Lesson Length: 45 min.
Age/Grade Level: Grades K-5
Subject: Internet Safety
Topic: Cyberbullying and Internet Safety
1. Students will learn basic rules of Internet safety.
2. Students will use safe behavior when using technology, avoiding cyberbullies and not being cyberbullies.
I Can—
Practice safe behavior when using the Internet and other technologies.
7 Habits of Happy Kids—
Habit 2—Begin with the end in mind.
KCAS Standards, Practical Living, Technology
Primary Skills and Concepts – Safety
Students will
• explain the importance of safe Internet use (e.g., iSafe skills)
• use safe behavior when using technology
Intermediate Skills and Concepts – Safety
Students will
• explain the importance of safe Internet use (e.g., iSafe skills)
• apply safe behavior when using technology
Students have learned about bullying and personal safety concepts through classroom lessons and through the guidance lessons. Today’s lesson will build upon these concepts and teach additional Internet safety skills, avoidance of cyberbullying, and how to handle cyberbullying and inappropriate Internet contact.
1. Website—http://www.netsmartz.org/NetSmartzKids/RBS—movie “Router’s Birthday Surprise”.
2. Activities and games from http://www.netsmartz.org/NetSmartzKids.
3. Internet and cyberbullying handouts.
1. Discuss Covey Habit “Begin with the end in mind” emphasizing the importance of safety and caution online. Discuss how we must think about the potential negative results when we post private information, pictures, inappropriate comments, etc. online.
2. Watch the movie “Router’s Birthday Surprise”.
3. Using the handouts, discuss various safety concepts for Internet use. Also discuss cyberbullying: how to prevent it, and how to handle it.
4. Allow students to explore the Netsmartz website games and activities.
Student assessment will be accomplished through discussion, through playing the games, and completion of the handouts.
Students displayed prior knowledge of internet safety principles through discussion and responses to questions. They were interested in the Netsmartz games and activities, and worked intently during the exploration of the website.