Minutes of the Council of Governors Patient Experience Group Meeting held on Friday 7 January 2011 at Westmorland General Hospital

Present:MrsShahnaz Asghar, Public Governor, Barrow and Copeland

Mr Richard Boddy, Public Governor, South Lakes and Eden

Prof Paul Brown, Public Governor, South Lakes and Eden

Mr Glyn Davies, Staff Governor, Estates and Ancillary

Dr David Earnshaw, Public Governor, South Lakes and Eden

Mrs Kay Gilbey, Deputy Director of Nursing

Mr Michael Holder, Partner Governor, NHS North Lancashire

Ms Jackie Holt, Director of Nursing and Modernisation

Mrs Helen Jarram, Head of Patient Service and Experience

Mr John Kaye, Public Governor, South Lakes and Eden

Mrs Kathleen Knipe, Public Governor, Lancaster, Craven and Wyre

Mrs Maria Radice, Public Governor, South Lakes and Eden

Mrs Gill Ryder, Staff Governor, Management and Administration

Mr Roy Slack, Public Governor, South Lakes and Eden

Mrs Emma Wright, Company Secretary

In Attendance: Miss Rachael Whitaker, FT Membership Services Officer

It was agreed that Ms Holt would Chair the meeting as the process for agreeing the Chairmanship of the group was ongoing.


Apologies for absence were received from Mr Graeme Nicholson, Staff Governor, Nursing, Midwifery & Operating Department Practitioners.


The minutes were agreed as an accurate record.


a) Wi-Fi Facilities for Patient Use

Mr Coward explained that to install Wi-Fi facilities for patient use would cost the Trust approximately £12,000, the cost of a secure connection. This would allow a public access service to be installed using the existing Wi-Fi infrastructure at each site. The system proposed would be similar to that used in many hotels whereby a patient would have to give some kind of authentication information (e.g., their name and NHS Number) before they could use the Wi-Fi. Once they were discharged from hospital they would not be able to use the Wi-Fi again.

A cheaper option would be to set up individual hotspots around the Trust but this could not be moderated or legitimate users authenticated. Once a patient knew the Wi-Fi password they could continue to use it until it changed. They could also pass the password on to friends and relatives who could also then use it. Changing the password on the required individual hotspots (estimate two hotspots per ward) would require a large amount of dedicated IT engineering time, therefore Mr Coward could not commit to supporting this option.

Mr Boddy queried if there was demand from patients for this facility. Following discussion it was agreed that a questionnaire be included in the next edition of New Horizons to give an indication/obtain feedback on demand for providing Wi-Fi facilities. Mrs Wright confirmed it was important that the current financial position be borne in mind and any future proposals would be subject to standard finance processes within the Trust.

b) Mobile Phone Policy and Signage Update

Mr Davis confirmed that the policy confirmed which areas of the hospital mobile phones could be used. The group suggested that this information should be more accessible to patients and visitors. Mr Davis acknowledged the need to update signage to match the latest policy. The possibility of including relevant information within the patient information booklet would also be looked into.

Professor Brown raised a query regarding recharging mobile phones while in hospital. Mr Davis explained that all electronic devices brought onto Trust premises are required to be safety tested (PAT tested) to comply with Health and Safety regulations. It was agreed that the issue of charging mobile taking account of PAT testing requirements be looked into further. Mrs Knipe highlighted the forthcoming introduction of universal chargers which could be a way round the issue.

c) Patient Experience: A&E- Update

Mrs Jarram informed the group that work was progressing regarding patient experience in A&E. The Local Involvement Network (LINks)had carried out site tours and training sessions were currently being organised. The start date for the survey was now expected to be February 2011.

Professor Brown raised a query regarding patient transport links between sites. Mrs Wright, noting that Professor Brown had recently made contact with her regarding a particular case, confirmed that provision of patient transport was based on clinical criteria.

Governors present sought clarification of whether the concept of a shuttle system between the hospital sites had been considered, as they felt savings could be made on current associated costs. Following discussion, it was agreed the criteria for patient transport and the number of related complaints would be shared with the Patient Experience Group.Consideration of a shuttle system for staff and patients and the wider issue of joined up transport for patients would be considered at the next Strategy Group meeting.

d) Ward 50- Update

Mrs Gilbey confirmed that the position relating to the temporary closure of Ward 50, which is a long stay care of the elderly ward,remained the same.


Mrs Wright presented the briefing sheet detailing the results from the mini PEAT inspections. Mrs Wright confirmed that since issuing the briefing paper, she has been notified by Facilities colleagues that the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) had stated that Governors weren’t to be involved in the formal inspections as their role was not considered to be sufficiently impartial. Ms Holt asked for the exact response from the NPSA. Following discussion, it was agreed that the exact wording from the NPSA’s feedback should be obtained and circulated, their stance be challenged before PEAT visits in January/February 2011 as Governors felt they were ideal to be involved given they were democratically elected by the membership. Details of how other FTs managed the PEAT process was also requested. Mrs Wright agreed to respond to these issues/requests outside the meeting.

Mr Boddy raised the issue of smoking outside the centenary building entrance at the RLI. Ms Holt agreed to raise the issue of health promotion about smoking at a forthcoming Public Health Group meeting. Governors asked whether it would be possible to provide smoking shelters. Mr Davis confirmed that shelters had been taken away previously when the ‘no smoking on site’ arrangements came into force. Trust representatives also referred to the problems that could occur when reminding members of the public about not smoking on hospital sites.


Mrs Jarram presented the paper detailing the results of the 2010 Maternity survey and explained that she would circulate a more detailed breakdown of results by via Mrs Wright before the next meeting.

Mrs Radice queried if the Trust encourages home births and Mr Kaye queried figures of natural births versus caesarean sections. Ms Holt agreed to provide this information and invite Mrs Oxley, Head of Midwifery, to the next meeting.

Mr Kaye queried if problems highlighted in the results are actively dealt with. Ms Holt confirmed that ward staff and the PALS team are pro active with picking up problems.


Governor representatives of the group were asked to raise issues in advance of the meeting on any subject within the Trust on which they wanted clarification or further information. The group received and noted the content of the report. In addition, the following information was provided:-

a)Carpets in Ward Areas

In addition to the response made within the paper, Mr Davis added that the carpets in the hospital entrances do become quite dirty over the winter months and are, therefore, steam cleaned in the Spring.


Mrs Jarram explained that since 1 April 2010, all large providers of NHS services are required to produce a quality account. The Trust’s priorities for quality improvement in the Quality Account for 2010 were based on suggestions from staff,FT members and local communities. These priorities have been incorporated into the Trust’s ongoing Quality Improvement Strategy for 2010-2013.

Governors noted that the majority of issues raised with them related to the appointments system and in particular waiting times. Governors also noted that it would be helpful if staff in the outpatient department could inform patients in the event of them being kept waiting. Trust representatives confirmed that this was covered in general Customer Care training but noted the need to continually reinforced this requirement.

Following discussion, it was agreed that a questionnaire would be circulated to the wider membership about the areas of most concern, detailed above. It was agreed the questionnaire would be broken down into elements of clinical, administration and environment.

It was agreed that a representative managing the out-patient project would be invited to a future meeting to share details of the action being taken within the Trust to improve the patient experience.


Mrs Gilbey presented the paper detailing an update with progress of Delivering Same Sex Accommodation. She explained that as of March 2010 the Trust declared virtual compliance in respect of same sex accommodation and must declare by 1 April 2011 that they comply with the DSSA policy statement.

Mr Boddy asked if there is a high level of complaints from patients regarding privacy and dignity on wards that would warrant this change. Mrs Gilbey explained that related actions were Department of Health policy, compliance being a pre-requisite.

Mr Kaye noted the flaw in the policy whereby the Trust would breach guidelines in the event of breach outwith their control. Mrs Wright assured Mr Kaye that similar representation had been made by the Trust.


Mrs Jarram presented the paper detailing the Trust’s proposalsfor producing a patient experience report, noting the link with the Quality Account priorities. The group received and noted the content of the report.


a) Analysis of RLI and FGH Complaints

Mrs Jarram presented a breakdown of complaints as requested following the quarterly report presented to the Council of Governors meeting in December 2010.

Professor Brown was concerned that there was no correlation between the breakdown and the quarterly report. Mrs Gilbey explained that the main themes are highlighted in the quarterly report and fit into many categories, hence duplications.

Mrs Wright suggested it would be useful to include activity levels in future reports, as although the number of complaints was higher, this reflected the higher level of activity which took place on the RLI site.


Mrs Jarram presented the report detailing an update on issues raised via Governors by FT members/members of the public. It was agreed that additional columnswould be added to include if the patient was satisfied with the response or whether communication remained ongoing following the Trust’s response, that the deadline to respond had been met and if not, a reason for the delay.

Following a query from Mr Boddy, Mrs Wright clarified that an additional process to the Trust’s Complaints Policy had been set up to take account of Governors’ information sharing and feedback role. The arrangements in place took account of potential for legal action, data protection, patient confidentiality and also that Governors have no operational responsibility.

Mr Kaye stated that he would like to receive copies of all communications.Mrs Wright reiterated the response above and confirmed that the issue Mr Kaye had already been debated at the full Council of Governors meeting in September 2010, following which the current system had been approved.


It was agreed that page numbers should be added the agenda papers for future meetings.


Mrs Radice asked that the response from Mr Clarke regarding Dementia training be chased, as referred to at the Council of Governors meeting on 13 December. Mrs Wright agreed to follow this up with Mr Clarke.


Friday 13 May 2011 10:00-12:00, venue tbc