1.Cooper Band Students represent CHS and AISD; therefore, membersmust be a leader on campus and an example of a positive attitude in every area of student life.

2. Cooper Band memberswill be well-groomed and dressed in school or performance appropriate attire when representing CHS. Body piercing jewelry, other than in the ears, must be removed during performances. Any visible tattoos must be covered during public performances. Students with hair color that is not in compliance with the dress code will not be allowed during performances or competition.

3.Any or the following will be grounds for suspension from the Band program at the discretion of the directors and CHS Administration:

a. Violation of any school or band department policies

b.Insubordination toward a director, AISD staff member, or band parent volunteer.

c.ISS placement

d.Inappropriate or unbecoming conduct that would reflect negatively upon the reputation of the Band Department which includes, but is not limited to: the use of alcohol, drugs or tobacco, stealing, cheating, or bullying as determined by administration.

e.Inappropriate photos or unbecoming conductposted on social media will not be tolerated. Members must have clean social media sites!

f. Behavior or speech that is divisive in nature to the unity of the ensemble

g.Consistent ineligibility status with little or no improvement

* During a time of suspension, performance opportunities may be limited until 20 hours of community service has been performed by the member in order to maintain membership in the Band. Community service must be proven with a signed letter of the hours completed by the adult supervising the student. The student will continue to rehearse with the Band and must display stellar behavior in the suspension period.

4. Pregnancy is not grounds for dismissal from Band; however, public performance opportunities will be limited when we are in uniform and performing. Alternate assignments will be provided during this period and future membership will not be compromised.

5.Any of the following may be grounds for automatic dismissal from the Cooper Band Department:

-Previous suspensions having occurred for offenses as outlined in #3

-RAC placement

-Suspension from school

-Being arrested

-Receiving an MIP or DUI

We, the undersigned, recognize it is a privilege to be a part of the Cooper Band,pledge to uphold the BandDept. Handbook, School Policies and this Honor Code.

Student Signature______Parent Signature ______