Stone Talker





What is a stone Talker?

What does it take to be a stone talker?

Examples Of Stone Talker Experiences

Ashleigh At The Festival When She Was 2

The Holed Stone

The Stone At The Austrian Castle

Meeting TJ

Christoph And The Amethyst At The Grand Canyon

Past Life Sand Shaman

Stone Combinations

The Psychic Fair – Zincite, Herkimer, Moldavite

Matthew – Zincite, Herkimer, Moldavite

Christi - Zincite, Herkimer, Moldavite

Feng Shui




Who are stone talkers?

Who has the ability to stone talk?

Who would want to be a stone talker?




How do you know if you can do this?

How do you develop this ability?

How can you learn to work with others?



When is this useful?

When is it apppropriate to talk to others about this?

When are you done learning?

Why become a stone talker?

Why help others with their stones?

Why do so many people disbelieve?

Where is a good place to practice?

Where can I find more information?

My personal common gemstone list and my common feelings from these stones





A basic stone Set

Crystal Types



Crystal Tune-up: Charging Your Stones

Charging Methods

Reiki Charging

Special-Purpose Activation

Crystals and Pyramids



Crystal Points

Double Terminated Crystal Points

Quartz Crystal Clusters

Record Keeper Quartz Crystals


Tabular Quartz Crystal Points

Quartz Crystal Spheres

Herkimer Diamond Quartz Crystal

(the rest of the crystal formations and all is in another doument.)


I'm always fascinated by those of us that are 'stone obsessed'. It seems to be a calling, and it's always so much fun to run into another person who understands!

Stone Talking is something that everyone can do to some degree, it's just a matter of the level of the gift, just like someone who plays piano. Someone very gifted can just sit and play concertos; then there are those of us who dream of playing, and struggle to get through a simple piece and lessons.

Yes, I guess I do consider this an art. I have studied and practiced it since I was 5 years old that I remember. I collected stones and interacted with them, then put them in my little red wagon (seriously, a little red wagon!) and went around the neighborhood selling them to people telling them what the rocks had to say, and how they could be their friends. I actually sold some, maybe just because they thought it was cute. I've also had psychic experiences and done psychic work since I was small, and done this professionally for almost 15 years now.

My children (three daughters) have each received their own abilities, my youngest two with their strongest abilities. My second daughter has my abilities of "knowing" things, intuitive skills, and seeing spirits and guides.

My youngest daughter has the enhanced ability of stone talking and grouping stones for healing, along with communicating with those who have passed over.

Much of what I do and how it happens and is done is discussed in the book "famous wisconsin mystics", I'm a chapter that starts on page 142.

My daughter and I are in the middle of our Stone Talkers book at this time as well.

SO, at this point, let's talk about what you can do to practice more and get to test your abilities with your own stones.





What is a stone Talker?

Reference to horoscope analogy

Most people who purchase stones from me want to know what the stone means, and I tell them the meaning according to Melody’s book, the basic reference known by most people. This has always bothered me; it reminds me of a joke I once heard: “Today

Someone who is able to comunicate with stones. I dont mean just sitting down and talking to a bolder in your front yard, I mean knowing what its healing purposes are, meditation, and sometimes knowing where its been (*mom* This is starting to develop with me as well)

Connection to qualities of the earth

Ability to meditate somewhat and open up to the possibilities

Trust your instincts

Practice with your stones and others to test your instincts

What does it take to be a stone talker?

Wanting to be the person who interacts with stones

A passion for the stones and the messages

A desire to learn more about the ongoing new discoveries of stones

Learning about the regions and cultures of the areas the stones are found in

Anyone could be a stone talker, all you need do is listen. Meditation plays a big part in Stone talking. you have to be able to quiet yourself enough and listen to what it has to say. If you plan on doing it with other people, you need to be able to open yourself up to them as well. The stone will tell you what needs to be done.

Examples Of Stone Talker Experiences

Ashleigh At The Festival When She Was 2

The Holed Stone

The Stone At The AustrianCastle

Meeting TJ

Christoph And The Amethyst At The Grand Canyon

Past Life Sand Shaman

Stone Combinations

The Psychic Fair – Zincite, Herkimer, Moldavite

Matthew – Zincite, Herkimer, Moldavite

Christi - Zincite, Herkimer, Moldavite

Christi – Feng Shui her new apartment

Feng Shui

This is something that has been with me all my life. I remember being really little playing in my mothers rock buckets just to see what kinda feelings I got from them. I have to say my favorite so far is Malachite and Appetite.

This is something that has been with me all my life. I remember being really little playing in my mothers rock buckets just to see what kinda feelings I got from them. I have to say my favorite so far is Malachite and Appetite.




Who are stone talkers?

Stone talkers are anyone who can harness a special

relationship in the interpretation of stone messages.

you wont be great at it at first but like I said, anyone could be but it helps if you have previous experience in meditation. This isnt something that everyone can do, just like swimming, ridding a bike, or even driving, all you need is practice.

Who has the ability to stone talk?

Anyone can develop the ability to do this work.

Gifted talkers

Advanced talkers

Intermediate talkers

Who would want to be a stone talker?

People I’ve met who want to be talkers

Connections with stones

Connections to healing

Passion for stones

Curiosity of metaphysics and new age information

Shaman studies

Reiki healers

New age store owners

Psychic readers

Average people who have bought stones and want to know more about the pieces they bought, and why they felt an attachment to them.




How do you know if you can do this?

Finding your stone(s)

What if I lose my stone?

How do I know whether to wear it, use as a pocket stone, or use it in a room?

How do I choose a stone for a gift?

How do I create a stone piece of jewelry to keep it’s power?

How do you develop this ability?

Test questions


Practice, Practice! Practice!!! They arent kidding, it really does help . Spend a few moments each day with a new stone. Spend time with it inbetween your palms, meditating and clearing your thoughts of everything. then open yourself up to the stone because with out trust on both ends how can you expect the stone to like you

How can you learn to work with others?

Stone parties

Stone readings

Single stone choice readings

I guess as soon as you get the stone talking down, you can do it with another person, hold their hand with the stones inbetween both your hands. Meditate and be open to their feelings. it takes a lot of energy and work.

When is this useful?


Chakra balancing

When you are having troubles, i.e. finding anwers, sleeping, focusing, studying, I guess you can use it for anything

When is it apppropriate to talk to others about this?

How to connect with others

Making connections in the community

Internet connecting

Trade shows


As anything goes, sometimes it is impolight to bring it up. Othertimes, if someone is having troubles and you think it could help, if you are asked about it, or if you think the person you are talking to is open to things of this nature.

When are you done learning?

Levels of learning

Deciding what you want to know

Comfort levels

Taking breaks

You are never done, knowledge is the key to everything. By continuously learning you build up your abilities and can even pick up a few you didnt know you had.

Why become a stone talker?

Intuitive feelings about what to know

Dealing with skeptics

Whether or not to express your passsion

It helps in day to day situations, and even some really hard situations. from help sleeping to writters block.

Why help others with their stones?

How much to share with others

How to expand your group

What and how to share with others

The best way to share with others without being overbearing

Why do so many people disbelieve?

Why do people disbelieve in stones powers?

Explaining the properties to others

When to let it go.

How to give a short overview of what different properties the stones can help with.

Because I think people have a hard time believing that a stone has that much to say. It is hard to believe that an inanimate object can have such a profound effect on others. In short, People believe what they can see.

Where is a good place to practice?

The standard answer is outdoors

In home study groups

Library room groups

Coffee houses

Anywhere that can accommodate a group with tables

Barnes and Noble would be great

Quiet solitary places are preferd, but only at first. as your connections grow, you can do it anywhere.

Where can I find more information?

More information on stones can be found on the internet

In Melanie’s books

In new age shops

Via our web site

Experimenting on your own

My personal common gemstone list and my common feelings from these stones

Table and infromation

Malachite, Obsidian (rainbow), Appetite, herkimer, Jade, Hemitite, red tiger iron, garnet, god I could go on forever, I like them all!

they all have thier own energy level, and personality. Even though malachite maybe said to have a certain personality, it can be compleatly different. Every stone has its own, like a finger print. but I guess the most common feeling I get from these are comfort.


Melanie guides

Crystal healing

Stacy Wolf


My website











A basic stone Set









Quartz and Appetite are a good headache reliever, malachite and rose quarts may feel funny at first but it is a real energy booster (*mom* I dont have that many to choose from, so if you wanna fill some in here, or send me a few pairs that I can send back,.. what ever you wanna do.)

Malachite and quartz, Hemitite and rose quartz, Specralight and Snowflake Obsidian, and a good one for sleep is Moon stone and rainbow obsidian.

Crystal Types



What Is A Stone Talker?

Someone who is able to comunicate with stones. I dont mean just sitting down and talking to a bolder in your front yard, I mean knowing what its healing purposes are, meditation, and sometimes knowing where its been (*mom* This is starting to develop with me as well)

What Does It Take To Be A Stone Talker?

Anyone could be a stone talker, all you need do is listen. Meditation plays a big part in Stone talking. you have to be able to quiet yourself enough and listen to what it has to say. If you plan on doing it with other people, you need to be able to open yourself up to them as well. The stone will tell you what needs to be done.

Examples Of Stone Talker Experiences

This is something that has been with me all my life. I remember being really little playing in my mothers rock buckets just to see what kinda feelings I got from them. I have to say my favorite so far is Malachite and Appetite.

Stone Combinations

Quartz and Appetite are a good headache reliever, malachite and rose quarts may feel funny at first but it is a real energy booster (*mom* I dont have that many to choose from, so if you wanna fill some in here, or send me a few pairs that I can send back,.. what ever you wanna do.)

Who Are Stone Talkers?

Someone who has the ability to comunicate with stones.

Who Has The Ability To Stone Talk?

you wont be great at it at first but like I said, anyone could be but it helps if you have previous experience in meditation. This isnt something that everyone can do, just like swimming, ridding a bike, or even driving, all you need is practice.

Some people have this ability, but others dont.

Who Would Want To Be A Stone Talker?


How Do You Know If You Can Do This?

I'm not sure, I dont know wht its like to be without it.

How Do You Develop This Ability?

Practice, Practice! Practice!!! They arent kidding, it really does help . Spend a few moments each day with a new stone. Spend time with it inbetween your palms, meditating and clearing your thoughts of everything. then open yourself up to the stone because with out trust on both ends how can you expect the stone to like you.

How Can You Learn To Work With Others?

I guess as soon as you get the stone talking down, you can do it with another person, hold their hand with the stones inbetween both your hands. Meditate and be open to their feelings. it takes a lot of energy and work.

When Is This Useful?

When you are having troubles, i.e. finding anwers, sleeping, focusing, studying, I guess you can use it for anything .

When Is It Apppropriate To Talk To Others About This?

As anything goes, sometimes it is impolight to bring it up. Othertimes, if someone is having troubles and you think it could help, if you are asked about it, or if you think the person you are talking to is open to things of this nature.

When Are You Done Learning?

You are never done, knowledge is the key to everything. By continuously learning you build up your abilities and can even pick up a few you didnt know you had.

Why Become A Stone Talker?

It helps in day to day situations, and even some really hard situations. from help sleeping to writters block.

Why Help Others With Their Stones?

It is one thing to make people aware of what is out there, it is another thing to help them understand what is out there.

Why Do So Many People Disbelieve?

Because I think people have a hard time believing that a stone has that much to say. It is hard to believe that an inanimate object can have such a profound effect on others. In short, People believe what they can see.

Where Is A Good Place To Practice?

Quiet solitary places are preferd, but only at first. as your connections grow, you can do it anywhere.

Where Can I Find More Information?

Internet, people in your comunity, you never know, maybe even one of your friends.

My Personal Favorite Gemstone List

Malachite, Obsidian (rainbow), Appetite, herkimer, Jade, Hemitite, red tiger iron, garnet, god I could go on forever, I like them all!

My Common Feelings From These Stones

they all have thier own energy level, and personality. Even though malachite maybe said to have a certain personality, it can be compleatly different. Every stone has its own, like a finger print. but I guess the most common feeling I get from these are comfort.

A Basic Healing Stone Set (My Personal Recommendation)

Malachite and quartz, Hemitite and rose quartz, Specralight and Snowflake Obsidian, and a good one for sleep is Moon stone and rainbow obsidian.

How this helped you in anyway, and if you need anymore You know where to go .

Love you!!!!!


Crystal Tune-up:Charging Your Stones

Charging your crystals is in some ways the opposite of clearing them. When you clear a crystal you are removing any unwanted vibrations.

For example, when you first get a crystal you may want to clear it of any energy it picked up on its way to you. If you've been doing a lot of emotional healing and releasing with your crystals you'll also want to clear them because crystals may absorb the energy you've released.

Crystals should be periodically cleared even if you haven't been using them for meditation or healing work, if only because they do get dusty. (This is sometimes called cleaning).