Gestalt AssociatesforPsychotherapy
Psychoanalytic Program Course Registration Form Spring 2018 Semester
The following courses are required for trainees in the NYS Licensure Program, and are also open as electives. Full course descriptions may be accessed at Courses are offered every 2 to 3 years.
The Development of Gender Identity (SC2):In this course we will explore the multiple and intertwining cultural, biological, and psychological issues that contribute to the formation of a sense of a male or female gendered “self.” We will draw upon the works of such diverse theorists as Winnicott, Freud, Mitchell, Chodorow, Benjamin, and Gilligan, and analyze their contributions to an understanding of the role of gender in personality development.
Instructor: Arleen Maiorano, LCSW, LP
Fridays, April 13; May 11, June 29, 6-9:20pm
10 hours, $300
Case Seminar, Presentness and Presence (CS4):Gestalt therapy has always emphasized the experience of the present moment. This focus has served to heighten our awareness of the immediacy of living our lives, and of contact with what is. Presence is the basis for all forms of presentness. This seminar will include didactic and experiential explorations of both presentness and presence, and will address clinical applications and implications of this expansion of the Gestalt approach.
Instructor: Alan Cohen, LCSW, LP
10 hours, $300
Saturday/Sunday, January 27 & 28, 10am –3pm
Understanding and Working With Personality Disorders (PP4):This seminar will focus on the difficult treatment issues presented by Personality Disorders. The seminar will include: an overview of the different theories and ways of looking at Personality Disorders; their characteristics and diagnosis; and different principles of intervention, with an accent on the Gestalt approach to treatment. Participants are invited to present cases from their practice in this seminar.
Instructor: Jim Mulry, LCSW, LP
Saturdays, February 10 & 24, 12 – 5pm
10 hours, $300
Case Seminar, Dreamwork (CS6):In this course, we will focus on the clinical use of dreams, noticing their structure and timing in the therapeutic process, and how they arise from and impact the therapy and the treatment relationship. We will use case examples to demonstrate how images from dreams and dreamwork can be utilized as an ongoing homework practice to help patients alter habitual patterns of interrupting contact. Each participant will contribute case examples for discussion, and will prepare a paper and presentation. (Note: Dream Analysis, PP3, is a prerequisite for this course, as well as a caseload of at least one current patient.)
Instructor: Susan Jurkowski, LCSW, LP
Saturdays, March 31 & April 14, 1 – 6 pm
10 hours, $300
Please mail registration information to Gestalt Associates for Psychotherapy, 36 West 25th Street (10th floor) New York, NY10010; fax to 212-689-7745; or email to . You may use Visa or Master Card, or a check payable to Gestalt Associates for Psychotherapy. Registration is due 2 weeks prior to the first date of the scheduled course, and is non-refundable after the start date of each class. For additional information, email Arleen Maiorano at .
I would like to register for:
□ The Development of Gender Identity (SC2)
□ Case Seminar, Presentness and Presence (CS4)
□ Understanding and Working With Personality Disorders (PP4):
□ Case Seminar, Dreamwork (CS6):
Credit Card: Visa □ Master Card □ Card #______Exp:______Sec. Code: