People Manager User Guide

People and Organisation links



Data Protection and Confidentiality



Personal Details

Key date details

Contact Details


Position Summary

Position details

Position Occupancy details

Hours and Basis

Pattern details

Salary details

Payscale Values

Employee Position History

Costing Information

Salary History

Offices Held

HR Connect Help and Support


Version / Date / Change Summary
1.0 / September 2014


HR Connect People Manager is an online systemthat providesmanagers with instant access to a wide range of functionality and information in relation tothestaff who report to them. This includes where available and relevant the ability to:

  • View job, salary and training history for team members
  • Record Professional Development Review (PDR) meetings
  • Approve annual leave, flexi-leave and time off in lieu (TOIL) requests
  • View, monitor and amend holiday and time of in lieu entitlement
  • View and record sickness absence
  • View team annual leave and absence calendar
  • Run a selection of standard reports

You do not have access to sensitive information such as National Insurance numbers or equality and diversity data.

You will be able to view staff who report to you, including staff who report indirectly to you. For example, a Head of School will have access to information for everyone in their School, not just their immediate reports. Reporting lines are maintained by HR, so please contact the HR adviser for your area if they need to be amended.

You will not have access to your own details through HR Connect People Manager, but will be able to access these details separately through HR Connect Self Service.

Data Protection and Confidentiality

As HR Connect contains detailed personal information it is important that you use it responsibly to ensure that the security of yourown and you reporting staff’s information is maintained at all times.

When you have finished using HR Connect please always log out or close your web browser or tab. Unlike other web based systems HR Connect does not retain your login information and you will need to enter your username and password every time you access the system.

It is also important that you never let anyone else know your university username and password as this information would allow people to access personal information about your and your staff, with a risk of identity fraud. If you believe others may be aware of your password please change it immediately.

If at any point you feel that your information security may have been compromised you should contact the University's IT Help Desk in the first instance (ext.3000). More details about information security can be found on the Staff Intranet.

For further information on the University’s data use policy please refer to the Data Protection Fair Processing Statement for Staff.


This guide outlines the contents of the screens available to People Manager users, through the People and Organisation section of HR Connect People Manager. All of the other sections are detailed in separate user guides. Please note that the information under People and Organisation is read only. If any of the information needs to be updated this can be done either by the employee through HR Connect Employee Self Service, or by submitting a change form to HR.

To view any People Manager information you must first select the employeein the Object Panel, and then click on the appropriate link in the folder.

From any screen click on the ‘Identity Tag’ icon to display details of the employees name, number and Job Title.

Click on the ‘Home’ symbol on any screen to close the screen and return to the folder list.


Personal Details

Key date details

The ‘Reckonable service date’ and ‘Length of reckonable service’ wil only show where the employee has appropriate reckonable service from a previous employer.

Contact Details

A list of contact details will be shown in the Object Panel.

Select any one to see the details.

Please note that these are the employee’s own details. If you need to contact the employee’s next of kin or an emergency contact please contact Human Resources.


Position Summary

A list of positions will be shown in the Object Panel.

Select any one to see the details.

The ‘reporting manager’ details do not display by default. Click on ‘Expand / Collapse all’ to display them.

Position details

A list of positions will be shown in the Object Panel.

Select any one to see the details.

Position Occupancy details

A list of positions will be shown in the Object Panel.

Select any one to see the details.

Hours and Basis

A list of positions will be shown in the Object Panel.

Select any one to see the details.

Please note that the times are displayed in hours and decimals.

Pattern details

A list of positions will be shown in the Object Panel.

Select any one to see the details.

Please note that the times are displayed in hours and decimals.

Salary details

A list of positions will be shown in the Object Panel.

Select any one to see the details.

This screen is used for protected / off scale salaries.

Payscale Values

A list of positions will be shown in the Object Panel.

Select any one to see the details.

Employee Position History

The Employee Position History displays all positions that have been held by the employee, including those before the employee reported to you.

Costing Information

A list of positions will be shown in the Object Panel.

Select one of these.

If the employee is under multiple Cost Centres a list of these Cost Centres will be shown in the Object Panel.

If there is only one cost centre the details will be shown immediately, otherwise select a cost centre to see the details.

Salary History

The Salary History displays all positions that have been held by the employee, including those before the employee reported to you.

Offices Held

A list of Offices Held by the selected employee will be shown in the Object Panel.

Select any one to see the details.

HR Connect Help andSupport

If any information is incorrect or out of date and you do not have access to update the information yourself please contact your HR Adviser in the first instance.

If you need any help, advice or assistance with the system please contact the HR Systems Team on ext. 3728 or email

People Manager User Guide

Introduction and NavigationPage 1 of 16March 2014