DEPARTMENT: Chemistry / Physical sciences
SEMESTER:Spring 2011
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Fred JaquinOffice Ferrante Hall 374
Phone: 498-2437
Office Hours:
M 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
T 8:00 a.m.- 9::00 a.m.
W 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
Th 8:00 a.m.- 9::00 a.m.
CATALOG DESCRIPTION AND PREREQUISITES: The continuation of PHY 103. Topics covered include Vibrations and Wave Motion, Physical and Geometrical Optics, Electricity and Magnetism, simple DC and AC Circuits. Two class hours, two recitation hours, and two laboratory hours. Prerequisite: Phy 103 or equivalent.
Upon completion of this course, the successful student will be able to: prove the knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of the covered topics by applying them in solving problem process.
Attendance:You are expected to attend the lecture; therefore I will take the attendance at the beginning of each lecture.
Laboratory:Concurrent enrollment in a laboratory section is required and the lab attendance is mandatory. You may miss no more than one lab, and then only with a written physician’s note or some other documented and serious reasons.
The lab is intended to provide “hands-on” experience in working with the concepts presented in the lecture. A separate lab sheet will be handed out in the first lab with more details given.
Homework: The importance of doing the homework in a physics class cannot be over emphasized. Solving problems is the only way to really understand and learn the concepts. In order to be able to keep track of your work, the homework will be assigned on line (Mastering Physics.com), and you have to complete it on line. You’ll have a weekly homework, which must be completed prior to the due date in order to get maximum credit. The homework will be accessible a week before the due date and two or three days after the due date. For a late homework you’ll get partial credit only. On, or just after the due date you’ll have an in-class quiz, based on the material in the homework.
In order to access the HW you have toregister in Mastering Physics.com for the course, by using the access code on your kit and the class code (distributred on the first day of class).
It is OK to discuss your homework among yourselves or with me during the office hours, but I expect the final version to be yours own and not a copy from someone else.
Exams:There will be a daily quiz (excepting the days when an exam is scheduled), three “midterm” exams, and a comprehensive final exam. The worst score for the quizzes will be dropped. No exam score will be dropped. The exams will be close-book, and consist of about ten problems.
One unavoidable truth about this class is that it is by no means an easy one. How you will react to the normal periods of frustration that all students face will directly determines your likelihood of success. Many students make the mistake of giving up on themselves too quickly. Remember, sometimes it’s in struggling with a challenging assignment and actually figuring it out that the most powerful learning happens. So, at the first sign of trouble, take action:
Dig Deeper Don’t quickly give up or immediately ask somebody for help. Rely on yourself first. Devote additional study time to the class. Struggle with it for a while – you’ll be amazed at how often the pieces will begin to fall into place. At the first sign of trouble, visit me during office hours and I would be happy to give you ideas on how to use your study time most effectively.
Get Help OCC offers a variety of support services. If you have given it an honest effort but you are still struggling, please come to my office hours so we can determine together what type f of support you need to be successful. Tutoring services require a faculty referral because it is important that we work together as a team.
Grading policies: You will be graded based on the union of the information provided by homework, quizzes, laboratory, and exams as follows:
- Lab work 20%
- Homework and Quizzes20%
- Exams (10% each)30%
- Final Exam (comprehensive)30%
The letter grades will be assigned based on the traditional percentage:
85%-100%70%-84%60%-69%50%-59%less than 50%
CURRENT TEXTBOOK: Young & Geller, College Physics, eight edition, Pearson