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User Guide for Research Services – Using Reports2Web to access Spend Detail and Spend Against Budget Reports

Table of Contents
Section A (Page 1) / Introduction
Section B (Page 2) / Reports2Web features
Section C (Page6) / Searching for Project Information
Section D (Page 7) / Printing Information
Section E (Page 8) / Saving the Reports
Section F (Page 8) / Extracting Pages from the Reports
Section G (Page 9 ) / Useful Information
Section H (Page 10) / Details displayed on the Actuals version of the report
Section I (Page 11) / Details displayed on the Commitments version of the report
Section J (Page 12) / Details displayed on the Spend Against Budget Report
Section K (Page 13) / Example of Report and NET Contribution Calculation
Section L (Page 16) / Folder Structure within Reports2Web
Section M (Page 17) / FAQs that may arise relating to the Spend Reports

A. Introduction

1)This guide assumes broad knowledge of the Research Project Management Reports (RPMR) and their content. Details of the Spend Against Budget and Spend Detail reports and user guides can be found on the Research Services website at:

2)The Reports2Web service is availableto provide Research Services with convenient and easy accessto transactional reports to assist in project management. Please note that the reports can also be run ad-hoc through the Oracle Grants system.

3)The new reports within Reports2Web are:

(i) Spend Against Budget Report - the purpose of this is to provide a summary ‘bank statement’ style report showing monthly and total spend against a budget heading.

(ii) Spend Detail Report – the purpose of this report is to give a detailed transaction listing, including reference numbers and descriptions, of spend for any specified range of months, including overhead and FEC contribution information. (Please note that the Investigator version of this report does not have details of Overheads or FEC contributions).

4)Automated emails will be forwarded to youon a monthly basis, within the first working days of each month. The emails contain links to the relevant reports for each faculty(Figure 1).

Figure 1

5)Reports2Web can be accessed directly at any time to view reports for particular projects by visiting the following website: note that for different faculties substitute ‘medicine’ for the appropriate faculty name).The User Name and Password are the same as your Windows Start Up login details.

B. Reports2Web features

You can access reports for each faculty by clicking on the hyperlinks in the table included in the notification email. This will take you directly to the report within Reports2Web, see figures 2 and 3 below:

Figure 2

Figure 3

You can also view all reports that you have access to by clicking on the Logon to Reports2Web link on the notification email (see figure 4 below). It is useful to add this link to your Internet Explorer ‘favourites’ for quicker future access.

Figure 4

From here, you can access the Reports2Web system and navigate to view reports (see Figure 5 below). Select the Report Catalogue you would like to view, for example Physical Sciences.

Figure 5

Note:Physical and Life Sciences are currently set up as separate catalogues. These will be updated to a single Natural Sciences catalogue later in 2007.

The Welcome Screen will appear; select the Show Folders options (top left hand corner)

Figure 6

Select the Research Services folder (on the left hand navigation bar), a list of reports available will be displayed. To view a report highlight the report, a PDF window will appear with the report for the Faculty.

Reports are grouped by title, with the most recent listed first. Clicking on the button will expand the selection to show all reports for previous months.

Figure 7

C. Searching for account information

Once the report is displayed on screen, select the Search Button, located towards the top of the PDF window.

Figure 8

Enter details for your search criteria, for example the P number, Cost Centre, Award Number, Project Number. On the full transactional report (Spend Detail) you could search by Employee/Supplier Name or PO / Voucher number.

Figure 9

During the search process a list of matches will be displayed under the Results header. To select a report highlight it under the Results section. The search will continue until the end of the PDF document, if you wish to stop the search click on the Stop button.

Figure 10

D. Printing Reports

When printing the reports please ensure that you only select to print the required pages, as many of these reports have over 1,000 pages (especially for Medicine).

Click the Print button (top left of the report) to display the print dialogue box. Select the ‘Pages from’ option and enter the page numbers to be printed followed by ‘OK’.

Figure 11

E. Saving the Reports

You can also save the reports to your computer for easier access. To do this click on the save button at the top left of the page. This will display the ‘save a copy’ dialogue box. Give the report a name; select the destination folder and click ‘Save’.

Figure 12

F. Extracting Pages from the Reports

As the Research Services report contains Awards for the whole faculty, you may want to have particular award details as a separate document (this would make it easier to e-mail selective awards to PI’s, DA’s or anyone within your team). To do this, you would need to have a saved copy of the full report to your PC.

Open the report and ensure that the pages are listed on the left side – this can be done by clicking the tab.

Figure 13

Select the required page(s), click options and select the ‘Extract Pages’ option.

Figure 14

Choose which pages you wish to extract choosing the ‘Extract Pages As Separate Files’ option and select the destination folder:

Figure 15

The report will then appear in the chosen folder as a new file containing only the selected pages.

G. Useful Information

When navigating through Reports2Web, there are a number of useful shortcut icons at the top of each report. The most relevant are listed below:

/ Returns you to the list of reports available
/ Opens a separate PDF window.
/ To navigate between Reports in the Faculty folder
/ To scroll through the same report, by different months

H. Details displayed on the Actuals version of the report

Note: The details displayed in the report relate to the ‘Period From’ and ‘Period To’ parameters on Reports2web this will only be for one month. When the report is run ad-hoc the dates can be widened.

Spend Detail Report (Actuals) - Administrator – Top Section - Key
Top Section (left side)
/ Shows the Award/Project information (including the Total Budget figure)
Top Section (right side)
/ Shows the Award Actual Start and End Dates and parameters selected (including the period range and whether the report was run for Actuals or Commitments).
Spend Detail Report (Actuals) - Administrator – Column Headers - Key
Spend Category / Shows Broad Expenditure Categories (e.g. Salary, Lab And Works Supplies, Equipment, Overheads on non-FEC projects, Directly Allocated costs on FEC projects)
Spend Type / Shows detailed level expenditure type codes within Spend Categories (E.g. 144230 – Salary Academic Staff 164104 – Lab Supplies, 162304 – Books)
Date of Spend / Shows the GL date of spend
Employee / Supplier / Shows the Employee / Supplier details
PO Number / Shows the Purchase Order number – This is the number generated when an order is placed for the project
Voucher Number / Shows the Voucher number – this is the number generated when the payment is matched in AP
Description / Gives a description of each transaction (e.g. Journal, Expense Claim, Purchase Order, Payroll charges)
Amount / Shows the amount for each transaction and total amount for each Spend Category
Spend Detail Report (Actuals) - Administrator – Additional Information
FEC Information – Directly Allocated (PI/Co-I time, Estates, Indirect) / The FEC journal transfers to the Faculty that have been processed for PI / Co-I time, Estates and Indirect Costs.
FEC Information – Under / Over-Recovery /
  • The FEC under or over recovery (also known as the College Contribution) as a single monthly value.
  • The FECCollege contribution is the difference between the FEC of the award and the price that the Funder (e.g.: Research Council) is paying. E.g.: If the FEC is £100,000 and the price is £80,000 the contribution is £20,000.

I. Details displayed on the Commitments version of the report

Note: This report displays the commitments for the duration of the award / project

Spend Detail Report (Commitments) - Administrator – Top Section - Key
Top Section (left side)
/ Shows the Award/Project information (including the Total Budget figure)
Top Section (right side)
/ Shows the Award Actual Start and End Dates and parameters selected (including whether the report was run for Actuals or Commitments).
Spend Detail Report (Commitments) - Administrator – Column Headers - Key
Spend Category / Shows Expenditure Categories with commitments (e.g. Salary, Lab And Works Supplies, Equipment, Overheads on non-FEC projects)
Spend Type / Shows detailed level expenditure type codes within Spend Categories
Date of Spend / Shows the date of the commitment (e.g. future staff cost, date order was placed)
Employee / Supplier / Shows the Employee / Supplier details
PO Number / Shows the Purchase Order number
Voucher Number / Shows the Voucher number
Description / Gives a description of each commitment transaction
Amount / Shows the amount for each commitment transaction and total amount for each Spend Category

J. Details displayed on the Spend Against Budget Report

Spend Against Budget Report – Top Section Key
Top Section (left side)
/ Shows the Award/Project information (including whether the Award is managed under FEC and level of Budgetary controls)
Top Section (right side)
/ Shows you the parameters chosen to run the report
Spend Against Budget Report – Column Headers Key
Spend Section / Lists the spend section types in 3 high level categories (these are Staff & Students, Non-Staff and Other)
Spend Category / Displays all categories with Budget or Expenditure
Total Budget / Shows the total Budget for the Award/Project combination for the duration of the Award
Total Spend to Date / Shows expenditure up to the period selected in the parameters
Total Commitments / Shows all Commitments on the Project
Remaining Budget / Shows the amount of budget remaining per Expenditure Category
Spend this Month / Shows monthly expenditure for the month selected in the parameters
Spend Against Budget Report – Additional Information
Overheads / For non-FEC awards the overhead values will be displayed within this row
Net Contribution / This will only be displayed for FEC Awards. The calculation is based on:
  • The sum of PI Time, Estates and Indirect Costs, + / - FEC under-recovery applied.
  • FEC Under-Recovery is also known as the College Contribution.
  • The FECCollege contribution is the difference between the FEC of the award and the price that the Funder (e.g.: Research Council) is paying. E.g.: If the FEC is £100,000 and the price is £80,000 the contribution is £20,000.
The Net Contribution is applied to all columns
Grand Totals / The sum of all column headings is recorded in the Grand Total line (this includes Overheads and net contributions)

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K. Example of Report and NET Contribution Calculation

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Budget Net Contribution

Spend to Date Net Contribution

Spend this Month Net Contribution

Enter the Expenditure Enquiry Screen – search for the expenditure for the specified month.

FEC Transactions taken from the Expenditure Inquiry Screen

When the new screen appears select totals – the total should match the report

L. Folder structure within Reports2Web

Below is an example of the folder structure within Reports2Web for Administrators and Investigators.

M. FAQs that may arise relating to the Spend Reports

Q 1 How are overheads displayed for non-FEC research projects?

A 1 Note that Overheads will only show on Non-FEC Awards. Overheads transactions that occur in the same month will be displayed on the report as a single monthlytransaction, therefore each line will be the calculation of all transactions against analysis code 181119 in the stated month.

e.g. 181119 – 1 MAR 06 - £10

181119 – 3 MAR 06 - £20

181119 – 3 MAR 06 - £30

Is shown as:

181119 – 31 MAR 06 - £60

Q 2 How is the FEC under/over recovery shown for FEC research Projects?

A 2 Note that Under/Over Recovery will only show on FEC Awards. Under/Over Recovery amounts that occur in the same month will be displayed on the report as a single monthlytransaction, therefore each line will be the calculation of all transactions against analysis code185110 in the stated month.

e.g. 185110 – 1 MAR 06 - £10

185110 – 3 MAR 06 - £20

185110 – 3 MAR 06 - £30

Is shown as: 31 MAR 06

185110 – MAR 06 - £60

Q 3 Why are some Purchase Order/Voucher numbers missing?

A 3You may notice Purchase Order / Voucher numbers missing against particular transactions. This is due to the following:

  • Where the purchase order incurs VAT, the VAT appears as a separate line and this is not given a purchase order / voucher number. This line will have the description "standard rated goods and services" and the purchase order / voucher numbers can be found against the purchase order line for the actual goods themselves.
  • Where the purchase order has a charge for freight the description will either be blank or will state the charge (e.g. freight, shipping, dry ice charges). The purchase order / voucher number can be found against the purchase order line for the actual goods themselves.

Q 4 How does a PI or Departmental Administrator gain access to these reports within Reports2Web?

A 4 If any requests to these reports are made please recommend to the PI or Departmental administrator to e-mail stating the required access.

UG59 RPMR Using Reports2Web to access Spend Reports Guidancefor Research Servicesv0.2