National Council Meeting


Saturday 29th September 2012

Minutes of Meeting



Item 1 WELCOME 4








Item 9 NOMINATIONS 2012-14 7-8






Appendicies 17-35


Appendix A – Greetings From Charmain Yule, Area 41

Appendix B –Greetings from Past International Presidents

Appendix C - National President’s Report – Marjory Aird

Appendix D – National Vice President’s Report – Ruth Curry

Appendix E – Immediate Past President’s Report – Vicky Perry

Appendix F – National Secretary’s Report – Claire Wevell

Appendix G – National Treasurer’s Report – Judith Scott

Appendix H–National Membership Officer – Karen Johnson

Appendix I – National Media & PR Officer – Roshni Latham


  • NP = National President (Marjory Aird)
  • VP = Vice President (Ruth Curry)
  • IPP = Immediate Past President (Vicky Perry)
  • NS = National Secretary (Claire Wevell)
  • NT = National treasurer (Judith Scott)
  • NMO = National Membership Officer (Karen Johnson)
  • NMPR = National Media & PR Officer (Roshni Latham)
  • NEA = National Executive Administrator (Steph Smith)

Item 1 – Welcome

NP welcomed her National Exec, National Council Officers and guests to Falkirk for the September Council Meeting.

Charmain Yule was invited to give greetings from the host area, Area 41, and Liz Smith, Area 55, was asked to light the Candle of Friendship. (Appendix A)

Thanks were given to minute takers Alex Bennett and Kathryn Beavis.

Delegates were asked to submit travel claims to NT during the coffee break in order for them to be processed.

NS confirmed that the meeting was quorate.

Item 2 – Confirmation and Adoption of Standing Orders

The confirmation and adoption of Standing Orders was proposed by Area 5 and seconded by Area 46.

All Areas present were in favour.

Item 3 – Apologies

NS received apologies from:

  • Lynda Wieland Area 44
  • Julie Higman Area 7

Item 4 – Minutes of the Previous Meeting

NP asked everyone to refer to the Minutes of the Meeting held on Saturday 25th February 2012 at Grey’s Hotel, Telford.

NS advised that there were no corrections on behalf of the National Executive.

No further corrections to the Minutes were noted, and as such the Minutes were approved.

Proposed by: Area 8 Seconded by: Area 48

All Areas present were in favour.

Item 5 – Matters Arising

NS confirmed that there were no matters arising on behalf of the National Exec.

No further matters were raised from the floor.

Item 6 – Correspondence

NS read out greetings from past Ladies Circle International President, Seetha Venkatesh.

Greetings were also received from Kathleen Flynn, Past Ladies Circle International President. (Appendix B)

Item 7 – National President’s Report (Appendix C)

NP, before giving her full report, thanked Kate Jones for all her hard work she did on the International Board as Secretary and presented Kate with a gift from all of circle in honour of this. The interruption that Kate received in Helsingborg was shown to the council delegates/observers.

Question: STEPHANIE LOONY, Area 48 – didn’t receive a copy of Circler Magazine.

Reply: by M&PR -Sorry and please come and collect one at the end of the meeting.

Item 8 – Reports from and Questions to National Officers

a. Vice-President (Appendix D)

Question: ANGELA HOOK, Area 51 –How much was raised for CRUK?

Answer: VP will get Roshni to put this on the website when all the numbers are in.

b. Immediate Past President (Appendix E)

No questions were asked of the IPP.

c. National Secretary (Appendix F)

Question: VICKY PARKER, Area 33 – can we adjust area officers if they change during the year?

Answer: Yes you can as the Area return doesn’t get locked.

Question: STEPHANIE LOONY, Area 48 – Market Harborough is now closed. Nuneaton is celebrating their 60th Charter.

Question: EIRA DUKES, Area 26 – Port Talbot has now closed.

d. National Treasurer (Appendix G)

Question: LOUISE CANAHAM, City of London & Area 17 – Please could you repeat the amount in the account.

Answer: £102,113.09

Question: MICHELLE CHAPMAN, Area 28 – New members for Boston has not received an invoice.

Answer: The invoice was issued on Wednesday evening, so they should have it now.

e. National Membership Officer (Appendix H)

Question: EIRA DUKES, Area26 – If new membership forms are coming through uncompleted, is there a way of making fields compulsory to avoid blanks?

Answer: It will be looked into with Web In Mind.

Question: LARA LACHELLO, Area 13 – Ladies Circle magazine was not in the most recent membership packs. Is there a reason?

Answer: Yes, we ran out, this will be rectified when we get more copies.

Question: RACHEL CLARK, Area 4 – Have we looked at links with young farmers?

Answer: Yes, NMO is going to give a presentation to Young Farmers in Norfolk in October 11th, please feel free to pursue at a local level.

Question: VICKY PARKER, Area 33 – New membership packs, why are some certificates with the old logos and also pins are denting the certificate in the post.

Answer: This was a frugal measure. However it is now corrected and will staple pins to stop them moving around the envelope so should be solved from now.

f. National Media & PR Officer (Appendix I)

Question: MICHELLE CHAPMAN, Area 28 – When will the micro sites be up and running?

Answer: They are available now.

Question: TINA GLEN, Area 5 – If you type into Google a Circle name, will it be found?

Answer: Yes it should be found.

g. National Exec Administrator

NEA felt she didn’t have anything extra to add to her report which could be found on the website, so decided to show how to tie a scarf on each of the exec.

Question: JULIE PARRY, Area 27 – Please can you send the details on how to do this?

Answer: All the ideas can be found on Google, or at NMPR will also try and put something in the magazine.

NP asked for a proposer and seconder to adopt all the Exec Reports.

Proposed by: Area 41 Seconded by: Area 55

All Areas present were in favour.

Item 9 – Nominations 2013-14

NP advised that there are 5 vacancies on the National Exec next year. The posts are:

National Vice President (3 year post)

National Secretary (2 year post)

National Media & PR Officer (1 or 2 year post)

National Membership Officer (1 or 2 year post)

National Exec Administrator (1 year post)

Job descriptions and nomination forms are downloadable from the website. Please refer to the rule book for the criteria for applying. Deadline date for applications to reach the National Secretary is 1st February 2013. NP asked if all Circlers could think about standing for these posts and take this information back to your area.

A short brief was given by each National Exec member regarding their roles.

Vicky – VP

I stood because I wanted an exciting year and learn the ropes. It’s a great planning year and you get to be international contact lady. Spreading the word and having the back up of 2 fab teams, your PLC and the Exec. It’s challenging, rewarding and has been the best year of mylife. IPP gives the chance to wind down gracefully as it is a very emotional and physically demanding year as President. As IPP you are also conference officer and the voice of experience on the exec.

Claire – Secretary

You need to be organized. I stood for the post after complaining to a past President about something I thought wasn’t right and she told me, “If you don’t like something then stand up and do it yourself.” It is a busy role but goes hand in hand with friendship, you speak to everyone and would love photos with emails so you can put the names to faces,and it’s the best fun with best friends.

This is also why I have decided to put my nomination in for National Vice President.

Roshni – Media & PR

Fab and Fun, finding out what other circlers do around the country and the world. The role lets you unleash your creative side and you don’t need any experience. I stood as I got a lot out of circle and wanted to give something back.

Karen – Membership

Agree with Roshni, as got so much out and wanted to give something back. Why don’t you give it a try? It may look easy, but it’s not, but it is brilliant fun. You do need help but it’s very rewarding and one of the best roles in ladies circle.

Steph – Exec Admin

It was a natural progression for me. If you want to find out more about Ladies Circle, then this is a great role.

NP said if anyone needed further details on the roles that the Exec would be more than happy to help. Please feel free to phone or email any member if you require further clarification on any role.

Item 10 – Conference Report

Harrogate 2013

It’s a huge 2 day party weekend, wrapped around the AGM with Round Table more importantly the AGM is your opportunity to represent your circle and have your voice heard.

So what is planned? 2 nights 4* accommodation B&B + both Friday & Saturday events for £179 pp – 80 rooms in conference hotel.

No official fancy dress for the Friday night but turn up in it if you want.

Limited new members discount of £25 since 1st May 2011.

There is also an area chair competition, same as table. To be in the chance of winning we need you to sign up as many circlers to conference in your area between 28th Sept 2012 and 18th Feb 2013, the area chairman with the most conference registrations wins. The winner will be announced at the February council meeting. The winner receives a two day Conference Package.

QUESTION: Stephanie Loony, Area 48 - Can you book the conference hotel for the Saturday eve only?

Answer: No, Conference hotel is 2 night package.

Item 11 – Ladies Circle International

VP presented her report to the meeting via a power point presentation. The next meeting will take place in Zambia 2013. VP advised us that airline tickets to Zambia could now be purchased.

Speaker – Michael Mathieson, Scottish Minister for Social Health

“Pleasure to be here, replacing the 1st Minister for Scotland who is unable to be here as he is in Chicago promoting Scotland and attending the rider cup.

It is my pleasure to send good wishes, as he also remembers addressing your international conference in 2008 in Aberdeen.

This is a bit like the G8 summit, where world leaders meet and there partners get together at a separate event. 7 women partners & 1 man, Angela Mercals husband has probably had more pedicures and facials than most.

We are very hospitable in Scotland. We have the beautiful Lithgow palace, better on a dry day. I have been told your other halves have visited the Falkirk wheel, the only boat lift like this in the world and only takes the energy of boiling a kettle;first model was made of Lego. I also noted an item on the agenda of a bracing RIB cruise on the forth. Bracing, this is a classic Scottish term which can encompass anything from a light breeze to a hurricane so I wish them well!

Now there seems to be an elephant in the room, chosen as she likes them I am told but as an international organization this is shared with a political party – Republicans in the USA, way back in 1874. Thomas Nash drew a Donkey in a lions skin (Democrats) meant to scare other animals, an elephant referring to the republican votes as a result they adopted, so maybe Marj is a sleeper in Scotland??

Marj’s motto ‘Make the difference’ - in the community, family, colleagues and friends, we all want to make a difference and ladies circle has been making a difference for many years since 1932. In 1947 you became an international organization, I’m particularly interested in your connection with CRUK in my position as Public health and I know you are discussing today your position, whatever your discussion the 54 years of support has undoubtedly made a real difference to the people that have lived loner due to the contribution you have made . I offer you my thanks for everything you have done over those years.

Ladies Circle is also about friendship, networking and having a good time. Steph and her hat, congratulations a worthy winner of that trophy and abseiling down the Falkirk Wheel where as a former abseil instructor I Know that takes courage to do it wearing a hat of that nature.

I wish you well and hope you enjoy the Scottish hospitality and haste yeback!

NP then presented Michael with a pair of elephant cufflinks and also a pair to hand over to the First Minister, Alex Salmond.

Item 12 – Items for discussion

The National Exec has put together some meaty Items for Discussion. The council members, observers and exec members all broke into groups to discuss the items. The items for discussion are as follows:


We currently have 30 areas nationally; nearly half of these have less than 4 Circles in them.

  • Now we have fewer Circles how can these be restructured?
  • What about Regions instead?
  • Should the Area Structure be abolished completely?

There are currently 4 Areas with only 1 circle.

  • Should these Areas be closed and then the Circles in question join the nearest Area to them?

We currently have a few Areas which are never represented at National Council Meetings – thus they inflate our number of Areas and may in the future contribute to the National Council meeting not being Quorate (60%).

  • Should the National Exec be able to close these Areas and include them in a participating Area?

An area with only 1 circle in it has the same vote as an area with 13 circles in it.

  • Is that a poor representation of our members?
  • Similarly is it fair that a circle of one member has the same vote as a circle of 30 members?
  • How do you suggest this can be improved?

Successful Areas

Tell us about them-

  • Does it work with only a few Circles or has it become just a case of fulfilling National Rules?
  • Would your Area prefer to join forces with an adjoining Area?
  • How would you make this work?

Closed Area Regalia

Although a list is held by the National Exec for Circle Regalia, nothing is recorded for Area Regalia, where the Area has closed.

  • How do we now find out where the Regalia is for old defunct Areas bearing in mind that old annual return databases have not been kept?

Cancer Research UK

  • Do we still want them as our National charity?

This has not been reviewed by the members for a long time and it does not mean that circles cannot continue to support ‘Race for Life’, ‘Relay for Life’ or raise money for them in whichever way your choose.

  • Would it be more realistic to just get behind the chosen annual Presidential charity?
  • Perhaps as an organisation we should vote on supporting a smaller charity, one which we can really make the difference to nationally?

We are also asked to support our LCI International charity and Areas and Circles also choose their own local charities.

Age rule

  • Do we need to change it?
  • Should we lower it?
  • Higher it?
  • Shall we scrap it completely even though this may have implications with being part of an International organisation?
  • If it was increased what would the implications be for our sister organisation - Tangent?
  • Are you happy with the current age requirement?

The following points are a summary of the discussions held during the meeting.


Area 13: Lara Lachello, Keep as is but looks at area locations and perhaps changes them or Create more areas, or redistribute circler into more local areas.

Mary explained that as a foreigner to that area she can’t easily identify the best solutions, perhaps each area chair needs to liaise with another local area chair to work out if the solution will work.

Area 41 Chairmain Yule, moved a circler into another area for this very reason a mutually agreed solution

Victoria Latham Area 1 asked for a map showing the areas. The map is being looked at/redrawn by Claire and Roshni at the moment. Areas could but don’t always work as some are too spread out, i.e. review regularly every 5/10 years to save on a 90 minute journey to and from each meeting.

Angela Heath, Area 37, has this area issue when she tried to organise NERL.

Lichfield Observer Doesn’t think discussion should be done locally but on a national level by a committee.

Louise Canham, Area 17, would prefer areas to be named geographically when name places are being made up for Council Meetings.

NALC Need to be told who is on a boundary.