Service to youth since 1826

Dr. Randy A. Ireson

Executive Director

The Glen Mills Schools’ Prison Rape Elimination Report:

January 1st, 2017-December 31st, 2017

The Glen Mills Schools has long embraced the principles associated with the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003. For years, Glen Mills has taken steps toward the prevention of sexual abuse at the school. In July 2017, Glen Mills went through its second PREA audit conducted by a Department of Justice certified auditor.

During the week of July 17, 2017, DOJ-Certified Juvenile Facilities Auditor Steven Jett conducted the second audit of the Glen Mills Schools for compliance with the PREA standards. On July 19, 2017, Glen Mills Schools was found 100% compliant and did not require any corrective action. The final report is posted on this website.

Although Glen Millshas achieved 100% compliance with the “National Standards to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Prison Rape under the Prison Rape Elimination Act,” it is important to keep up with those standards. Glen Mills continues to address the prevention of sexual abuse through the PREA training for all staff, as well as the education of all students. In addition, Glen Mills has made revisions to its PREA screening tool to better evaluate incoming students on their individual safety and the safety of others. The school has also updated its staffing plan which will help to ensure the continued safety of both staff and students.

The occurrence of sexual misconduct at the Glen Mills Schools is very low. In last year’s 2016 report, one incident was reported. The incident involved a claim of student-on-student sexual harassment. After an investigation by the Pennsylvania State Police, it was determined that the allegation was unfounded. The current report documents three incidents in 2017. The first incident involved an allegation of student-on-student sexual abuse made by a former residential student. Although the report was made in 2017, the incident allegedly took place in 2016. Regardless, the incident was investigated by the Pennsylvania State Police and determined to be unfounded. The second incident involved a claim of staff-on-student sexual abuse. After an investigation by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, it was determined that the allegation was unfounded. The third incident, which pertained to a student-on-student act, was determined to be unfounded after an investigation by the Pennsylvania State Police.

Glen Mills Schools realizes that it must maintain its efforts to prevent incidents and avoid them at all cost. The school will continue to maintain a healthy environment by conveying a zero-tolerance policy to staff and students with regard to all types of abuse. Results of investigations will be used to determine if changes need to be made at Glen Mills, including but not limited to, policies, procedures, staffing, personal assignments, and supervision.

P.O. Box 5001 • Concordville, Pennsylvania 19331 • (610)459-8100