Archdale Friends School
Parent Commitment
1. We have received and support all the policies that are included in the Archdale Friends School Program Handbook. We have read and understand the program’s mission statement and we are in agreement with the purpose and philosophy of AFS. We understand that AFS has the right to change a policy without notice at anytime.
2. We will faithfully support the program through our prayers and positive attitude. We are committed to share any complaints and negative comments only with the people involved. Unresolved issues will be taken care of with the support of the Coordinator and school board.
3. We understand AFS will not tolerate profanity, obscenity in word or action, dishonor or disrespect to the personnel of AFS, or continued disobedience to the policies of the program.
4. We pledge that if, for any reason, our child does not respond favorably to Wee Friends Preschool, we will do as much as possible to cooperate with the program to help our child make the necessary adjustments. If action taken does not resolve the problem, than we agree to quietly withdraw our child.
5. We agree to be responsible for any damages to the property of Archdale Friends Meeting of AFS whether accidental or intentional.
- We will support Wee Friends Preschool by involvement in our Parent/ Teacher Organization, Open House, parent- teacher conferences, fundraisers and Spring Fling.
7. We give permission for our child to take part in all activities, including program sponsored field trips away from the preschool. Parents will be notified at least 48 hours in advance of the field trip. A signed permission slip will be required for each trip taken. We also understand that the AFS bus will be used for the trip.
8. In case of accident, illness or other emergency, we request that the school contact us. If the school cannot reach a parent/guardian after conscientious effort, we give permission for the school staff to call paramedics of any licensed physician or dentist. If a life threatening emergency exists, we give permission for school staff to call paramedics immediately. We understand that we are financially responsible for emergency medical transportation and treatment.
9. We understand and will fulfill our financial commitment to pay the monthly tuition and registration fee for our child to Archdale Friends School.
10. We agree to allow representatives from AFS, Archdale Friends Meeting, the news media and others request permission to photograph or video my child(ren) in the school. We understand that photos/videos may be used in school publications, presentations, graduation slide show, website, newspaper and television stories. If we DO NOT agree to this policy, we will submit our denial in writing to the school.
11. We, as parents of the child enrolled in Wee Friends Preschool, will do our best to abide by the policies as listed in the program handbook. We understand that the failure of the parent or children to comply with policies or financial obligations will call for the withdrawal of the child from Wee Friends Preschool.
12. We agree to provide the school with two (2) recent pictures of our child.
Child’s Name______Parent’s Name______
Parent’s Signature______Date______