Honors English 9 Level E

Unit 5 Vocabulary Words – short definition

Altruistic(al-true-iss-tick) (adjective): showing care and concern for others; willing to put others before oneself

Assent (us-cent) (verb): to agree or express agreement

Benefactor(ben-uh-fack-tor) (noun): a person who helps people or organizations (especially with financial help)

Chivalrous(shiv-uhl-riss) (adjective): courteous and respectful, especially towards women

Clemency(clem-in-see) (noun): mercy; lenience; compassion towards someone charged with a crime

Dearth(durth) (noun): a scarcity or lack of something

Diffident(diff-uh-dint) (adjective): modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence

Discrepancy (diss-crep-in-see) (noun): a lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts

Embark(im-bark) (verb): to go on board a ship, aircraft, vehicle, or journey

Facile(fass-ill) (adjective): easily done; done without much effort; lacking depth

Indomitable (in-dom-it-uh-bull) (adjective): difficult or impossible to defeat, conquer, or subdue

Infallible (in-foul-uh-bull) (adjective): incapable of failure or error

Plod (plod) (verb): to walk heavily or slowly, as when weary; to work slowly

Pungent (pun-jint) (adjective): very strong and stinging smell or taste; causing a sharp sensation; stinging

Remiss (ree-miss) (adjective): failure to perform one’s duty; careless

Repose (ree-poze) (noun): peace and relaxation; freedom from stress or strain
(verb): to rest; to lie down; to relax

Temerity (ti-mare-it-ee) (noun): confidence, fearlessness, boldness

Truculent (truck-you-lint) (adjective): defiantly aggressive; fierce and cruel; aggressive; deadly; destructive

Unfeigned (un-fained) (adjective): sincere; not faked or pretended; sincerely felt or expressed

Virulent (veer-yuh-lint) (adjective): extremely poisonous, full of violent thoughts and intentions;

Vocabulary Unit 5 synonyms and antonyms


Altruistic: One who helps others

Assent: To concur, agree, consent

Benefactor: Charitable, kind, benevolent

Chivalrous: Gallant, valiant, well-mannered

Clemency: Leniency, mercy, tolerance

Dearth: An absence, lack, inadequacy

Diffident: Timid, bashful, withdrawn

Discrepancy: A disagreement, inconsistency

Embark: To commence, launch, begin

Facile: Easy, effortless; assured

Indomitable: Unbeatable, invincible, unyielding

Infallible: Certain, foolproof, flawless

Plod: To trudge, to drag one’s feet

Pungent: Sharp, spicy, piquant; stinging

Remiss: Sloppy, careless, negligent, slack

Repose: Sleep; tranquility; rest

Temerity: Recklessness, foolhardiness

Truculent: Brutal, belligerent, aggressive

Unfeigned: Genuine, heartfelt, sincere

Virulent: Venomous, toxic, hateful


Selfish, self-centered, greedy: Altruistic

To disagree, dissent, reject: Assent

Crude, cowardly, ill-mannered: Chivalrous

A surplus, oversupply, abundance: Dearth

Bold, self-confident, audacious: Diffident

Vulnerable; open to error: Infallible

Insincere, faked, phony: Unfeigned

Gentle, mild; bland, plain: Pungent

Submissive, beatable, surrendering: Indomitable

Scrupulous, hard-working: Remiss

Unit 6 Vocabulary Words


  1. Accede (ak-seed) (verb): to give consent, approval, agreement, or adherence
  2. Brandish (bran-dish) (verb): to shake or wave something (like a weapon) back and forth in an aggressive fashion
  3. Comprise (come-prize) (verb): to be made up of; to include or contain
  4. Deft (deft) (adjective): skillful, especially with one’s hands
  5. Destitute (des-ti-toot) (adjective): poor enough to need help from others; deprived of the necessities of life
  6. Explicit (ex-pliss-it) (adjective) precisely and clearly expressed or stated
  7. Extirpate (ex-tur-pate) (verb): to tear up by the roots; to destroy totally
  8. Inopportune (in-op-er-tune) (adjective): coming at an inconvenient or inappropriate time
  9. Ironic (eye-ron-ick) (adjective): a discrepancy between what is expected to happen and what actually happens
  10. Musty (musty) (adjective): stale, moldy; out of date
  11. Officious (uh-fish-iss) (adjective): meddlesome or intrusive in an overly-domineering way
  12. Ominous (awe-min-iss) (adjective): giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen
  13. Pinnacle (pin-ick-ull) (noun): a high peak or point
  14. Premeditated (pre-med-ih-tate-id) (adjective): considered beforehand, deliberately planned
  15. Rampant (ram-pint) (adjective): growing in an uncontrolled or unchecked way, running wild
  16. Solace (sawl-iss) (noun) comfort, relief
  17. Stately (state-ly) (adjective): impressive in appearance
  18. Supple (supp-ul) (adjective): bending and moving with ease
  19. Suppress (sup-press) (verb): to forcibly stop or hold back
  20. Venal (vee-null) (adjective): capable of being bribed or corrupted


  1. Accede: To consent, concur, comply
  2. Brandish: To swing, shake, flourish
  3. Comprise: To compose, constitute, consist of
  4. Deft: Adroit, proficient, dexterous, skillful
  5. Destitute: Poor, impoverished, devoid
  6. Explicit: Distinct, straightforward, forthright
  7. Extirpate: To uproot, eradicate, wipe out
  8. Inopportune: Poorly timed, inconvenient
  9. Ironic: Unexpected, incongruous, satiric
  10. Musty: Stale, aged, antiquated
  11. Officious: Meddlesome, prying, intrusive
  12. Ominous: Gloomy, dismal, dangerous
  13. Pinnacle: High point, acme, summit
  14. Premeditated: Preplanned, rehearsed, calculated
  15. Rampant: Widespread, unrestrained
  16. Solace: Comfort, relief, reassurance
  17. Stately: Grand, magnificent, imposing
  18. Supple: Flexible, limber, pliable
  19. Suppress: To restrain, hold back, subdue
  20. Venal: Dishonest, corruptible, immoral

Antonyms (Opposites)

  1. Accede: To withhold consent, deny approval
  2. Deft: Awkward, clumsy, inept
  3. Destitute: Rich, wealthy, luxurious, replete
  4. Explicit: Vague, unclear, implied, ambiguous
  5. Extirpate: To plant, sow, foster, nourish
  6. Premeditated: Unplanned, spontaneous,
  7. Rampant: Controlled, restrained, held in check
  8. Solace: To provoke, spur, arouse, incite
  9. Supple: Stiff, rigid, unbending
  10. Venal: Honest, scrupulous, incorruptible