January 17, 2011
Regular Meeting
Town of Pine Bluffs
Laramie County, Wyoming
PRESENT: William Shain, Mayor; Bill Cushing, Council Member; Michael Ragsdale, Council Member; Alan Curtis, Council Member; Mark Fornstrom, Council Member.
STAFF: Alex Davison, Attorney; Cate Cundall, Clerk/Treasurer
Mayor Shain called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present. Guests were welcomed and the assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Councilman Curtis moved to approve the agenda as presented, Councilman Cushing seconded and motion carried unanimously with 5 ayes.
Councilman Cushing moved to approve the minutes of the January 3, 2011 Regular Meeting, Councilman Ragsdale seconded and motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Fornstrom moved to approve the vouchers presented for payment, Councilman Curtis seconded and motion carried unanimously.
The Pines / yearbook advertising / 25.00Allwayz Manufacturing / supplies / 27.80
Cate Cundall / mileage / 33.60
Airgas / ambulance supplies / 34.01
Trisha Burry / cleaning / 35.00
Cams Cable / service / 39.00
Terminix / Daycare maintenance / 43.00
One Call of Wyoming / annual membership / 61.00
City of Cheyenne / recycling disposal / 71.40
Kustom Signals / police repairs / 72.00
WAM / Shain registration / 90.00
Private Eye Window / patrol vehicle striping / 100.00
Verizon Wireless / cellular service / 101.58
Thomas Morgan / labor / 120.00
WY Public Health Laboratory / water sampling / 165.00
WAM / conference registration / 175.00
Bluffs Car Care / repairs / 179.28
Lipps Lumber / supplies / 191.93
American Refrigeration Co. / RV Park furnace repair / 293.96
Laramie County / elected officials meeting / 410.40
Northwest Pipe / supplies / 457.00
Meridian Trust / supplies / 535.41
National League of Cities / annual membership / 536.00
High West Energy / service / 555.10
Pine Bluffs Post / advertising / 1,220.90
Eastern Laramie County Landfill / December landfill fees / 2,160.25
Ampride / fuel / 2,218.86
Cheyenne Light / service / 4,899.84
Stateline No 7 / architectural fees / 6,859.24
Bowman Irrigation / pump repair / 8,866.19
WY State Bank / project retainage / 45,035.90
WMPA / December product / 55,048.34
Recco, Inc. / Community Center Project / 158,849.20
Mayor Shain recognized Troy Thompson, newly elected Laramie County Commissioner.
John Wise asked about the possibility of drilling a well at the shooting range. The recently installed monitoring wells cannot be used for beneficial use at the range. An upcoming water project includes looping the water main under the interstate to the rest area and archeological site and Council suggested that hooking onto the loop may be more feasible than drilling another well. Mayor Shain will consult with the project engineer to verify the schedule for looping the water main. If a well is drilled the Town would be responsible for obtaining the drilling permit from the State.
Tentative dates for the Spring Gun Show are April 29, 20 and May 1 and before final plans are made Diane Wise inquired into the community center project completion date. As of now the project is on schedule and will be completed in March 2011.She also requested the facility rental fees be waived. No decision was made at this time until Council has an opportunity to evaluate the current fee schedule.
The Community Center Project, Sewer Project and Emergency Equipment Project are progressing on schedule.
Councilman Fornstrom moved to award to WG Date the contract for the Pine Bluffs Well #1 and Well #6 Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $157,920.00. Councilman Curtis seconded and motion carried unanimously with 5 ayes. One other bid was received; Sargent Drilling submitted a bid in the amount of $160,575.38.
The American Legion Post requested financial assistance in the amount of $3,365.00 to replace curb, gutter and sidewalks at 210 3rd Street, property they lease from the Town. After consideration Council responded they want to stay with the terms of the lease that states repairs are the responsibility of the American Legion Post but that they could find funds for a pay-back grant.
Councilman Ragsdale moved to approve the following banks – Farmers State Bank, Meridian Trust, Bank of the West, WYOSTAR, and Points West Bank for 2011 for the Town of Pine Bluffs funds. Councilman Fornstrom seconded and the motion passed unanimously with 5 ayes.
Council acknowledged the receipt of Financial Disclosure Statements from William Shain, Bill Cushing, Michael Ragsdale, Alan Curtis, Mark Fornstrom, and Catherine Cundall.
Attorney Davison is preparing the letter of protest from the Town of Pine Bluffs to the State Engineers Office for well permit applications drilling in the Lance Fox Hills Formation.
Proposed legislative bills of concern to landfills will be followed in the Senate.
WAMCAT Winter Conference is being held in Jackson January 26 to 28, 2011.
Mayor Shain and other locally elected officials met with Senator Enzi to discuss matters of importance to Towns and Cities. A path has been mowed on property the Town owns near the south pump house for sledding.
Council will clarify the policy of ambulance savings funds expenditures. At this time ambulance operation and equipment expenses are being paid out of the General Fund. Councilman Curtis reported that the EMT’s plan to purchase GPS equipment, clothing, and meals with their savings account. Funds deposited in this account include training grants, sale of an ambulance, depreciation, interest and memorials.
Senior activities will now be scheduled for the Senior Center since the recreation module may no longer be available after the completion of the community center remodel. Keys to the Senior Center will be available at the Town Hall for after hour’s access, but facility reservations must be made at the Senior Center. The Town will assist with a future survey being conducted by the Senior Center.
There being no further business Councilman Fornstrom moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 p.m., Councilman Ragsdale seconded and the meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.
William Shain, Mayor
Catherine Cundall, Clerk/Treasurer