Hanes Magnet Middle School PTSA Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 10, 2016
6:00 pm
Ardmore Baptist Church
Parent Members PresentKimber McCracken (President)
Angie Warner (Treasurer)
Jeannie Evans (Secretary/SIT-7th)
Jennifer Lockert (PAC)
Peter Antinozzi (SIT-8th)
Jordan Calaway (Hospitality) / Dawn Sechrest (Hospitality)
Currin White (Membership/Backpacks)
Kit Browning (Advocacy/Sports Liaison)
Connie Frazier (Library Liaison/7th grade Liaison)
Julie Moore (Audit)
Jim Smith (SIT-6th)
Staff Members Present
Robin Willard (Principal)
Gareth Clement-Noyes (Teacher Representative)
Jennifer Solis (Teacher Representative)
David Draper (Teacher Representative)
David Beaumont (Teacher)
Student Members Present
Spencer Browning—7th grade
Monica Solis—8th grade
Our president, Kimber McCracken, called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes from September 12, 2016 were distributed electronically for review. Kit Browning made the motion to approve the minutes. Spencer Browning seconded the motion. Everyone voted to approve the minutes as written.
Principal’s Report—Mrs. Robin Willard
- All teachers have been hired, and the necessary shifts of teachers have been made.
- The Hanes nurse wants to remind parents to fill out all paperwork for medications to be taken at school so that she can have that on file.
- Benchmark testing will begin soon in classes.
- She and the staff have begun “norming” behaviors expected of students as they move around in classrooms and hallways. Teachers are escorting students from place to place (in all grades) and she is trying to work on timing movements so the halls don’t get too full. This seems to be resulting in safer hallways for teachers and students.
- She is talking with people at Wake Forest and other organizations about partnering with Hanes to help fund purchases of technology equipment and other supplies.
- She plans to update all sports and club information on the website calendar. Jennifer Solis is helping with this.
- She encourages parents to come inside the Hanes building to see the decorating that is being done outside and inside—painting of outside pillars, trophies & team pictures on display, etc.
- She would love to have submissions of pictures taken of students participating in clubs, sports, etc. to have as a slideshow on the Hanes website.
- Dawn Sechrest asked when the weekly robocalls will resume, and Mrs. Willard said she’s working on it.
- SMOD Update—Nothing official has been decided yet, but when it is, all planned changes will be communicated to parents by the end of the first nine weeks of school. The changes themselves wouldn’t take place until the beginning of the third quarter of school in January. Jennifer Solis suggested that selling SMOD apparel at a discounted price and/or introducing some sort of new SMOD apparel might help people feel better about the transition. Mrs. Willard invites parents with concerns to come and talk with her about them.
- Her main priority right now is helping the teachers and working with them to improve student scores.
- She wants to make this year a special one for the 8th graders because of the changes they have experienced over their three years at Hanes. A dance for 8th graders only will be held soon. She will also be offering other perks such as extended lunch, etc.
- Another idea she mentioned (that had also been mentioned at a previous PTSA meeting) was having a night to help parents understand the technology utilized by the school system (Discovery Ed, Haiku, etc.)
Treasurer’s Report—Angie Warner
- Sales from Apparel, School Store, and SMOD Resale are bringing in a good bit of money. At this point, not a lot of money is coming in from Concessions, but this should increase.
- Some of the Curriculum Enhancement money will be spent on vocabulary books.
- Most of the School Clubs funds have already been spent, and there was discussion about making sure all groups have access to this money.
- The budget will be reviewed in January, and adjustments can be made for reallocating money as needed.
- Teacher Wish List items are being purchased as they come in.
- Dawn Sechrest mentioned that a leather sofa and chair could be purchased for the Teacher’s Lounge area at a reduced cost from Macy’s ($1600+ shipping) if bought that day using some of the Teacher Collaboration Space funds that are budgeted for improving this area. Mrs. Willard requested that purchases like this be delayed so that academics at Hanes could be strengthened first and classrooms could truly become equipped for 21st century learning. Her hope is that having more students next year will allow increased donations so that both student academic and supplementary needs can be met next year.
Discussion of Direct Donations
- Direct Donations amounts are lower than expected. There was an extended discussion about how going paperless may have affected donations. Copies of a Direct Donations flyer have been requested from the WSFCS Print Shop, but they apparently haven’t been sent to the school (or home) at this point.
- Ideas to boost Direct Donations at this point in the school year (shared by Jennifer Lockert, Jennifer Solis, Mr. Beaumont, Mrs. Willard, and others) included…
- Sending a PTSA e mail to all parent e mails to remind everyone about this
- Posting a donations “thermometer” outside the school so parents can see the current need for donations
- Involving students in asking for donations—explaining how specific investments of PTSA money have enhanced their education and made them stronger students
- Making November a “Direct Donations Month” with many special activities
- Making sure teachers explain to the students how materials they use are purchased with PTSA funds so students will understand how PTSA helps them
- Spirit Week—students could make donations for dressing according to different themes
- Using Smore.com (a digital newsletter) to publicize the Direct Donations campaign with videos of students and other links
- Student skits and e mails sent by students (possibly involving student council) to advertise the Direct Donations campaign—this will empower students by their involvement.
- As a part of this discussion, the issue of how “going paperless” has affected other PTSA income areas such as Membership was also discussed.
- Only 30 faculty members have joined PTSA, so we’re hoping that number will increase.
- Papers don’t seem to be going home inside Wednesday Folders, and some weeks the
Wednesday Folders have not been sent home at all. Mrs. Willard will talk to the faculty about this.
President’s Report—Kimber McCracken
- Kimber introduced Jim Smith, who will be the 6th grade SIT representative.
- Reflections Contest: We have a Reflections Coordinator, Lauren Decker, who will be helped by Cassandra Brunson. Reflections submissions are due soon. Mrs. Willard said teachers could offer incentives for participation in the program.
- Box Tops: So far, we have gotten in less Box Tops than expected. The need for more advertisement and communication about the program was discussed.
- Sports: Mr. Rigby would still like to purchase an ice machine for the sports department. The cafeteria ice machine continues to break down, and kids are getting overheated and/or injured, but there’s no ice to give them.
- School Store
- Brandy Vandergriff needs helpers to cover the school store daily 7:15-7:45 so her husband won’t have to cover all of these shifts. If anyone can help, please contact her.
- Apparel is being sold during these times as well.
- Jennifer Lockert suggested offering a coupon for the store to students during the month of their birthdays. (Whitaker does this.)
- Jennifer Solis suggested that teachers could also offer store coupons as incentives.
- PTSA Leadership Training will be offered on October 22 at East Forsyth. The cost is $10 and includes lunch.
- Wish List Requests
- Mrs. Washburn has requested Flocabulary, an online learning program. Kimber will clarify if this is for more than one class.
- Mr. Velde (via Gareth Clement-Noyes) needs 14 more atlases for his classroom. This purchase was approved.
Parent Advisory Committee—Jennifer Lockert
- All parents are welcome to attend meetings. They are held at the Education Building at 6:00 pm four times a year. The next meeting is on Thursday, October 18.
- September Meeting Report
- There was encouragement at the meeting to vote for the school bond.
- Technology updates about Discovery Ed (e-textbooks). Haiku, and PowerSchool were discussed.
- Information was shared about how WSFCS compare to other districts across the state in terms of percentage of student enrollment in public schools. 83% of the students in Forsyth County are enrolled in public schools.
- Groups met to discuss how to improve test scores. Ideas shared included more exercise and smaller classes.
- The district was pleased with the results of the WSFCS summer school reading program this summer.
- Jennifer is glad to forward minutes from the meeting if parents are interested.
MTAC (Media and Technology Committee)—David Beaumont (Hanes Media Coordinator)
- The MTAC would like to have at least one parent representative. If interested, please contact him. Students are welcome to join the committee too.
- This committee will work to decide what technology and books are needed at Hanes.
- The first meeting will be Wednesday, October 19 2:30-3:30 pm.
- Mr. Beaumont also mentioned that the Lab Rats club (students helping teachers with technology needs) is being restarted.
Hospitality—Jordan Calaway
The Teacher Hospitality Lunch is being moved to Friday, October 21 so that they can get food donations from Texas Roadhouse. Donations of other items are needed as well.
New Business
- Connie Frazier asked how grade level liaisons should work with teachers. Mrs. Willard suggested that they contact the grade level chair about how they can partner with them throughout the school year.
- We still need an 8th Grade Parent Liaison. The 8th grade chair is Ms. Clodfelter. Jordan Calaway said she is glad to share any information about planning the 8th grade dance from last year.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeannie Evans
Upcoming Events/Meetings
Wednesday, October 19 / Early ReleaseFriday, October 21 / Teacher Halloween Luncheon
Wednesday, November 2 / Early Release/Teacher Snack
Monday, November 7 / End of First Quarter
Tuesday, November 8 / Election Day/Teacher Work Day/No School
Friday, November 11 / Veterans Day/No School
Monday, November 14 / PTSA Board Meeting 6:00 pm
Tuesday, November 15 / Magnet Night 6:00-7:00 pm
Wed.-Fri., November 23-25 / Thanksgiving Break