Tees Valley Housing Corporation Protocol Action Plan 2008/09
The TeesValley Sub Regional
Housing Corporation Protocol Action Plan 2008/09
Objective 1. Prevention of homelessness and access to housing options.Action / Target Date / Lead Responsibility / Status / Progress/ Comments
1) Produce a common sub – regional homelessness strategy statement around good practice. / October 2008. / Hartlepool Council
Penny Garner- Carpenter.
Housing Corporation
Maxine Loftus
2) Develop a common framework / form for the collection of data from RSLs. / June 2008. / Middlesbrough Council
Alan Hunter.
Housing Corporation
Maxine Loftus / Data to be collected quarterly from RSLs. Info to be passed to a contact at each LA across the sub-region. This will avoid duplication of data collection.
3) Develop a common sub – regional nominations agreement with Registered Social Landlords. / August 2008. / Darlington Council
Alan Glew.
Housing Corporation
Maxine Loftus / Review CORE and RSR data. Encourage RSLs to maximise the number of properties they put forward for nomination through CBL. Cross reference with sub-regional CBL group.
4) Review the current role and terms of reference of the sub – regional homelessness forum in order to deliver sub – regional strategies and priorities. / December 2008. / Middlesbrough Council
Alan Hunter. / Requires RSL representation and liaison. Review membership.
5) Each local authority to review and implement changes to their homelessness strategies in accordance with KLOE 8. / November 2008. / All TeesValley local authorities.
6) Review Registered Social Landlords performance towards homelessness prevention and promote best practice. / January 2008. / Stockton Council
Jane Edmends.
Housing Corporation
Maxine Loftus / RSLs to be consulted on which performance measures and indicators are to be used. Review and publish?
7) Promote the use of and encourage uptake of Homebuy through the agent. / April 2008 onwards. / Housing Corporation.
Maxine Loftus / Homebuy to be promoted through sub-regional CBL when it goes live. Erimus Housing already advertising Homebuy products through the current CBL scheme. Stockton Council to launch an affordable housing register.
Objective 2. Introduction and implementation of a sub – regional Choice Based Lettings (CBL) scheme.
Action / Target Date / Lead Responsibility / Status/Progress/Comments
1) Encourage all new Registered Social Landlords commencing operation within the sub-region to be part of the CBL process. / April 2008 onwards. / Housing Corporation
Maxine Loftus / This to include all existing RSL, ALMO and LSVT.
2) Extend CBL to incorporate the private rented sector. / January 2009. / Redcar & Cleveland Council
Roger Kay. / This is a strategic priority of the sub-regional CBL group. Homechoice already hold a database of landlords interested in sub-regional CBL. Also some private landlords already advertising their properties through CBL.
3) Develop the CBL scheme to incorporate shared ownership and intermediate housing units. / February 2009. / Darlington Council
Alan Glew.
Housing Corporation
Maxine Loftus
4) Monitor the effectiveness of the sub – regional CBL scheme. / February 2009. / Darlington Council
Alan Glew.in liaison with the Chair of the sub-regional CBL initiative.
Housing Corporation
Maxine Loftus. / The sub-regional CBL group to be briefed .
Objective 3. Working in partnership to maintain balanced and sustainable communities.
Action / Target Date / Lead Responsibility / Status/Progress/Comments
1) Maximise the level of funding resource through SHIP 3 for the TeesValley sub-region. / April 2008. / TeesValley Living
Mike Mealing. / Collaborative working in order to co-ordinate future submissions.
2) Implement current Tees Valley Living (TVL) priorities for joint procurement. / August 2008. / TeesValley Living
Mike Mealing / Consider the NE Procurement Consortia, also the SPIRIT partnership OJEU framework. Encourage new approaches to efficiency and joint procurement.
3) Explore new joint venture opportunities to improve delivery and to increase the level of private investment into housing. / October 2008. / Redcar & Cleveland Council
Roger Kay.
Housing Corporation
Maxine Loftus
4) Develop a consistent monitoring tool for the collation of RSL led HMR project information to feed into the work of Tees Valley Living / July 2008 / Middlesbrough Council
Peter Brewer
TeesValley Living
Jennine Robson
Objective 4. Evaluate the delivery of new affordable housing and the management of existing affordable housing, through close engagement with RSLs, the Housing Corporation and other delivery partners.
Action / Target Date / Lead Responsibility / Status/Progress/Comments
1) Develop a common sub – regional proforma to capture RSL performance in the management of existing RSL housing stock. / January 2009. / Hartlepool Council
Penny Garner-Carpenter.
Housing Corporation
Maxine Loftus / Cross reference with what the Housing Corporation already collects.
2) Undertake bi-annual protocol review meetings between the H.C., RSL representatives and the Tees Valley L.A.s / August 2008 & February 2009. / Middlesbrough Council
Alan Hunter.
Housing Corporation
Maxine Loftus
3) Review the data sharing collection protocols for the TeesValley sub – region. / November 2008. / Redcar & Cleveland Council
Roger Kay.
Housing Corporation
Maxine Loftus
Objective 5. Increase the supply of affordable housing through PPS3.
Action / Target Date / Lead Responsibility / Status/Progress/Comments
1) Complete Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessments/ surplus building assessments / August 2008. / Darlington Council
Alan Glew. / Align with bidding round
2) Seek to increase the supply of affordable housing and reduce public subsidy requirements. / August 2008 / Darlington Council
Alan Glew
Housing Corporation
Julie Jacques
3) Develop a sub-regional empty homes initiative to maximise the use and accessibility of accommodation for local people in housing need. / March 2009. / Stockton Council
Jane Edmends. / Private sector licensing / accreditation and involvement in the sub-regional CBL scheme will assist.
4) Ensure asset management strategies and processes reflect priorities for affordable housing. / January 2009. / All TeesValley sub-regional partners and the Housing Corporation
5) Support the Strategic Housing Market Assessment group and joint working on Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessments and Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessments. / April 2008 onwards. / All TeesValley LAs. / Share the findings with RSL and private sector partners.
6) Develop S.106 policies to maximise affordable housing in the sub-region and develop a common structure for s.106 agreements. / January 2009. / Darlington Council
Alan Glew.
7) Housing Corporation to share information with the Tees Valley L.A.s, developing RSLs, private developers and the Housing Corporation for the strategic re-allocation of NAHP funding where existing scheme approvals become undeliverable. / December 2008. / Middlesbrough Council
Alan Hunter.
Housing Corporation
Julie Jacques / Housing Corporation to provide feedback to L.As
8) Monitor affordable housing completions delivered across the sub – region through:
b)Planning Gain
Against new sub – regional affordable housing targets. / March 2009. / Redcar & Cleveland Council
Roger Kay.
Housing Corporation
Julie Jacques / Housing Corporation to share info with LAs. Maybe issues around approvals and completions. Stockton Council use a pro-forma.
9) Update sub – regional affordable housing targets in light of Strategic Housing Market Assessment and Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment findings. / October 2008. / Stockton Council
Jane Edmends.
10) Develop an affordable housing register across the sub – region linked to CBL. / November 2008. / Hartlepool Council
Penny Garner – Carpenter. / This links with Obj 2 point 3. Stockton Council already have a draft from.
Objective 6. Aligning the provision of new Supported Housing to existing Supporting People strategies and resources.
Action / Target Date / Lead Responsibility / Status/Progress/Comments
1) Review existing and future supported housing requirements across the sub – region to identify vulnerable key target groups with Supporting people teams, the Housing Corporation and key delivery partners. / October 2008. / Hartlepool Council
Penny Garner –Carpenter.
Housing Corporation
Julie Jacques / Need to consider each LAs needs analysis.
2) Share with RSL and private sector partners decommissioning and re- commissioning opportunities to improve access to investment funds. / October 2008. / Stockton Council
Jane Edmends.
Housing Corporation
Julie Jacques
Objective 7. Working with RSLs, the police and other partners in promoting RESPECT.
Action / Target Date / Lead Responsibility / Status/Progress/Comments
1) Encourage all RSLs in the sub-region to sign up to the RESPECT agenda. / December 2008. / Stockton Council
Jane Edmends.
Housing Corporation
Maxine Loftus
2) Undertake an audit of existing examples of best practice nationally and assess their appropriateness for the sub – region. / January 2008. / Middlesbrough Council
Alan Hunter.
Housing Corporation
Maxine Loftus / Housing Corporation has a RESPECT policy specialist who will assist.
3) Encourage all RSLs to sign up to the RESPECT quality mark for housing management standards. / December 2008. / Stockton Council
Jane Edmends.
Housing Corporation
Maxine Loftus
Objective 8. Working to promote and maintain decent communities / homes.
Action / Target Date / Lead Responsibility / Status/Progress/Comments
1) Ensure that Decent Homes standards are achieved in all social sector stock by 2010. / April 2008 onwards - quarterly updates. / Stockton Council
Jane Edmends.
Housing Corporation
Maxine Loftus / Key Housing Corporation action.
2) Discuss with RSLs their improvement programme beyond 2010 including tackling obsolescence, difficult to let etc. / April 2008 onwards. / Hartlepool Council
Penny Garner – Carpenter.
Housing Corporation
Maxine Loftus. / Should align with asset management strategies. Perhaps link this to sustainability assessments
Objective 9. Working to promote community cohesion.
Action / Target Date / Lead Responsibility / Status/Progress/Comments
1) Work towards updating the sub-regional BME
study. / March 2009. / Redcar & Cleveland Council
Roger Kay.
TeesValley Living
Mike Mealing / Use up to date findings to assist in the delivery of homes.
2) Ensure accessibility to all housing services for the B & ME community. / April 2008 onwards. / Darlington Council
Alan Glew.
Housing Corporation
Maxine Loftus / RSLs to provide returns.
3) Ensure all future sub-regional strategies and documents are Equality Impact Assessed. / April 2008 onwards. / Middlesbrough Council
Alan Hunter.
4) Consider the long term implication of asylum seekers and refugees on housing across the sub – region. / January 2009. / Hartlepool Council
Penny Garner- Carpenter.
Housing Corporation
Maxine Loftus
Objective 10. Community empowerment and participation
Action / Target Date / Lead Responsibility / Status/Progress/Comments
1) RSLs to engage with local communities when considering new developments in HMR areas. / Ongoing / Housing Corporation
Julie Jacques / Engagement to perhaps go beyond planning requirements?
2) Look to provide, in partnership with the private sector, on the job training for local residents where applicable. / April 2008 onwards. / Redcar & Cleveland Council
Roger Kay.
Housing Corporation
Maxine Loftus. / Encourage added value