Burleson Area Retired School
Employees Association
BARSEA Officers for 2113-14 (left to right)
Tom Greenwood,1st vice president; Fran Mathias, past president; Sue Lusk, treasurer; Karen Moody, secretary; Linda Henderson, 2nd vice president;
Linda Hampton, president
Programs and Meetings
BARSEA meetings are held on the second Monday
of each month. September, December, March,
and June are potluck luncheons. The other
months, refreshments are served 30 minutes
before the meetings begins.
The Burleson Area Retired School Employees Association
(BARSEA ) launched the 2013-14 year with a well attended
potluck lunch.The program featured Dr. Brett Jimerson,
the new superintendent for Burleson ISD. He impressed attendees with his enthusiasm and educational goal.
October was the month for our Legislative Panel. The panel consisted of Rep. Robb Orr, Rep. Bill Zedler, andCharles Boswell for Wendy Davis. Senator Birdwell was invited but declined the invitation, The panel provided information on TRS Care and other topics which affect Texas educators Following the meeting , personnel from Huguley Medical Center were on hand to give flu shots.
In honor of Veteran’s Day, our November program featured Mo Baker, a Viet Nam POW and fighter Pilot. He shared information about treatment of POW’s during the Viet Nam War.
Our annual Christmas lunch was held at the First United Methodist Church in Burleson for our December meeting. Entertainment was provided by the Burleson High School Show Choir.
“Down Home Praise” with Doy Cloninger and Danny Dunn provided musical entertainment for our January meeting
Judge Jeff Monk, Justice of the Peace for Johnson County, was the featured speaker for February. Judge Monk uses his acting skills to dole out creative consequences for juveniles that appear in his court.
In March, Johnson-Somervell County hosted BARSEA members for our annual joint meeting. This was a luncheon meeting held in Cleburne. Tim Lee, TRTA executive director was the featured speaker.
The April meeting featured Dave Lieber, Star-Telegram “Watchdog”, columnist. He is always informative and entertaining.
Six BARSEA members attended the TRTA State Convention Dallas. Tom Greenwood, Linda Hampton, Karen Moody, and Sue Lusk were delegates for BARSEA. JoAnn Smith Haedge and Pat Lioce were delegates for District XI.
BARSEA retirees volunteer in many ways to stay involved with their community. BARSEA reported 53,325 hours for 2013. This is with only 50% of the members reporting. We would really like to have 100% of our members reporting even if it is only a few hours. No number is too small. Doralee Castillo, our Community Service chairperson, calls members to get as many members as possible to report their hours. Pictured below are just a couple of the ways members volunteer.
Letha Grace McCoy helps “LiveLetha also works with the PACK In December many members
Steamers” in Houston collect ministry at 1st United Methodist volunteer to read and distribute
“Toys for Tots”. Church pack lunches so under book to pre-K students in
privileged students can eat lunches Burleson, Crowley, and Joshua.
on weekends.