- In the original 1960s TV series ‘The Avengers’ give the character names of two of Steed’s three assistants. Cathy Gale, Emma Peel and Tara King
- Who killed Lee Harvey Oswald? Jack Ruby
- In Greek mythology, who flew too close to the sun? Icarus
- In which European capital city is the boulevard named ‘The Ring’? Vienna(known as the Ringstrasse)
- Brahma is the god of creation in which religion? Hinduism
- What does fibrin cause the blood to do? Clot
- Aneka, who recorded ‘Japanese Boy’, was what nationality? Scottish
- The dish couscous originated on which continent? Africa
- Psalter is a collective noun for which religious rank? Bishops
- In ‘Peter Pan’ name Wendy’s two brothers. Michael and John
- Ivan Mauger was a world champion in which sport? Speedway
- The International monetary Fund’s HQ is in which city? Washington D. C.
- What are the surnames of the presenters Richard and Judy? Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan
- In which decade was the Massacre of Glencoe? 1690s (13thFebruary 1692)
- What was the city of Harare called before 1982? Salisbury
- Which Beatles song was a hit for both Ray Charles and Matt Monro? Yesterday
- Mimosa is an alternative name for which cocktail? Buck’s Fizz
- Which store’s slogan is ‘never knowingly undersold’? John Lewis
- Which daily U. K. newspaper was known as ‘The Thunderer’? The Times
- Name the two jockeys to ride Red Rum to Grand National victory. Brian Fletcher and Tommy Stack
- William G. Stewart presented which quiz on Channel Four? Fifteen to One
- In the British Isles, what colour were the original post boxes? Green
- An oxbow is a type of which geographical feature? Lake
- Who is the oldest man in the Bible? Methuselah
- How many incisor teeth do adult humans have? Eight
- Who produced most of The Beatles’ records? George Martin
- What colour is the liqueur Galliano? Yellow
- An emerald wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years? Fifty five
- Who wrote ‘The Day of the Jackal’? Frederick Forsyth
- In which month is the Cheltenham Gold Cup run? March
- A murmuration is the collective noun for which birds? Starlings
- In which city is the international HQ of Greenpeace? Amsterdam
- Which comedy duo starred in the film ‘The Intelligence Men’? Morecambe and Wise
- Who was the last sovereign of the House of Stewart? Queen Anne
- Which two lines of latitude lie at 23.5 degrees north and south of the equator? Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn
- Dizzy Gillespie was famous for playing which musical instrument? Trumpet
- What are the two ingredients of a Rusty Nail cocktail? Whisky and Drambuie
- The village of Bourneville was built by which family? Cadbury
- Which of the romantic poets had the middle name Bysshe? Percy Bysshe Shelley
- How wide is the goal in rugby union to the nearest foot? Eighteen feet
Tie breakers
- Brooke Shields married which sportsman in 1997? Andre Agassi
- What is your star sign if you were born on 26th September? Libra
- Umbria is a region in which European country? Italy
- Who wrote ‘Brideshead Revisited? Evelyn Waugh
- Who plays Eddie Moon in ‘Eastenders’? David Essex
How many times has Cliff Richard appeared on ‘Top of the Pops’? One hundred and fifty seven (assume live appearances?)
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