The Order of Worship
September 27, 2009
(*please stand if you are able)
(**late comers seated at this time)
Prelude Spirit of God Descend Upon My Heart arr. W. Schurr
Introit Come, All You People Choir
*Call to Worship
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless God's holy name,
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget all the Lord's blessings.
God forgives all our sins.
God heals all our diseases.
God redeems our lives from the Pit.
God crowns us with steadfast love and mercy.
As long as we live, God blesses us with good.
We are renewed and made whole! Bless the Lord, O my soul!
*Hymn of PraiseHow Great Thou Art#467
Call to Confession
Prayer of Confession
We will pray, we ask that you would look into our hearts and see our needs. So we pray, see our shortcomings of pride, selfishness, impatience, dishonesty, and idleness. Replace these things with humility, generosity, patience, honesty, and purposefulness. So that we will be more like Christ and less like those who do not know Him in the pardoning of their sins. In His name we pray. Amen.
Assurance of Pardon
*Passing of the Peace
As God has forgiven us in Christ, let us forgive one another. The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
Choral Response Halle, Halle, Hallelujah!Caribbean
Announcements/Concerns/Joys of the Congregation
Prayer for the People
*Choral Response Our Father Which In Heaven# 589
The Children's Sermon
Scripture Lesson:
Old Testament Psalm 124
New Testament James 5:13-20
AnthemGreat Is Thy FaithfulnessArr.M.Kellner
GospelMatthew 6:7-13
Sermon"Prayer Power" Rev. Dr. SanDawna Ashley
*The Affirmation of Faith(The Apostle's Creed)p. 14
*HymnNearer My God to TheeInsert
We Worship God with Our Tithes, Gifts, and Offerings
The OfferingI Walk with GodN. Brodszky
Frank Ambers, bass
Doxology# 592
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
*Closing HymnWhat A Friend We Have In Jesus#403
*BenedictionThe Lord Bless and Keep YouJ.Strathdee
PostludeMarch for a FestivalM.Cheban
Pastor:Rev. Dr. SanDawna Gaulman Ashley
Worship Leader: Ms. Brenda Taylor
Music Director:Mrs. Candace Peters
Ministers:All Members and Friends
2017 West 110th Place
Chicago, IL60643
“Prayer Power”
Join in the celebration! Today at 4:00 p.m. the Rev. Dr. SanDawna Gaulman Ashley will be installed as our pastor. This is also a joyous time for our church.We are planning a reception worthy of this occasion. Financial donations will also be accepted. Let’s make this a grand celebration.
Church members are asked to park in the MorganParkUnitedMethodistChurch lot if space is available.
What do you believe? In many of our worship services we recite the Creed together. But do you really believe it? Does it leave out any important beliefs? Join the Adult Education class at 9:30 on Sunday mornings this fall. Our first study will be the Apostle's Creed - How well does this ancient, sacred creed summarize what we believe? If you could write your own creed, what would it say?
Our second-Sunday-of-the-month hymn sing, will return on Oct. 11. Start looking for your favorites and come ready to sing them on that day.
Mid-week Bible Study to begin in October, please indicate your preference which day works best for your schedule Tuesday or Wednesday from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Please give comments to Juanita Bailey.
Morgan Park Presbyterian Church September 20, 2009 Giving
General Fund Income
Pledge $739.87
Other Income $ 40.00
General Fund Income$779.87(Budget Requirement $3,263.00)
Benevolence Fund Income $ 4.20
Deacon’s Fund Income $10.00
**There will be a Congregational Meeting October 4thfollowing worship to receivea Financial Report and to discuss Mission Goals."SCRIP" Sunday - Orderswill be takenafter service today in Westminster Hall so have your checks ready. These orders can be delivered on October 4. These make perfect gifts as well as your savings on regular groceries, drugstore, clothing and gasoline.
Mission Council 8, retreat starting Friday, October 16th and ending on Sunday October 18th. This time together is for renewal of our spiritual lives and a time to enjoy nature at our Presbyterian camp in Saugatuck, MI. For more information ask or call EnsignLeininger (773-881-6798).
We are looking to start a youth choir. If you have a son, daughter, grandson or granddaughter who could participate, please meet with Candace Peters for a brief time following the worship service today. Thank you.
History Mystery Bike Tour through the historic Beverly Hills/Morgan Park neighborhood, Sunday, Oct. 4, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., starting and ending at KennedyPark, 113th and Western Avenue. Hosted by Beverly Area Planning Association (BAPA). Fees: $15 per person or $40 per family (two adults with children age 16 and under), or $10 for students and seniors. Riders who register in advance are guaranteed a History Mystery Tour bike bag (three per family). Free bike helmets will be given out at the event while supplies last, courtesy of Advocate Medical Group/Advocate Health Care. Applications/information: or 773-233-3100.
The CROP walk for hunger will kick off on Oct. 18 at 2:00 p.m. from the UIC Campus on Halsted for a 6 mile walk to the Loop and back. These funds are for relief and development for people stricken by floods and earth quakes and wars. Sponsor a walker with your gift. ($ 5.00 a mile).
Members and Friends of the Congregation
--Cathie Meyer - recovering from pneumonia
--Karen Nelson – recovering from surgery IngallHospital
--Dorothy Ellis - recovering from a fall
--Stephen Christian, Jr. - son of Fabienne, recovering
at home in Baltimore, Md. from a stroke
--Michael Christian - son of Fabienne, is home still waiting
for a kidney
--Eugene Barney, brother of Fabienne, resuming chemo
--Beverly McClain - recuperating at home
--Spec. Ebonie Clay-Torres - has returned home from Iraq
--Lt. Felisha Clay - on the list for deployment to Iraq
--Com. Rolfe Clay - pray he will not be deployed to Iraq
--Phyliss Scales - friend of Marilyn Miller recuperating from
breast cancer surgery
--Irving Bunton (former music director) home recuperating
--Peggy Gilluly and family in the passing of Bill Gilluly
--Dr. Keith Hampton, principal conductor for Classic Act
Choral Ensemble suffered a mild heart attack due to
blocked arteries. He is home resting comfortably.
--Lamb Moore's son Vincent academic challenges
--Delgreta LaMar, friend of Marilyn Miller in rehab recovering
from a bout with pneumonia that left her immobile
--Artis Holmes, brother of Dorothy Moore, is very sick
--The Families of Morgan Park Presbyterian Church
Prayers for Homebound and Shut-Ins
Ann Page-El
For corrections, additions, or updates please call Lois Christie 773-233-9482
Ministries of Morgan Park Presbyterian Church
-- Elders and Deacons – reliance on God in their duties
-- Staff – for health and inspiration in daily ministries
-- ChurchSchool, Children and Youth Ministries
Prayers for God’s World and God’s Children
-- Peace in Iraq and a stable government to serve all the citizens
-- Two million Iraqi refugees in Syria and Jordan and Lebanon
-- All military and service personnel and their families
-- President Obama, Vice President Biden, members of Congress
for wisdom in leading our nation
-- Recently laid off workers/unemployed
-- Education, prevention and treatment of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in
Africa and rest of the world
-- All policemen, firemen and public workers who serve our
community especially the family of the recently killed officer
-- United Nations plan to end genocide and ethnic cleansing in Sudan
-- Street violence in our city, especially for our youth
-- Peace and justice in Pakistan and Afghanistan
-- The ongoing Middle East peace talks
-- Victims, family and friends of the China earthquake
-- Welfare of those dealing with the aftermath of hurricanes and floods
-- For plans and actions regarding climate change
-- The current housing crisis
-- All affected by the economic crisis
-- All affected by the crisis in India