institutional standards.


SPED 644 UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR LEARNING AND DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION (3) Designed for both teachers and administratorswith a focus on applying the universal design for learning framework to currentinstructional practices, specifically, the design of flexible goals, materials, methods, and assessments that accuratelyreflect and encourage student learning.

COURSE GOALS: The purpose of this course is to introduce special and general educators to the Universal Design for Learning Framework and differentiated instructional practices. The course will focus on current research and practices pertaining to:

1)Goals and indicators of students performance prior to and throughout instructional units;

2)Methods, specifically strategies for differentiating content, process, product and environment;

3)Materials that are flexible and can be customized and adjusted for individual needs; and

4)Assessment practices that accurately reflect and encourage student learning.

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Program and Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Standards Addressed in this Course

CEC Preparation Standards / InTASC Teacher Standards
A. Learners and Learning / A. Learner and Learning
1. Learner Development and Individual Learning Differences
2. Learning Environments / 1. Learner Development
2. Learning Differences
3. Learning Environments
B. Content / B. Content
3. Curricular Content Knowledge / 4. Content Knowledge
5. Applications of Content
C. Instructional Pedagogy / C. Instructional Pedagogy
4. Assessment
5. Instructional Planning and Strategies / 6. Assessment
7. Planning for Instruction
8. Instructional Strategies
D. Professionalism and Collaboration / D. Professionalism and Collaboration
6. Professional Learning and Ethical Practice
7. Collaboration / 9. Professional Learning and Ethical Practice
10. Leadership and Collaboration

Teachers are expected to routinely use technology to support student learning and assessment. Use of technology has been embedded within the CEC and the InTASC standards. To ensure a clear connection between courses taught within the College of Education and the use of technology, the College of Education developed a standard specifically addressing technology within education (i.e., COE Standard 11). COE 11 also aligns with the Maryland Teacher Technology Standards

Upon completion of this course, students will have knowledge of and be able to demonstrate behaviors and competencies as described below:


•Demonstrate an understanding of learning theory, subject matter, curriculum development and student development and know how to use this knowledge in planning instruction to meet curriculum goals. (CEC 1, InTASC 1, 4)

•Develop and implement motivational and instructional interventions to teach individuals with exceptionalities how to adapt to different environments. (CEC 2/InTASC 3)

•Use general and specialized content knowledge for teaching across curricular content areas to individualize learning for individuals with exceptionalities. (CEC 3/InTASC 4,5)

•Use knowledge of measurement principles and practices to interpret assessment results and guide educational decisions for individuals with exceptionalities. (CEC 4, InTASC 6)

•Consider an individual’s abilities, interests, learning environments, and cultural and linguistic factors in the selection, development, and adaptation of learning experiences for individuals with exceptionalities. (CEC 5, InTASC 7,8)

•Use technologies to support instructional assessment, planning and delivery for individuals with exceptionalities. (CEC 5, InTASC 7,8)

•Create and implement lesson plans that use multiple teaching and learning strategies to engage students in active learning opportunities that promote the development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance capabilities and that help students assume responsibility for identifying and using learning resources. (CEC 5/InTASC 8)

•Demonstrate an understanding of the significance of lifelong learning and participate in professional activities and learning communities. (CEC 6, InTASC 9)

•Advance the profession by engaging in activities such as advocacy and mentoring. (CEC 6, InTASC 9)

•Provide guidance/direction to paradeducators, tutors and volunteers. (CEC 6, InTASC 9)

•Collaborate to promote the well-being of individuals with and without exceptionalities across a wide range of settings and collaborators. (CEC 7, InTASC 10)

•COE Technology Standard - Teachers are expected to routinely use technology to support student learning and assessment. Use of technology has been embedded within the CEC and the InTASC standards. To ensure a clear connection between courses taught within the College of Education and the use of technology, the College of Education developed a standard specifically addressing technology within education (i.e., COE Standard 11). COE 11 also aligns with the Maryland Teacher Technology Standards

Essential Dispositions for Educators:

At Towson University, we recognize the importance of preparing candidates who are worthy to join the education profession. All students enrolled in the Professional Education Unit programs are expected to develop a professional conscience by demonstrating important human characteristics and dispositions necessary to work with diverse and inclusive communities of learners. Following is a list of dispositions, including important diversity proficiencies, which have been identified as core behaviors expected of all graduates of all Unit programs. As candidates progress through coursework and field experiences, they are expected to demonstrate increased understanding and eventual mastery of these dispositions.

  • Commitment to Professional Practice

The successful candidate:

  • Respects and models high academic standards, and demonstrates proficiency in academic writing and professional oral presentation. (INTASC/CEC Standards 6, 9)
  • Demonstrates a repertoire of pedagogical skills that develop all students’ critical and independent thinking, and performance capabilities. (CEC/INTASC Standards 4,5,7)
  • Uses ongoing assessment as an integral part of the instructional process. (INTASC/CEC Standard 8)
  • Reflects on practice regularly in order to improve student learning. (INTASC/CEC Standard 9)
  • Makes decisions based on ethical and legal principles, including respect for confidentiality. (INTASC/CEC Standards 1,9)
  • Caring for the Success and Well-being of All Students

The successful candidate:

  • Believes that all students can learn and persists in facilitating their success. (INTASC/CEC Standards 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9)
  • Accepts and demonstrates responsibility for improving learning for all students. (INTASC/CEC Standards 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9)
  • Values co-operation with colleagues, students, and families by respecting their views on improving student achievement. (INTASC/CEC Standard 9)
  • Models the virtues of an educated person, including the drive to work hard and become flexible. (INTASC/CEC Standard 9)
  • Demonstrates culturally responsive teaching and celebrates cultural differences. (INTASC/CEC Standards 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10).
  • Collaboration with Colleagues and Stakeholders

The successful candidate:

  • Establishes and contributes to a positive learning climate for all students. (INTASC/CEC Standards 2, 3, 4, 5)
  • Engages in continual learning and discussion with other professionals. (INTASC/CEC Standards 9, 10)
  • Recognizes families, colleagues, and supervisors as partners in teaching and learning by creating opportunities to involve them in instructional decisions. (INTASC/CEC Standards 3, 9, 10).
  • Seeks expert knowledge in order to improve teaching and learning. (INTASC/CEC Standards 9, 10)
  • Accepts suggestions and implements changes to improve professional practice. (INTASC/CEC Standard s 9, 10)


Participation: The format of this course includes case studies, lecture/discussions, hands on activities and problem solving. Students are expected to be prepared, actively involved, and willing to share their perspectives, knowledge and experiences. Students will earn participation points during each class meeting.

Attendance: Students are expected to attend all class sessions. If you are unable to attend, you are expected to notify the instructor prior to missing class. You are responsible for obtaining all notes, handouts, assignments, etc—you may retrieve most class materials from the course Blackboard site or Connect site. If you miss class more than once or miss portions of two classes, your grade may be lowered by one letter grade. In the case of extended illness, you are responsible for contacting the instructor immediately, and options will be discussed.

Class Cancellation: In the event of inclement weather, please listen for announcements of Towson University closings, which are made by WBAL (1090 AM), on TV, on the TU web, and through TU text messaging. Please note: Courses that are taught at school sites follow the closing policy of the district.If schools are closed due to inclement weather (either early closing or full day closing), no classes will be held. In the event of a cancellation, you will be provided with an applicable on-line or other alternative assignment that requires comparable instruction and time to complete.

Technology: This is a technology-enhanced course. Throughout the semester, we may utilize Blackboard,synchronous or asynchronous web platforms and a variety of Web 2.0 tools. In addition, course materials can be accessed by visiting the Course Gateway for SPED 644, housed on the Cook Library Website: and the UDL Connect site for SPED 644. Every effort will be made to communicate important information via email, but students are reminded to visit the Connect site to check for announcements and detailed information about assignments.

Blackboard tech support:

  • Self Help Documents:
  • Email support:

Technology Etiquette:

  • Please set the ringer to your cell phone to vibrate or silent while you are in the classroom. Unless there is an emergency, you should not be making or receiving phone calls or text messages during class.
  • The computers in the classroom are for academic use. Unless used for a class activity, please refrain from accessing your email andbrowsing non-academic sites.
  • Failure to adhere to the technology etiquette guidelines will result in a deduction of points from your participation grade.

Professional Behavior:It will be expected that all students in graduate education courses will conduct themselves in a professional manner. This includes interpersonal dealings, conflict resolution, and managing responsibilities with college staff, fellow students, and field placement personnel. The final grade may be lowered by one full letter grade for inappropriate behavior and/or failure to demonstrate the characteristics described in the essential dispositions.

Academic Integrity Policy: In all matters concerning academic integrity, cheating, and plagiarism, this course will comply with the Student Academic Integrity Policy as published by the Towson University Office of Judicial Affairs. The policy is available on the Provost’s website:

Writing Standards: Students are expected to apply professional standards to all work presented to the instructor, this includes written and electronic communication. The standard format for any written work in the College of Education is American Psychological Association (APA) Formatting and Style , or APA, unless otherwise indicated by the instructor. If you are unfamiliar with APA, it would benefit you to purchase the Publication Manual of the APA (6th ed.). Be sure to proofread your work and correct spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. You are also expected to use Person First language, (e.g., not “disabled students,” but “students with disabilities”). Always make a copy of your work for your records before submitting the original. You are responsible for submitting all assignments on time. An assignment will be considered late if it is not submitted at the class it is due. Assignments that do not follow professional standards are also subject to a grade penalty.

Additional resources for APA formatting:

  • Towson University Cook Library website
  • Special Education library liaison (Claire Holmes) is also available to assist you with applying professional writing standards. Her contact information is located at
  • APA tutorials at The tutorial for new users takes less than 22 minutes to complete.
  • A highly recommend resource is the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)

While the additional resources may be helpful, they should not be considered a substitute for directly consulting the APA manual (6th ed.).

Email Communication: All electronic communication regarding this course will be through the student’s Towson University email account only.

Concentration Statement: When completing projects and/or assignments in this course,TU students should select or will be assigned topics/observations which focus on the educational level of PreK-12 students in their declared area of special education concentration, e.g., infant/primary, elementary/middle or secondary/adult.

Diversity Statement: Diversity is a broad, dynamic term that includes, but is not limited to, ethnicity, race, gender, socioeconomic status, exceptionality, language, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and geographical location. Our values, beliefs, customs, and behaviors are shaped by any one or any combination of these attributes.

The lens through which our perceptions of diversity are constructed continuously change as a result of not only the context within which diversity is examined, but also the evolving of our individual sense of self.

The Department of Special Education at Towson University recognizes the importance of diversity in the development of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required of professional educators. Each course within the department provides students in teacher preparation programs with various information, activities, and assignments to guide them in developing the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that will enable them to work within diverse communities.

MSDE Institutional Performance Criteria for Diversity

Programs prepare professional educators to teach a diverse student population (ethnicity, socio-economic status, English Language Learners [ELL], giftedness and inclusion of students with special needs in regular classrooms).

a. The program provides instruction to - and assesses proficiency of - teacher candidates in developing and implementing integrated learning experiences for diverse student needs

b.The program provides instruction to - and to assesses proficiency of - teacher candidates in planning instruction, adapting materials, implementing differentiated instruction, and to provide positive behavior support for students with disabilities in an inclusive classroom

c.The program provides instruction to - and assesses proficiency of - teacher candidates in how to differentiate instruction for English Language Learners (ELL)

d.The program provides instruction to - and assesses proficiency of - teacher candidates’ in how to differentiate instruction for gifted and talented students

e.The program provides instruction to - and assesses proficiency of - teacher candidates in how to collaboratively plan and teach with specialized resource personnel

Within SPED 644 ways of developing the necessary knowledge, skills, and dispositions are reflected in the Using UDL to Solve Problems, the Lesson/Professional Development and the Self-Reflection projects to identify specifically how students will have diversity-related opportunities to learn.

Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance: Any student who may need an accommodation due to a disability should make an appointment with his/her instructor immediately in order to ensure all necessary accommodations. A memo from the Towson University Disability Support Services office (410-704-2638) will be needed.

Conferences: I assume that all students will be successful in this course. I am available for individual conferences with students when requested. If you feel you are having difficulty with the course, need further clarification of assignments, or assistance, please see me as soon as possible.

Withdrawal Date: The last day to withdraw with a grade of “W” is posted on the web. It is the the student’s responsibility to verify this information. You must officially withdraw from the course per TU policy—an email to the instructor is not sufficient.

Incomplete (I): Please note that the grade of (I) is assigned at the end of the term because of verifiable medical reasons or for other documented circumstances beyond the control of the intern. Unless the course is completed within the 180 days, the grade becomes an F unless changed to another letter grade. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements to complete course requirements to change the grade of I. Please refer to the Towson University Graduate Catalog or Towson University Undergraduate Catalog.

Repeating a Course: In accordance with university policy, a student may not repeat this course more than once without prior permission of the Academic Standards Committee.

Course/Instructor Evaluation Procedures: Student evaluations play a crucial role in my delivery of this course. This semester, all course evaluations will be administered online during the last two weeks of the course. You will receive an email with a link to the website with directions on how to access the survey. It is important that you complete the survey because I use the results to modify the course and assess my teaching, and the University uses the results to address technology and facility needs. You can be assured that your responses will be confidential. The results will be transmitted to me after the grading period and they will not include any identifying information. Any questions regarding the evaluations or the procedures governing its distribution and completion may be directed to Dr. Betsy Neville, Chairperson, Department of Special Education, Psychology Building, Room 311, 410-704-4499.


Classwork (25%):

  • Attendance and Participation Attendance and participation are essential to success in this course. Frequent absences could result in a reduction of your overall grade (see Attendance Policy above). During each class meeting, you can earn points by attending to the class discussion and sharing comments, questions and ideas. In addition, all students will be assigned to take notes at least once throughout the semester. When it is your turn to take class notes, you will be responsible for posting your notes to the UDL Connect site within 48 hours of class.
  • Ongoing Assessments: Quick “checks for understanding,” “mini-group” assessments and 3-2-1 application assignments will be conducted regularly. Examples of assessments in this category include, but are not limited to: role-plays, case studies, journal reviews, software/web 2.0 workshops and reflection/application activities.

Learning Environment Design/Reflection (UDL Planning Tool)--(25%): In order to successfully embrace and implement Universal Design for Learning (UDL), educators must complete a shift in the way they view their learning environment and the curricula (the goals, method, materials, and assessments) that have traditionally been used in schools. For this reason, UDL requires a conceptual change. SPED 644 is designed with this in mind. You will complete a learning environment design (actually a self-evaluation) during week one and again during week fifteen. This reflective assignment will challenge you to compare your self-evaluations and discuss your personal growth throughout the course. Indicators for future focus should also be identified and discussed. See directions and grading scale on p. 18.