Company name / Inventya Limited
Issue of Specification / 11th October 2016
Reference Code / IVTP2
Email for Return of Completed Responses /Deadline for Responses / 5.00pm 28th October 2016
Company Background / Founded in 2010, Inventya is an innovation management consultancy offering new approaches to support the development and commercialisation of science and technologies. Founded in 2010, Inventya has continued to grow, working with a wide range of UK businesses and on UK and EU projects. The company provides services for its clients, including accessing UK & European innovation funding and delivering consultancy and project management services.Project Background / Inventya Ltd has continued to grow, managing a large number of innovation projects. The company recognises that it is increasingly important to implement leading project management techniques, especially as the range of services and clients worked with continues to grow.
We require implementation of a tailored Prince 2 methodology for the processes and procedures within 2 of our departments.
Our proposal teams write applications on behalf of our clients. The proposals must be written to client brief and to meet awarding body requirements and to specific timescales.
Our consultancy team undertake projects on behalf of our clients, including commercial feasibility reports, marketing plans and strategy, based on secondary and primary research and interpretation of information to create advice and recommendations. Our projects range in duration from 4 months to three years.
Please note, response to this submission is at the sole cost of the supplier and is not an offer of employment.
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PART a: Project specification
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The table below outlines the timescales for this tender and deliveryof the project.
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Deadline for Responses / 28 October 2016 @ 5PM
Evaluation and Feedback / 2nd November 2016
Notification of Award / 4th November 2016
Commencement of work / From November 2016
Completion of Stage 1 / 14 November 2016
Completion of Stage 2 / 28 November 2016
Final completion date / 2 December 2016
Requirements of the Brief
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The services required of the contract comprises elements as follows:
Project Management SystemInventya wishes to adopt a Prince 2 methodology for project management for its Proposals and Consultancy Teams. We require a Prince 2 methodology on a basis that it offers the non-proprietorial best practice guidance on project management.
PRINCE2 We wish to adopt a standard method for project management, a method designed to provide a framework covering the wide variety of disciplines and activities required within a project.
The project methodology proposed must deliver:
- A common, consistent approach
- A controlled and organised start, middle and end
- Regular reviews of progress against plan and against the Business case flexible decision points
- Assurance that the project continues to have a business justification
- Flexible decision points
- Management control of any deviations from the plan
- The involvement of management and stakeholders at the right time and place during the project
- Good communication channels between the project, project management, and the rest of the organisation
- A means of capturing and sharing lessons learned
- A route to increasing the project management skills and competences of staff at all levels.
- Employees seeking leading project management skills and greater employment prospects
- Project managers
- Directors/executives (senior responsible owners) of projects, and
- Organisation’s.
- A common, consistent approach
- A controlled and organised start, middle and end
- Regular reviews of progress against plan
- Assurance that the project continues to have a business justification
Proposals: Prince 2 methodology to cover:
- Proposals should allow for maximum of 6 unique documents in the process.
- Proposals should allow for a maximum of 40 unique documents (although typically 10/15 would be used for a typical project)
- Stage 1: Following investigation of processes for our Proposals and Innovation Consultancy operations, to create recommendations for project management methodology for each area of the business including processes and actual documentation.
- Stage 2: Implementation of the recommendations for Project Management methodology, including processes and documentation
- Stage 3, Completion: To produce a separate project management manual for Inventya Proposals and Consultancy operations, including training modules and a user manual for Inventya Proposals. A user manual and 1 days implementation support required for both the Inventya Consultancy and Proposals
The indicative budget for this project is up to £15,000.
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PART B: SUpplier REsponse Section
All respondents should answer these questions. If your company is not currently registered in the UK, you should still try to answer each question, substituting any appropriate professional, commercial or other registration within your domestic jurisdiction.Single sole trader business advisors are most welcome to apply and where an answer is not applicable please indicate as such.
Information Only
Name of the company (Prime or single contractor) in whose name the tender would be submittedContact name
Telephone number
E-mail address:
Web Address
Company Registration number: (if any)
Date of Registration
Registered address if different from the above
VAT Registration number: (if any)
Please attach Curriculum Vitae or Organisational Background for information only
PART C: Scored Response
Section 1: Quality Assessment
Proposal exceeds requirement. Demonstrated by clear, detailed information and unequivocal evidence / 10 marksProposal meets the minimum requirements. Evidence is fairly clear and convincing; minor reservations in one or more key areas / 5 Marks
Proposal significantly fails to meet the requirements. In virtually all areas there is a lack of convincing evidence which casts serious doubt about the ability to meet requirements.
Responses scoring 0 will be deemed to have failed to demonstrate the minimum level of quality and will be disqualified. / 0 Marks
Quality Assessment Section
Total Quality Assessment Marks Available: 10
Weighting for overall Quality Section: 65%
This is a minimum threshold section – please see Evaluation Criteria in Appendix I
Question 1. Meeting the Requirements of the Brief. How would you meet the needs of the tender as described in the ‘Requirements of the Brief’ Part A?
(Max 1500 words).
Question Weighting: 50 %
Question 2. Background and experience in the role. Please outline previous knowledge or experience of delivering this type of service before, use case studies if available?
(Max 1500 words)
Question Weighting: 50 %
Section 2: Pricing
Question 3. PriceTotal Price Section Marks Available: 10
Weighting for Price Section: 35%
Please provide pricing details for the services outlined in the specification above. Identify clearly the costs of each element for the duration of the contract. Where appropriate clearly state the services and time included within the quotation and the additional costs for services beyond the scope of the contract.
Total Cost (Element 1 + Element 2) / £
Please note:
- All prices quoted shall be fixed and firm and shall apply for the full duration of the contract.
- Following that period, any requests for price changes must be accompanied by a written summary and supported by evidence to justify the proposed price change.
- No quantity or continuity of work is guaranteed to successful suppliers and this should be taken into account when completing the Pricing Schedule.
- All prices quoted shall be exclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT).
- Any daily rate indicated in the Schedule of Rates is for an 8 hour working day, during a normal working week (Monday to Friday). A half day is therefore considered as 4hrs.
- All costs are deemed to include expenses and any other on-cost.
Instructions for Completion
Completed questionnaires should be submitted in electronic format and emailed to the email address given at the front of this document by the due date as outlined in Deadline for Response in the Timescales section.
Any application received after the Deadline for Response shall not be opened or considered. We may, however, in our own absolute discretion extend the Deadline and in such circumstances we will notify all applicants of any change.
You should answer all questions as accurately and concisely as possible.
Where a question is not relevant to your organisation, please state N/A (not applicable) and include a brief explanation if required. Questions must be answered in English and submitted either in Microsoft Word readable format orAdobe Acrobat PDF.
Responses will be evaluated in accordance with the criteria set out in Appendix 1. In the event that none of the responses are deemed satisfactory, wereserve the right to consider alternative procurement options.
Failure to provide the required information, make a satisfactory response to any question, or supply documentation referred to in responses, within the specified timescale, may mean that you will be excluded from further participation in the procurement.
No Contract
No information contained in this specification or in any communication made between ourselves and any supplier in connection with this specification shall be relied upon as constituting a contract, agreement or representation that any contract shall be offered in accordance with this specification. Wereserve the right, subject to the appropriate procurement regulations, to change without notice the basis of, or the procedures for, the competitive tendering process. Wereserve the right to terminate the process at any time. Under no circumstances shall ourselves incur any liability in respect of this specification or any supporting documentation.
Supplier Selection
The overall evaluation process will be conducted in a fair and equitable manner, so that we are able to consider the value for money of each proposal. This means that we may seek clarification of an application from any and all applicants; different clarification/information may be sought from different applicants.
Once we have reached a decision in respect of an award, we will notify all applicants of our decision. As this is below the OJEU financial threshold for light touch regime procurements, we do not intend to provide for a standstill period before entering into thecontract.
Any attempt by applicants to influence the contract award process in any way may result in the applicant being disqualified. Specifically, applicants shall not directly or indirectly at any time:
- Devise or amend the content of their application in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other person (other than in good faith with a person who is a proposed partner, supplier, consortium member or provider of finance.)
- Enter into any agreement or arrangement with any other person as to the form or content of any other application, or offer to pay any sum of money or valuable consideration to any person to effect changes to the form or content of any other application.
- Enter into any agreement or arrangement with any other person that has the effect of prohibiting or excluding that person from submitting an application.
- Canvass us or any of employees or agents in relation to this tender.
- Attempt to obtain information from any of our employees, agents or our advisors concerning another application.
Queries about the procurement
Any questions about the procurement should be submitted by e-mail to the email address indicated at the front of this document.
If we consider any question or request for clarification to be of such significance that all potential suppliers who have responded should be made aware of it, both the query and the response will be communicated to them, in a suitably anonymous form either by email or on the website/publicationon which the tender was advertised.
All responses received and any communication from service providers will be treated in confidence.
Appendix 1 – Evaluation Criteria
Prior to evaluating Tenders, we will carry out an initial review of each Tender to confirm completeness and compliance with the Tender Requirements and may, at its discretion, reject a Tender which is incomplete and / or non-compliant. The following pre-evaluation process will be undertaken:
- Compliance Check Stage: to confirm completeness and compliance with the Tender Requirements. We may, at our discretion, reject a Tender which is incomplete or non-compliant. Please note the word count and any text above the word count will not be assessed.
- Quality Assessment Score:The quality assessment section will be assessed against the criteria set out below and each tender will be awarded a score based on their ability to demonstrate their ability to meet the tender requirements.
Responses scoring 0 in the quality assessment will be deemed to have failed to demonstrate the minimum level of quality and will be disqualified.
- Weighting: Weightings allows us to set the importance given to each of the questions and/or sections within the overall evaluation score. The higher the percentage weighting given to a question or section the greater its importance and the larger its impact on the overall score.
- Tender Price Score: This is calculated using the formula shown below and a score will be awarded which reflects the cost quoted relative to the other tenders received.
- Evaluation Stage: We will then determine the winning tender by comparing the total scores for both the quality assessment and pricing sections.
Part B: Contractor Information as follows:
Part B Contractor InformationOrganisational Background and Specialism / Information Only
Part C – Scored Response and Compliance
Award Criteria / Max Potential Score / WeightingSection 1 / Max 10
Question 1 – Response to the Tender / 50%
Question 2 – Knowledge & Experience / 50%
Expand to include any additional quality assessment questions that have been included.
Total Section 1 Score / /10
Section 1 Weighting / 65 %
Weighted Section 1 Score / / 10
Section 2 / Max 10
Question 3 – Price / £
Section 2 Score (See formula below) / /10
Section 2 Weighting / 35 %
Weighted Section 2 Score
Total Score
(Section 1 score + Section 2 score) / /10
The Quality Assessment section will be scored using the following methodology:
10 Points / Proposal exceeds requirement. Demonstrated by clear, detailed information and unequivocal evidence5 Points / Mostly meets requirement. Evidence is fairly clear and convincing; minor reservations in one or more key areas
0 Points / Significantly fails to meet requirements. In virtually all areas there is a lack of convincing evidence which casts serious doubt about the ability to meet requirements.
Does not meet minimum quality threshold for further consideration.
Each question within the quality section will be scored out of 10 marks and this will than have the appropriate weighting applied to it.Weighted scores for each question in Section 1 will then be added together and an overall score calculated based on the Evaluation Criteria above.
In order to ensure value for money the Growth Hub Grant Programme has developed a template evaluation & scoring criteria included within the template form, this will identify the winning supplier by providing a score out of 20 points, giving equal weight to price and quality. A grant recipient may choose to select a different supplier however, to ensure transparency; we require a clear explanation where this occurs.
PRICE – Section 2
In evaluating the price of tenders, the lowest price will be awarded full marks and each other proposal will be awarded a score based on the percentage difference from the lowest price, according the formula below;
See worked example below.
If the price seems abnormally low, further explanation as to the low price may be sought and evaluation of whether the quote is considered economically viable will be made.
The Scores for Section 1 and Sections 2 will then be subjected to weighting based on the relative importance that has been applied to the sections and added together to provide an overall evaluation score for each bidder.
Example evaluation
Following the appraisal of 3 suitable bids scoring has been assessed as;
Section 1 Quality / Section 2 PriceEvaluation score / Unweighted Score / Section Weight % / Final Score Section 1 / Unweighted Score / Section Weight % / Final Score Section 2 / Overall Evaluation Score
Supplier A / 5 / 65.00 / 3.25 / 10.00 / 35.00 / 3.50 / 6.75
Supplier B / 10 / 65.00 / 6.50 / 6.67 / 35.00 / 2.33 / 8.83
Supplier C / 5 / 65.00 / 3.25 / 7.27 / 35.00 / 2.55 / 5.80
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