TO: / , Business Development Specialist
District Office
FROM: / Scott Henry, Acting Associate Administrator
Office of Small Business Development Centers (OSBDC)
SUBJECT: / Project Officer Appointment
SBDC Cooperative Agreement Number: SBAHQ-16-B-00xx
Administrative Number: 6-603001-EZ-00xx
CC: / , SBDC State Director;, District Director; , SBA Regional Administrator; , Program Manager; Grant File

You are hereby appointed to serve as the Project Officer under the subject Cooperative Agreement for the Small Business Development Center, effective [Month, Day, Year].

As Project Officer, you are to represent the U.S. Small Business Administration in the technical phases of the project. This includes maintaining appropriate oversight of technical performance and keeping the SBA OSBDC grant and program personnel informed as to the adequacy of the recipient’s performance and progress. Monitoring statements are to be prepared using SBA letter or memorandum template for each significant action that you perform as Project Officer, including the review and evaluation of each progress report. Additionally, you are required to sign and date the Monitoring Statement, certifying that the SBDC has submitted both the Narrative and Financial Reports.

Attached for your use are the Notices of Award, Cooperative Agreement, documents.

In the performance of this assignment, you serve as an advocate for the recipient but have no legal right to authorize changes of any kind in the contractual terms regardless of the recipient’s apparent difficulties in fulfilling its requirements nor should you adopt any course of action that might be construed as giving tactic approval for such changes. Changes in the scope of work, costs, quantity, quality, or milestones shall be made only by the AA/SBDC ‘Agreement Officer’ with properly executed revisions of the Award document.

If you have any questions concerning these requirements or other phases of grant administration, please contact me or , Grants Management Specialist, or , Program Manager, at (202) 205-6766. All program aspects of the project will be coordinated with you prior to any action on our part.

We look forward to working with you on this project.
