Thursday, September 22, 2016


Nick Palumbo, Shannon Wilson, Kim Austin, Kelly Trudeau, Ashley Taylor, Gina Waduck, Dawn Gage, Robin MacAlpine, Darryl Gage, Jane Smith, Natasha Keefer, Kristine Cotter, Julie Mereweather, Sarah Gunter

1.  Welcome and Introductions

·  Meeting began at 6:30pm.

2.  Minutes from the June 15, 2016 meeting were reviewed

·  Minutes approved by Jane Smith, seconded by Ashley Taylor

3.  SCC Elections

·  Chair: Kim Austin – All in favour

·  Treasurer: Darryl Gage – All in favour

·  Co-Secretaries: Natasha Keefer & Sarah Gunter – All in favour

4.  Correspondence

·  Edge Imaging

·  QSP – More Than Magazines!

·  Spectrum (school and teaching supplies – possible source for Dance-a-thon supplies)

5.  Principal’s Report

·  Learning Commons update will be included in the school budget, however, SCC may be asked for additional support

6.  Financial Report

·  $300 still to come out

·  Kindergarten funds were carried forward

·  Were Associated classes funds used in full or carried forward?

·  Do funds need to be used by a certain date?

·  Agendas have been paid for

·  Going forward – should specify which requests will be covered by each fundraising activity

·  Funds need to be set aside for spiritwear.

·  Tabled for future discussion:

o  Investigate rewording pizza order forms to ask families to round up to next even number – money would be added to SCC funds

o  Upsell pizza sales with drink box, carrots, cookie, etc

7.  New Business/Requests

·  Ms. Campbell is requesting funding for school jerseys (approx. $2500-2800). The school will put forward $1000, with remainder to come from SCC

Approved by Natasha Keefer and Dawn Gage

·  Ms. Maglioli is requesting funding

o  to bring both fiction and non-fiction book selection up to date

o  to bring Kobo book selections up to date

o  has not provided an amount

8.  SCC Chair Update

a.  Parents Reaching Out (PRO) Grant application

o  Approved! $1000

b.  Scientists in the School – Science and Math Night

o  Possible dates: Thursday, March 30 or Thursday, April 6

o  Provide pizza?

9.  Parent Satisfaction/Engagement Survey

·  Tabled

10.  Fundraising 2016/2017

a)  Fresh from the Farm

o  Need to start ASAP, fundraising occurs October - November

o  Orders placed by October 17; ask students to return forms by October 13

o  Delivered in November to school (to gym via double door entrance)

o  Kim will check for parent letter; included link to website and note that this replaces Chocolate fundraiser – healthier, local farms

o  Kristine will place letter and order form in staff room

o  On delivery day, volunteers will be needed to receive and assemble orders

o  Needs to be picked up same day by parents/recipients

o  Check with high school students to volunteer to carry orders to car

b)  White Elephant Sale

o  December

c)  Dance-a-thon

o  February

o  Othniel is available to DJ again

d)  Pizza Sales

o  Ongoing

o  Handled by Trish

e)  Oshawa Generals

o  Sunday, January 15 game against Kingston

o  Will order 250 tickets: cost $13.75/ea, sell for $19.00/ea?

o  Extra tickets can be sold at White Elephant Sale

o  Can we order more tickets if we sell out? Gina will check.

f)  Other

o  Healthy Hunger program – Kim will review Pita Pit/Subway options

·  Next Meeting

The next meeting is set for Thursday, October 20, 6:30pm

·  Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.