Special Topics: Economics of Education - ECON 4350
Doty Course Syllabus for Fall 2015
Instructor: Mrs. Susan Doty
Director of the Center for Economic Education & Financial Literacy
& Senior Lecturer in Economics, Department of Social Sciences
The University of Texas at Tyler, 3900 University Boulevard, Tyler, TX 75799
Office:BUS #240
Please note that e-mail is my preferred method of contact. Even if you want to talk by phone, the best way to do so is by sending me an e-mail and asking me to call you back.
Phone:903-566-7459 (Office) – 903-570-9020 (Cell for text messages only). Text for simple questions only! For anything that requires a more thorough or complicated answer, please use email.
Office Hours:Mondays and Wednesdays: 1:30-3:30 for open office hours and Friday afternoons for appointments only.
You do not need to set up an appointment to meet with me during MW office hours although you may have to wait if other students arrive before you. I am not available to meet with students on Tuesdays and Thursdays because of my commitment to the UT Tyler Center for Economic Education and Financial Literacy on those two days. My faculty office is on the 2nd floor of the Business building. I make extensive use of Blackboard and will establish additional channels for both synchronous and asynchronous online virtual office hours as needed. I respond quickly to email and text.
Meeting Times:Section 001 meets MWF from 11:15-12:10 AM in RBN 3035. Check your MyUTTyleraccount for final classroom location because rooms may change through the first week depending on enrollment.
Course Materials:Virtual Economics 4.5 will be provided at no financial cost to all enrolled students through my CEEFL grant. Weekly readings from various journals will be posted on Blackboard. There is no textbook.
Course Summary &We will evaluate education through an economic lens, first by examining global
Objectives:educational systems and their funding and then examine education in the U.S. from a historical perspective. We will analyze major trends and initiatives and then study promising initiatives, especially those in economic education and personal financial literacy education. Students will gain skills in critical thinking, quantitative analysis, teamwork, communication in oral, written and technology form, and hone the economic way of thinking in the context of personal and social responsibility.
Study Time:A general guideline is that you should spend three hours of independent study time outside of class for each hour in class. I know many of you are working part-time and full-time jobs, have families and are active in student sports and activities. I do understand that many of you are taking 15 and 18 hours. Based on the 3-to-1 formula, that is 60 to 72 hours of academic work alone! YOU need to be realistic about your own capabilities and commitments!
Classroom Conduct:This is simply a matter of respect – mine for you – yours for each other and for me. Arrive on time, and stay for the duration of class. Be prepared and participate during discussions and activities. Stay on task and don’t get distracted! In economics, we learn about the importance of private property ownership – be good stewards to university property. Do not photograph, audio or video tape lectures, discussions or activities. Do not copy or distribute any presentation, activity, or assessment materials from class or on-line supplement. Do your own work and properly cite the work of others. The University of Texas at Tyler has an academic integrity policy. I take it very seriously and expect you to also. Be honest, do your best work and learn.
Participation: Woody Allen said, 80% of life is showing up! You can’t learn if you’re not in class! You are expected to attend every class. This is a small seminar class and its enjoyment and successfor everyone will be based on your preparation and participation.
Course Readings:I will provide your readings on Blackboard. They will be drawn from a variety of sources, some professional and some scholarly, in fields as diverse as education, government, business, banking, sociology and psychology. They will all have an economic connection. These readings must be done before class so that we can have meaningful discussions about them.
Exams:Exams will be short answer and will be taken in class with Blue Books. The Midterm will cover unit one and the final will cover units two and three.
Discussion Board:We will use the Discussion Board on Blackboard for posting Jings, watching and responding to those Jings and, in one case, critiquing them online.
Academic Integrity:For each assessment, you will sign a statement confirming that you have taken the assessment in accordance with the Academic Integrity Policy currently in place at The University of Texas at Tyler.
Grading:Discussion of Foundational Readings12@10points = 120 points
Discussion of Student-Led Readings8@ 10 points = 80points
Student Led Discussions4@ 25 points = 100 points
Midterm1@100 points = 100 points
Jings3 @ 75 points = 225 points
Jing Responses3 @ 15 points = 45 points
Jing Critiques and Commentary3 @ 10 points = 30 points
Final1@100 points = 100 points
Project 1 @ 200 points = 200 points
Course Grade:A = 900+ Points
B = 800-899 Points
C = 700-799 Points
D = 600-699 Points
F = 599 points or less
Make-Up Policy:This policy is designed for all students who miss class discussions or an examfor any reason, including but not limited to, university-sponsored activities including athletics, personal illness, friend or family emergency, work conflict, or any other cause. If you miss:
Discussion of Foundational ReadingsOne page write-up submitted day you return.
Discussion of Student-Led ReadingsOne page write-up submitted day you return.
Student Led DiscussionsMay switch days in the same weekwith a classmate.
Submit document you both sign agreeing to the switch.
Midterm ExamYou may make up as a second test with the final.
JingsYou may submit in advance, but not late.
Jing ResponsesRespond, in writing, to each posted Jing and submit on
the day you return.
Jing Critiques and CommentaryCritique and comment, in writing, on each Jing and
submit on the day you return.
Final ExamNo Make-up
Project No Make-up
Addendums to
Texas law prohibits a student who began college for the first time in fall 2007 or thereafter from dropping more than six courses during their entire undergraduate career. This includes courses dropped at another 2-year or 4-year Texas public college or university. For purposes of this rule, a dropped course is any course that is dropped after the census date (See Academic Calendar for the specific date).
Disability Services: In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA) the University offers accommodations to students with learning, physical and/or psychiatric disabilities.
Class ScheduleYou are responsible for being prepared for class and completing all assignments.
Follows:Please check this before asking me what we will be doing in class, what we did in class or when an assignment is scheduled!
Unit One: Comparative Educational Systems
Week One: Introduction and Course Tools
Monday, August 24Virtual Economics 4.5 and Jing
Wednesday, August 26Solving Economic Mysteries
Friday, August 28Education as a Public Good
Week Two: Overview of Global Education
Monday, August 31Foundational Readings #1
Wednesday, September 2Foundational Readings #2
Friday, September 4Foundational Readings #3
Week Three: Research
Monday, September 7Labor Day
Wednesday, September 9Jing #1 Preparation Day
Post Jingsby 5:00 PM on Wednesday with Responses by 11:00 PM on Thursday
Friday, September 11Comments and Critique
Week Four: Analysis of Specific Countries
Monday, September 14Student Led Readings #1
Wednesday, September 16Student Led Readings #2
Friday, September 18Student Led Readings #3
Week Five: Education in the United States
Monday, September 21Foundational Readings #4
Wednesday, September 23Foundational Readings #5
Friday, September 25Foundational Readings #6
Week Six: Analysis of Specific Initiatives
Monday, September 28Student Led Readings #4
Wednesday, September 30Student Led Readings #5
Friday, October 2Student Led Readings #6
Week Seven: Unit One Summary
Monday, October 5Midterm Exam
Wednesday, October 7Jing #2Preparation Day
Post Jingsby 5:00 PM on Wednesday with Responses by 11:00 PM on Thursday
Friday, October 9Comments and Critiques post by 5:00 PM
Unit Two: Challenge and Hope
Week Eight: Pilot Programs
Monday, October 12Foundational Reading #7
Wednesday, October 14Foundational Reading #8
Friday, October 16Foundational Reading #9
Week Nine: Analysis of Pilot Programs
Monday, October 19Student Led Readings #7
Wednesday, October 21 Student Led Readings #8
Friday, October 23Student Led Readings #9
Week Ten: Wrap-Up of Pilot Discussions
Monday, October 26Project Introduction
Wednesday, October 28Project Discussion
Friday, October 30Jing #3 Preparation Day
Post Jingsby 5:00 PM on Friday with Responses by 11:00 PM on Sunday
Unit Three: Education as a Solution to Financial Crisis?
Week Eleven: Understanding Financial Crisis
Monday, November 2Comments and Critiques
Wednesday, November 4Economic Education
Friday, November 6Personal Financial Literacy
Week Twelve: Initiatives in Economic Education and Financial Literacy
Monday, November 9Foundational Reading #10
Wednesday, November 11Foundational Reading #11
Friday, November 13Foundational Reading #12
Week Thirteen: Who’s Doing What?
Monday, November 16Student Led Readings #10
Wednesday, November 18Student Led Readings #11
Friday, November 20Student Led Readings #12
Week Fourteen: Thanksgiving Week Break
Monday, November 23No Class
Wednesday, November 25No Class
Friday, November 27No Class
Be safe, enjoy! Remember diminishing marginal utility!
Week Fifteen: Final Project Presentations
Monday, November 30Individual Presentations
Wednesday, December 2Individual Presentations
Friday, December 4Individual Presentations
Final Papers due Sunday at 11:00 PM
Week Sixteen: Final Exam Week
Monday, December 7Study Day no class
December 8-11FINAL EXAM - Check MyUTTylerfor specific date
Tuesday, December 15Grades Due at noon – Please don’t ask before then!
Now, wouldn’t you agree?
Economics is good! Economics is life-changing! Economics is world-changing!
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