PRESENT:Cllrs B Whatling (Chair),M Clifton, M Grimshaw, S Angell, T Grocutt, C Carter, B Tipper, T Bouttle, J Sherman
APOLOGIES:J Douglass, F Dowsing, C Brown, J Bishop, K Pearce
IN ATTENDANCE: J Walkley (Acting Clerk), District Cllr Tomblin, 1MoP, Lisa Ellis (Neighbourhood Warden), Reporter Local
17.221To receive and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies as above were noted and accepted.
17.222To Receive any Declarations of Interest and any requests for dispensations
None received
Chairman’s announcements
Cllr Whatling gave thanks to the new Acting Clerk Mrs Jenny Walkley and welcomed to the new role and farewell to the departing Clerk - Ms Andrea Durn who officially after serving her one months’ notice left us on the 25th February 2018. Cllr Whatling gave thanks to those who contributed to her present and attended her leaving event on Friday 23 February 2017.Also thanks to Chairs, Vice Chairs and working parties for working incredibly hard and spending a great deal of time in dealing with the problems associated with the ongoing transition into post of our new Clerk.
Another very important issue to note was the vacancies on Council. It is important that these are filled, having a clerk holding the recognised CILCA qualification could give us a greater flexibility on what we as a Council can do. Please highlight as much as possible.
Some work has been highlighted that will need some immediate action regarding Sports England and the Sports Pavilion, the Acting clerk will be working with R&L Chair and the Vice Chair to work through these issues. Added to this, the recent damage due to a burstwater pipe has added to the list of outstanding work pressures in this area.
Cllr Whatling attended all the routine Committee meeting of the R&L Planning & Highways, Staffing and Finance, committees, unfortunately missing the Allotments meeting, due to previous commitments. Has held and attended several additional working party meetings associated with the present staffing changes, and thanks given to Miranda as Chair of Staffing and the members of this committee for their commitment in all these recent matters.
Due to attend a civic dinner Saturday 17 March representing Cam – with the 649 -ATC together with H M Lord Lieutenant of Gloucestershire Dame Janet Trotter and the Commanding Officer of the Bristol and Glos Wing.
17.223To receive any questions, statements or submissions from members of the public in attendance
J Gillard (MoP) attended in support of staff at the council offices and to give thanks for all the support he received.
17.224To approve and sign Minutes of the Full Council meeting on February 2018 as a true and correct record
The minutes were signed as a true and correct record
17.225To note matters arising from the Minutes and not covered by agenda items, for information only
None raised
17.226To receive minutes of Committee meetings held in February 2018
Planning & Highways – Received and noted
Recreation and Leisure – received and noted
Finance, Policy, and General Purposes – received and noted
17.227To agree removal of user from Banking authority and sign documentation
It was AGREED to remove user - A Durn from banking details and the mandate was signed and dated.
17.228To agree date for Annual Parish Assembly
The date for the Annual Parish Assembly was discussed an it was RESOLVED to hold the meeting on Tuesday 15th May 2018 at 6pm. All members were requested to email any further suggestions for topics for the APA to the office.
Play review Presentation - TB
Neighbourhood Plan - TG
17.229To receive request to review standing orders to consider changes to 5(G) and agree actions
It was RESOLVED following much debate that Standing Orders item 5 (G) should be removed with immediate effect. To be reviewed in January 2019 to review.
17.230To comment/agree response to the consultation for the review of the Cotswold AONB Management Plan 2018-23 or agree other actions
TG & MG to review and report back to R&L committee prior to the deadline date of 29th March.
17.231To note request for all councillors to complete the NALCS Local Councillor Census Survey
Questionnaire highlighted, all members requested to complete if they so wish
17.232To agree any co -options received
No co-options letters received
17.233To receive reports on issues affecting Cam from:
a)County Councillor
B Tipper - CDU car parking changes started, unsure when due completion. Poor work had been previously reported and improvements had been made.
Request for residents to cut hedges but be aware of nesting birds and stop immediately should some be found.
Work progressing with the Lengths-man scheme and work schedule will need finalising shortly with the assistance of the deputy clerk.
b)District Councillors
J Tomblin. Box Road reported to go to DCC later than expected. Not scheduled in to date. Support requested to achieve road repairs on Box Road, extensive damage reported due to high volume usage following building works and importing soil further along the road into Coaley. Inspections expected shortly.
M Clifton –Reported rent reduction for some residents by 1% as per government legislation
Javelin Park & Recycling
Stroud agreed to adopt the Stroud District Heritage Strategy as Supplementary Planning Advice and agreed the use of the Objectives and Strategy Priorities/
Parish Councillors
C Carter –Attended DWW meeting. Noted festival dates of 4/10/2018 until 7/10/2018. 36 walks planned and for first timeWessex Wanders will attend and incorporate walks to Slimbridge and Dursley. Trainline Weymouth to Bristol.
Due to attend Patient Participation Group meeting and Stinchcombe Hill Trust meeting later in week. Please feedback any comments prior to these meetings.
MC/CC – attending Youth tender meetings. Applicants to be opened in March 2018 to inspect and interview.
17.234To receive monthly financial reconciliation report, agree payments and receipts and agree the next internal monthly accounts checker – Cllr K Pearce
The Financial monthly reconciliation was presented, accepted and signed by Cllr K Pearce. Cllr S Angell to complete financial reconciliation March 2018.
a)To receive the 2017/18 budget report and agree actions
Budget update accepted. Each committee to review and report any questions back to the Acting Clerk for investigations.
17.236To agree training attendance - Chair
No training schedule available
17.237Neighbourhood Development Plan – Cllr T Grocutt:
a)To receive an update on progress on the development of the NDP and Village Design Statement for Cam and agree actions
Work progressing with the Village Design Statement and Open Green Spaces Report. TG gave thanks to all Cllrs and members of the steering group for much hard work. Meeting with SDC Officer went very well and discussions were ongoing with regard to a landscape assessment.
17.238EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS To resolve that by the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded for the following item 20 of business, on the grounds it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the Acts
17.239To receive recommendations from the Staffing Committee Working Group and agree actions – Cllr Clifton
Implementation of Clerk, rate of pay and start date - AGREED
Recommendations for staff and remuneration - AGREED
Evaluation of Job Descriptions - AGREED
Notice period extension - AGREED
AGREED, Confidential Document Attached
17.240To reconvene the meeting
Meeting reconvened
17.241To note any items for information or referral only
Tesco Bags for Life include 2 local groups from Cam.
TB – Allotment Meetingattendance reduced from last year with 12 persons present. Good feedback received but adverse weather impacted attendance.
JS – Report of person urinating at train station.
17.242Close of meeting
With no further business, the meeting was declared closed at 8.48pm