Griswold high school
School counseling office
Dear Parents/Guardians & Students:
Welcome back! In keeping with our mission statement, “through the high expectations of a diverse and challenging curriculum, students acquire the knowledge and skills essential to take their places as responsible citizens and productive members of society”, student schedules have been created based on student requests and graduation requirements. All students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the many diverse offerings at Griswold High School and to explore various future career options through taking a variety of elective courses in addition to their career pathway electives. Once students have reviewed the enclosed schedule, please note that schedule changes will be made August 17th – 20th with the following parameters:
1). Students needing to add courses to fulfill graduation requirements or to maintain the minimum credit requirement of 6 credits per year with no more than one study hall per day will receive top priority. Students who did not meet these requirements as of the close of the last school year may have had courses added for them to meet these requirements. Ample opportunity was provided for students during the last month of school to make additional course selections.
2). Students wishing to add courses to take advantage of additional elective options replacing a study hall.
3). Schedule re-arrangement due to other reasons will be extremely limited & based on course limits. Such changes may not be possible if courses are full.
If you need to make course adjustments, please call the office at (860) 376-7680 to schedule an appointment during the week of August 17th . New student registrations will also be taking place this week, therefore not all times may be available when you call. The counselor assignments are as follows:
Grades 9-10-11-12A - CAlfiero D – MKissackN – ZMattern
There have been a few changes in our department for this coming school year. Ms. Joette LaCroix, School Counseling Secretary, has retired after 36 years of service to the Griswold School District. Please welcome Ms. Deborah Lowe, our new secretary. Please also refer to the enclosed newsletter for important information and dates. We are looking forward to another exciting school year!
Kathy Kissack Suzanne Alfiero Elaine Mattern
School Counselor School Counseling Director School Counselor
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