Before filling in this form, first think what you want to achieve by transnational cooperation.
You will need a few minutes to complete this fiche then.
Remember: the better your description is, the bigger chance to find a proper partner for your project!
Name of institution: / Amicus Society, Brukowa Street 28 loc. 8, post code 15-889 BiałystokType of institution (tick one right answer): / □Administration
□Education and training organisation
□Employment agency or service
□University, research institution
□Social economy institution
□Others (please specify what)
Contact person: / Łukasz Nikitiuk
Address, phone, e-mail, website: / Brukowa Street 28 loc. 8, post code 15-889 Białystok
Tel./fax +48 85653 77 53,
MemberState: / Poland
Region (NUTS 2 or 3)[1]: / 2
Stage of implementation: (tick the right answer): / X Project Idea (projects in preparation phase without grant awarded)
□Project under implementation
Title of the Project:
Approximate budget of the project: / Maximum donation for the project is amount 350, 000 PLN (83532,20 EUR)
Budget of transnational activities: / We estimate the cost of activity engage of foreign partner will be about 20000 - 25000 EUR.
Durationof the project – starting date (in months): / From 01.01.2015 31.12.2015 r.
Duration of the transnational activities within the project – starting date (in months): / From 01.02.2015 r. to 30.04.2015 r.
Thematic scope[2] of the project (tick the right answer – maximum 2): / □Workers and new skills
□Businesses undergoing change
□Access to employment and social inclusion
X Education and training
□Women and jobs
□Fighting discrimination
X Working in partnership
□Better public services
X Others (please specify)
Target group (final beneficiaries, not stakeholders) for transnational cooperation (tick the right answer): / □ Unemployed
□ Long term unemployed
□Persons not actively at work
- Including those who are learning in school or university
- Farmers
□Employed in micro enterprises (less than 10 employees)
□Employed in small enterprises (between 10 and 50 employees)
□Employed in SMEs (between 50 and 250 employees)
□Employed in big enterprises (over 250 employees)
□Employed in public administration (public entities including Public Employment services)
□Employed in NGOs
- In particularly disadvantaging conditions
- Ethnic or national minorities
- Immigrants Ex-offenders
- Persons from deprived rural areas
- Persons from deprived urban neighbourhoods
- Women
- Older persons (over 50 years old)
- Persons with mental or physical disabilities
- Enterprises[3] covered by support
- Social enterprises
- Micro enterprises (less than 10 employees)
- Small enterprises (between 10 and 50 employees)
- SMEs (between 50 and 250 employees)
- Big enterprises (over 250 employees)
Brief description of the Transnational cooperation:
- Problems to be solved (justification of the need of the transnational cooperation)
The main problem regarding teaching financial education in Poland is the lack of a consistent, unitary and common strategy or program focusing on developing entrepreneurial attitudes and economic bases of education among young people. The „Report on Financial and Education Initiatives by Competent Authorities” dated on 16th December 2011 released by European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority, an independent advisory body of The European Parliament, The Council of the European Union and The European Commission ascertained „…In PL, the Polish National Strategy on Financial Education is still in the early stage of development and has not been implemented, the only high level principles on this matter are based on the recommendations issued by the executive bodies of the unions and organisations of which Poland is a member.” (p. 12). In addition, the document stressed that government campaigns concern in most on financial consumer service and are addressed to an unspecified audience (general public) (p. 40). One of the document conclusion is: „.. some national experiences, either carried out by Members on their own initiative or through cooperation, may be mentioned as a reference of successful projects in this context”.
In Poland the worst situation with access to substantive financial education materials and trainings is among young people from the villages and the cities of less than 25 000 inhabitants, where they do not have access to additional sources of acquiring knowledge (financial institutions, banks, associations, foundations, voluntary activities). The purpose of the Equalization of opportunities for young people from the big cities and villages we assume that 70% of the training activities will take place in smaller towns.
In order to achieve the intended results and indicators, it is necessary to cooperation with the organisation carries out the economic education/finance area, from the country having substantive expertise, experience and the developed the national programme of economics and finance education.
Developing the joint programme included knowledge and good practices, in accordance to the needs of the target group will increase the activity and collaboration between educational organizations from the Poland and Europe. The project will lead to a increase of knowledge about the broadly defined financial education, including knowledge of financial markets, financial instruments, forms of saving, the risks and the opportunities offered by the capital market, the role of banks in the economy, and the basics of setting up process of your own enterprise. Proper civil education should be based on seeing the benefits of participation in all aspects of democracy, and one of them is open to participate in the economical life of country. The same project is a response to the need to support of processes creation the civil society including social activation, increased knowledge and awareness of citizens. The project focuses on the most responsive and open-minded to development target group by providing integration, economic activity and social security for the future.
- Objectives to be achieved
- laying the foundations for the implementation of a unitary educational program in the range of economics and finance addressed to educational institutions within the Podlaskie Voivodeship.
- increase awareness and knowledge on the functioning, role, benefits and risks associated with financial markets among the youth from the middle and secondary schools in age 13-18.
- transfer of knowledge, exchange of experience and good practice related with foreign partner organization results development of the educational package included the finance and economics materials for the education sector employees in Poland.
- direct the main activities to smaller centres within the Podlaskie Voivodeship in order to level up the opportunities of young people from the village and the cities of less than 25 000 inhabitants.
- increasing interest of financial markets among young people through the use of the most effective forms of communication.
- increasing the skills of practical household financial management, basics of accounting, running their own business.
- Main transnational activities (as provisionally planned, to be confirmed with partners)
- Planned outputs, deliverables, results of TNC; expected outcomes (effects)
Soft results:
- the use of innovative tools and methods of communication (e-learning platform, blog, video, interactive competition using real market mechanisms) due to the characteristics and forms of Communications specific target group.
- the alignment of the access to education of middle and secondary schools students from villages and cities.
- practical increasing skills and knowledge students from the scope of the finance, accounting and economics view on the understanding of the mechanisms of functioning financial institutions, the free market economy and the budget of household.
- to provide the necessary educational materials from the scope of the economics and finance for the education sector (teachers, school staff, staff of educational organizations) prepared by independent experts from abroad.
- the emergence of the base schools implementing financial education program for the duration of the educational lessons, school’s special interest group, additional educational activities.
- carrying out 250 lessons during the form tutor period presenting functioning of financial markets and economics in podlasie’s middle and secondary schools by experts.
- creation of interactive e-learning platform containing materials created in the activities of the project,
- conduct the contest for young people using a real financial mechanisms and use the gained knowledge in practice.
Disclaimer: by sending the completed Project fiche, you agree for publication on the National Supporting Institution web site and dissemination to potential transnational partners for the purpose of effective implementation of transnational cooperation projects.
[1] See list of regions on
[2]Source: ESF web page on
[3]See definition by size on Europa: