SMBPA meeting minutes – 20 October 2008

  1. Meeting called to order at 7:04 p.m. by co-President Helen Weary.
  1. Motion to approve minutes from September 22 meeting was made, seconded, and passed unanimously. In the future, in an effort to avoid paper waste, minutes will be posted on the website and emailed to members prior to the following meeting. Paper copies will not be made.
  1. Fundraising update (Ellen Rennell)
  • So far, $21,612 has been raised through Direct Donations, $1365 from alumni, $1500-2000 from See’s Candy sales.
  • Earth, Wind, and Flour fundraiser October 21 (need to mention band).
  • Landmark ticket fundraiser – sheets will go out to all music students on October 21, tickets sell for $10 apiece and can be used in any Landmark Theater, fill in name and phone number and number of tickets on sheet along with $10 for each ticket, this ends November 10th.
  • Baja Fresh on November 2nd and 16th (“Football Sundays”) – must have flier for this, will try to copy and paste flier on email or figure out another way to make it easy for people to print flier, may have the student who has his/her name on the most fliers win a prize.
  • Barnes and Noble – Though originally planned for November 16th and 23rd, fundraiser scheduled onlyon Nov. 23rdnow. The big push on November 23rdwill include kids performing on the Promenade (can tie in with community service hours). Customers will have to say Marching Band when they make a purchase in order for band to get a percentage of that sale; gift cards are not included; possibly hand out bookmarks as reminder.
  • December will bring electronics recycling fundraiser – more info TBA but try to hang on to all electronics until then, band will get paid per pound.
  • Need to raise about $25-30K more for London, will reevaluate at the end of November and see where we stand before asking for more money from band families.
  1. Band Update (Sakow and Janert)
  2. Band hoping to finish almost all music tomorrow (except exit music).
  3. Location change on November 8th from La Palma to Ganesha, this will mean the band goes to parade in Ganesha (near Pomona Fairgrounds) and then on to competition in Mission Viejo on the same day.
  4. Parade at California Adventure Park on December 13th.
  5. First football game went much more smoothly than usual for first game, crowd noise at halftime was only issue.
  6. Long hair should be pulled back for games (ponytail is fine).
  7. Band does a little music pre-game (starting around 5:30 or 6:00 pm), then “Word Up” in locker room, halftime show, and a little post-game music.
  8. There is an effort to make all parents leave the field around 5:40 pm to boost ticket sales (athletic department fundraiser) but Sakow is going to see if there can be some leniency with band parents. Only volunteers with names on the official list don’t have to buy tickets, which fund the football dept.
  1. Football games (Mike Smith)
  2. Need water person for October 24th game, will be 4-9 p.m. commitment.
  1. London Trip (Mike Smith and Christina Miller)
  2. Everyone will be on same flight, leaving about 8:55 p.m. – that means everyone will meet at school around 3 or 4 p.m.
  3. Returning together on flight #23.
  4. Grandstand tickets still available for $30 apiece but need check this week
  5. Chaperones will be asked to rent cell phone in London for $75 ($75 donations welcome to cover this cost).
  6. Turn in checks in music room.
  1. Uniform Reminders (Keiko Kuyama)
  2. A few black dresses haven’t been picked up yet, they must still be hemmed by parents and need to be worn for picture day in November.
  3. Remind kids to wear black socks and gauntlets with football uniforms.
  4. Needs help before and during competitions in uniform department.
  5. Have kids practice doing their hair before competition – hair must be two finger widths above collar (come in ponytail, will get kit with bobby pins and hairnet to keep with uniform).
  6. Read info in minutes from parades and competitions meeting (Oct.2).
  1. Volunteers – contact Jennifer Hammer if interested or have questions.
  1. Treasury Report (Syd Bennion)
  2. Got $3000 grant for purchase of marimba carts.
  3. Next push will be selling ads in program.
  1. Roster (Sharon Dobeck)
  2. Photo roster passed out to all in attendance, contact her for additional copies.
  1. Other
  2. Boys need tuxedo or something that looks like tuxedo for concert dress (black coat and pants, white shirt with collar, black bow tie).
  3. Parent recommendation of Elite Tuxedo on Westwood as reasonably priced source for rentals.