Minister: Rev Richard Harris (472488)

Church Pastor: Mr Doug Hoyes (279664)

Web Site:

Please let Darryl know of any Church event which needs

putting on Facebook on

Please let Karen know of any Church event which needs

putting on the Church Web Site on

Grateful thanks to all who helped and contributed

to our Easter Celebrations

These Notices cover weeks beginning 1st and 8th April

Christ is risen!

He is risen indeed!

Easter Day, 1st April

9.30 am Communion in Church led by Rev Geoff Fisher, followed by breakfast in the top hall - including bacon butties

10.45 am Mr Darryl Beresford - Multiplex

6.00 pmRev Richard Harris – Holy Communion

Multiplex Activities:

Sermon - Darryl

Craft – Glenys

Song/flags – Alison

Informal discussion “Why was Good Friday good?” - Steve

Thursday 5th April

2.00 pmChoir Practice

Sunday 8th April

10.00 am Prayer Time

10.45 amRev Richard Harris – Holy Communion

5.30 pmInspire Plus

6.00 pmMrs Barbara Cutts

Tuesday 10th April

7.30 pmFellowship at 182 Station Road

Wednesday 11th April

10.00 amFellowship at 43 Station Road

Thursday, 12th April

2.00 pmChoir Practice

7.30 pmMen's Discussion Group

Sunday, 15th April – Church Anniversary and Gift Day

10.00 amPrayer Time

10.45 amMrs Barbara Cutts

6.00 pmMiss Linda Wickens

…. Church Weekend – 27th to 29th April - You are invited.

Please return the Reservation form to book a meal or transport.

…. Our Church has been very blessed with the generosity of the members and our Gift Day (15th April) is another way to be generous in thanking God for all his goodness to us – please use the envelope attached to the newsletter or there are spares on the table in the Entrance.

If anyone would appreciate a year's supply of dated envelopes in which to put their weekly offering please have a word with Pat W. Or you may want to donate by means of a monthly Direct Debit through the bank – if so please have a word with Jean F.

In whatever way you give – money, time or talents - many thanks.

…. REVD. JOHN A. PERKINS has died peacefully, aged 81, on Monday March 26th in Ashbourne.

John was minister in the Brimington Section in the 1960's and "supervised" the building of this Church and we give thanks for his life and Ministry.

Please pray for his sons - Steve, Chris, Andy and Tim and their families.

…. Thursday 19th April, 7.30 pm, Alpha Training Evening – (in preparation for the Alpha Courses to be run this autumn in our church and at Clowne). Please come along to explore how you could help.

…. The Easter Offering envelopes - the money donated goes to the Methodist Church World Mission Fund and needs to be in by 15th April. Thank you.

…. Methodist Women in Britain – 11th April at the Peveril Centre, Castleton there will be retreat with Kirstin Markey and Helen Leah from 10.30am – 3.30 pm.

…. Saturday 14th April at 7.00 pm Swallownest United ChurchChoir at Staveley Methodist Church. All proceeds to the Bolsover Methodist Church Big Building Project.

Please pray week beginning 1st April for:-

Christians suffering for their faith in Indonesia

Sponsored Child Suphanut from Thailand

Please pray week beginning 8th April for:-

Christians suffering for their faith in Mali

Sponsored Child Maria in Uganda

From Prayer Book of 25th April

Please pray for:-

…. Mick Jagger who is now very ill

…. Danni Aspy who is home and having pot removed this week – that she may be able to walk OK

…. June expecting to have a scan on Maundy Thursday (it has been cancelled twice)

…. the family of Enzo's friends, Charlotte and George, whose mother died of a brain haemorrhage