q SRP Forms (2930-1) with original signatures.
q Complete operations plan containing a detailed proposed action and all items needed for Wildlife to do the BA:.
1. New up-to-date map of the proposed event/activity site to include:
a. Route start/finish
b. Pits
c. Spectator areas
d. Time trial course if necessary
e. Checkpoints
f. Parking areas
g. Course monitor locations
h. Road crossings that will be monitored
2. Length of race course for each race.
3. Is there going to be a fun run and/or time trial?
4. Number of laps per event. (i.e. if there is going to be a motorcycle race, atv, utv, 65cc, and 50cc race, I need the number of laps per race).
5. Dates of race
6. Estimated number of participants
7. Land status of entire course (i.e. BLM, BIA, BOR, private, state….)
8. Start and end times of all events (time trial, fun run, race)
9. Number of classes?
10. How will participants be started? (i.e. two side-by-side every 30 seconds)
11. Types of vehicles in the race (i.e. trucks, buggys, motorcycle, atv, utv…)
12. Estimated number of spectators
13. Estimated number of vehicles that will be part of the event (i.e. vehicles used for racing, pit crews, and spectators)
14. Are water trucks going to be used?
15. When is race prep going to begin?
16. Are vendors going to be present? If so how many?
17. Are media personnel going to be present? If so how many?
18. Medical response teams? How many?
19. When and where are the vehicle inspections going to take place?
20. Will grading be done for the race? If so, when (pre-race, post-race)? Where (provide a map of all grading that is needed)?
21. When is it anticipated that participants will arrive at event location?
22. For M/C races:
a. How many loops?
b. Will the race be run in teams or individual?
c. How many teams how and many individuals?
q SRP application received by BLM within allowable time frames.
q SRP fees prepaid. $100 minimum annual SRP fee is due at the time of application submission.
q SRP insurance. Proof of insurance should be submitted with the application; however, a copy of current insurance will work even if it expires before the event date.
q A detailed medical operating plan which conforms to the SRP stipulations.
q Written permission from private land owners, other agencies, utility rights-of-way, and other affected individuals or organizations.