August 15, 2017
Greetings fellow learning professionals:
In celebration of the National Day on Writing, the Communications Division at Itawamba Community College invites high school students to submit samples of their writing and art for display on ICC’s campus.
Students, parents, and teachers will have the opportunity to review students’ works during a reception to be held on Monday, October 23, at 6:00 p.m. The ceremony begins at 6:30 p.m. and concludes at 7:30 p.m. in the Learning Resources Center, on the Fulton campus.
At 6:30 p.m., prizes will be awarded in each category as follows: 1st place: Amazon Fire tablet, 2nd place: Beats by Dr. Dre Ear Buds, 3rd place: URPOWER Hi-Fi Portable Wireless Stereo Speaker. Honorable mention winners will receive a journal/sketchbook and pens.
Written works may be in poetry, short story, or essay. They should be mounted on black foam core. English instructor Morgan Cutturini is our contact for written submissions: 862-8167 or .
Art with text submissions may be in drawing, or painting. (Since we are focusing on writing, we are asking that works include some form of text.) They should be matted and mounted on foam core and ready to hang. Art instructor Dana Arnold is our contact for art submissions: 862-8304 or
Questions about the display of work or the reception may be directed to our Communications Division chair Anna Begnaud: 862-8292 or through email at .
All work must be submitted to the appropriate person on the Fulton Campus by 4:30 PM on Wednesday, October 11.Furthermore, each individual submission must include the information form included with this letter. Work will be categorized by art or writing.
The work will remain on display in the Learning Resources Center from October 23-November 3and must be picked up by November 8. We will not return a student’s work by mail.
Official information from the NCTE about the National Day on Writing is available at the following link:
The Communications Division invites teachers to encourage students to submit samples of their imagination and creative talent.
Communications Division
The Learning Resources Center at ICC
Faculty Sponsors of the National Day on Writing
602 West Hill Street
Fulton, MS 38843