Board Meeting

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Sand City Council Chambers


Board Members: Dave Dixon, Mike Klein, Hugo Ferlito, Whit Rambach, Buzz Joseph, John Mutty, Kevin Smith, Mike Dove, Tom Rolander, Jim Poulos, Andrew Creely, Wayne Ritchey, Ben Balester

Absent: Catherine Hambley, Doug Stickler, Tino Tangelbad, Dave Terry, Jay Cook, Sharon Gillette and Barbara Trask.

Associate Members: Karen Ferlito, Carol Dixon, Dave Rigmaiden, Hal Laughlin, Darcy Rambach, Shirley Smith, Thompson Lange, Mark Pritchard, Sharron Douglas, Marcelo Dutra, Judee Richey, Donna George, Amy Love, Brian and Sophia Robinson.

Staff: Wally Kastner, Chris Balog, Sally Smith, Susan Love, Julie Armstrong

Meeting called to order at 5:40

Three new members were introduced and asked to speak about themselves: Mark Pritchard, Scott Douglass, and Thompson Lange

Chairman’s Report

· Hugo reported that he and Mike Klein presented an award to a 14-year-old runner and BSIM volunteer at Monterey High School. Mike Dove was also there presenting scholarships from the Wednesday Night Laundry Runners thanks to a $6,000 grant from BSIM.

· Hugo has accepted a resignation from board member Janet Lesniak who has moved from the area. He has asked Mike Klein to replace her on the Executive Committee

· Julie Armstrong has prepared a Board Member Handbook. She briefly went through the contents of the handbook and gave copies to the new members present. The contents will be available for all board members online at within two weeks.

· The job descriptions have been looked at by BSIM attorney Dennis McCarthy. It was determined that Wally and Julie will be classified as exempt employees and Chris, Sally and Susan as hourly employees. They will be looking at this further with the law firm and will bring their recommendation to the board.

· Hugo asked Darcy Rambach if she would serve as secretary for the board.

· At the September meeting new officers will be elected. Also, Hugo will be sending an email asking for volunteers for a Nominating Committee.

25th Anniversary Committee

Mike Dove mentioned that several plans are underway for the 25th. He passed around a signup sheet for help with new parties and events including a Volunteer & Community Supporters party, an enhanced VIP party, a Sunday post race party and an art show. Other ideas mentioned are the commissioning of a runner’s statue by world renowned artist Richard McDonald, 25th Anniversary labeled wine (looking for donations), the Boston 2 Big Sur Challenge, and redoing & enhancing street banners. Many ideas need to be solidified by September 1 when marathon registration opens.

Green Team

Karen Ferlito gave a report on the efforts of the recycling committee. Wally stated that this has been named an official subcommittee of BSIM. Karen gave the names of those currently on the committee (Brian & Sophia Robinson, Dave & Kelly Terry, Whit Rambach, Sally & Kevin Smith, Julie Armstrong, Chris Balog, Hugo & Karen Ferlito, Brennan Jensen of Ecology Action and Angela Brantley of Monterey Waste Management); others are invited to join in. Karen listed the many efforts that BSIM has already undertaken including diverting waste, recycling bottles & cans, composting food waste, reusing wooden pallets, BYOB and more. She challenged board members to “choose the green way to go” in each of their areas. A goal of the committee is to divert 50% of the waste and also focus on pre-event education on sustainability.

White Rambach then spoke about ReSport (Council for Responsible Sport) which offers certification for events. ReSport provides guidelines and framework for getting certified and mentioned costs per event: $200 for membership, $315 for the half marathon, $270 for the Mud Run and $380 for the full marathon.

Race Director Report

· Wally discussed success of marathon and mentioned that there were “no negative trends.” He reviewed the history of the marathon to emphasize the point that we have great depth, commitment and expertise from our board.

· He also discussed the half marathon and changes that will be implemented: closing Del Monte at 4 a.m., eliminating the NPS turnaround and lengthening the Ocean View Blvd. section, plus running further in downtown PG. Also walkers will have a slightly amended route and slow runners will be redirected to the 10-Mile Walk if they haven’t reached a certain point by a designated time.

· Wally spoke of progress on the Boston 2 Big Sur, and Asics 50% increase in sponsorship commitment.

· Dan Priano (Post Ranch Inn) and Frank Pinney (Big Sur Fire District) will be new Big Sur liaisons.

· Mud Run increased profit from $9000 to $36,000 last year. We will raise the participation limit to 2,000 and are hoping to mail out bib numbers in advance to reduce race morning congestion.

· A video of the marathon was shown, but technical difficulties prevented the Mud Run and Half Marathon videos from being shown. Board members can view these on the website.


· Susan Love gave an overview report. This year’s figures included 6,400 students in 51 schools completing 158,000 miles and 8,800 Just Deeds. Though the figures are than last year, she is anticipating an increase next year due to simplification of forms.

· She and Sally have been revamping the website and encouraged board members to look at the site and offer comments and suggestions. Training videos will also be added soon.

· Recent recognition and awards include an article in Carmel Magazine and an award from MBay Kids.

· Working on a program for obese and overweight kids in the community. Looking for a site to host.

· Presentations have been made at the Running USA conference in February, at the Santa Cruz School District office, Aspire Schools (17 charter schools in SF Bay Area) and will be addressing 25 schools in Pajaro Valley afterschool program.

· Have lost the San Francisco satellite program, but will continue with eight schools in the Beacon program in S.F.

· There is a 3K being held in Marina on Saturday, June 6.


· Julie mentioned that she is having a preliminary meeting to discuss the Sept. 18 Run@Work Day with local Chambers and businesses.

· Wayne thanked and acknowledged the personnel committee and the entire board

· Hugo offered copies of the Treasurers Report

Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.