GDAC Pre-Cruise Metadata form Platform

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Cruise Name: SS01/2010 PINTS / PINTS – primary Productivity induced by Nitrogen and Iron in the Tasman Sea.
Role of iron and other micronutrients in controlling primary productivity in the Tasman Sea: bioavailability, biogeochemical cycling and sources
Platform Name and type: RV Southern Surveyor
[vessel, mooring, satellite,, towed vehicle,]
[associated project or program name related to funding]
Lead Nation: AUSTRALIA
Chief scientist (Lead scientist / Principal Investigator) contact details
Name: Christel Hassler / Email: / Phone:+61 2 9514 4159
Mailing Address:
Plant Functional Biology and Climate Change Cluster,
Faculty of Science
University of Technology,
Sydney, PO Box 123
Broadway Sydney NSW 2007
Co-Chief scientist contact details: [GEOTRACES point of contact if different from Chief scientist]
Name: Michael Ellwood / Email: / Phone: +61 2 6125 5544
Mailing Address:
Research School of Earth Sciences,
Australian National University,
Building 47, Daley Road,
Canberra ACT 0200
Preliminary Cruise Details
Start Port and Country: Sydney, NSW, Australia / Start date:23rd January 2010
End Port and Country: Hobart, TAS, Australia / End Date:15th February 2010
Location: [general description of study area; map if possible] Tasman Sea
Voyage track
Two set of activities were done during this voyage: transect stations and process stations (P, see below). Time at sea 24 days. Boat stationary at process stations for 2-4 days.
Transect stations are shown in yellow, process stations in red and reoccupation of the
process station 3 from the SAZ-Sense – au0703 voyage (Aurora Australis, Jan-Feb 2007) in green.
All the station where samples were taken for trace metal analysis (trace metal rosette,
McLane pumps) are labelled in white, all other stations are labelled in yellow.

Cruise Overview: [proposal abstract] Macro- and micronutrients, mainly iron and nitrate, control oceanic primary productivity, phytoplankton community composition and subsequently carbon uptake and generation of radiatively important gases for climate. Assessing key underlying processes that control primary productivity and carbon export to the ocean’s interior such as micro and macro-nutrient bioavailability is required to fully understand the ocean role in controlling climate change and improve modelling approaches. Indeed, data allowing an accurate modelling of iron bioavailability in the oceans is sparse. Although large dust deposition from eastern Australia to the ocean may occur, the Tasman Sea presents a region of great contrast: northern waters are nutrient poor while southern waters are nutrient rich, but low in iron. Consequently, the input of iron via dust to the northern and southern regions may influence nutrient uptake, primary production and nitrogen fixation.
The research voyage studied iron bioavailability, sources and biogeochemical cycling in the surface waters of the Tasman Sea, along with the role of other micronutrients. Our voyage track (see above) will provide measurements on the effect of variable sources of iron (Australian continental dust, shelf sediments) on iron biogeochemistry. Results from this voyage will also provide modellers at CMAR with a key dataset to predict the biological control of the oceans on climate. This project will develop new methods for measuring iron bioavailability (e.g. iron dependent bioreporter) and limitation (e.g. photophysiological parameters) in the ocean, with potentially wide application to the growth of Australian and international marine research.
Intercalibration plans: [Plans to ensure intercalibration of results to GEOTRACES requirements e.g. use of SaFe standards, collaborative sampling]
SaFe and GEOTRACES standards will be used as certified samples for all dissolved trace metal analysis (see below). Water will be sampled and analysed as per GEOTRACES guidelines. The ANU TM rosette is similar in design to the NIWA rosette, a system that has been tested and deemed appropriate for the collection of TM clean samples.
Some analysis will be duplicated to insure intercomparability of data: particulate metals will be analysed both by Ellwood’s and Bowie’s groups, dissolved metals (excluding iron) by both Ellwood’s and Butler’s groups.
For process station 1, a whole water profile (12 depths) was sampled for intercalibration exercise by GEOTRACES participant for dissolved TEI analysis. Bottles will be sent to GEOTRACES collaborators upon expression of interest for analyses and subsequent verification of accuracy. Intercalibration of the measure of iron speciation by Hassler’s and Breitbarth’s group will be done on the same cast.
The process station 3 from SAZ-Sense au0703 was reoccupied in this voyage.
The reoccupation of the process station 1 is scheduled in the P06 GEOTRACES voyage in 2011.
Anticipated list of parameters to be submitted to GDAC: Key parameters listed please list any other parameters measured and the PI contact
Trace elements:
Other / Contact for each element (PI); [name and email]
A.Bowie ()
M. Ellwood ()
E. Butler ()
E. Butler ()
E. Butler () and M. Ellwood ()
E. Butler ()
Radioactive isotopes:
Stable isotopes:
Other / T. Trull (), P. Rafter ()
T. Trull ()
Radiogenic isotopes:
Nd isotopes
Pb isotopes
Other parameters:
Iron chemical speciation – C. Hassler () and E. Breitbarth ()
Biogenic and lithogenic silica – M. Ellwood ()
Particulate TEIs (as listed above) M. Ellwood () and A. Bowie ()
DIC - C. Law ()
Nanonutrients (nitrates, nitrites, phosphate) – C. Law () and ammonia – E.Butler ()
POC, PON – T. Trull ()
Biologic parameters:
Primary productivity – M. Doblin ()
Phytoplankton pigments – L. Clementson ()
Bacterioplankton abundance and diversity – M. Doblin () and C. Hassler ()
Phytoplankton photophysiology and Fv/Fm – M. Doblin ()
Iron bioavailability- C. Hassler ()
N2 fixation – C. Law ()
Phytoplankton response to variable pCO2 – C. Law ()
Phytoplankton response to iron and dust enrichment – C. Law () and C. Hassler ()
List CTD hydrographic parameters [sensors including make; salinity, temperature, oxygen, nutrients etc]
CTD Seabird 911 plus sensors:
Temperature Seabird SBE3plus
Conductivity Seabird SBE4C
Depth Paroscientific Digiquartz DMS43K (3000PSIA)
Oxygen Seabird SBE43
Transmissometer Wetlabs C-Star (25mm path / 660nm wavelength)
Profiling fluorometer Chelsea Aquatracker Mk 3 (Chlorophyll-a)
PAR Biospherical Instruments QCP-2300
Lowered ADCP Sontek 250kHz
Salinity and Oxygen sensor was be calibrated by discrete measurement using the Guildline Salinometer and the Automated Photometric Oxygen System built by SCRIPPS respectively.
Nutrients were measured on board using the Lachat FIA Nutrient Analyser.
Typical detection limits are 35nM for nitrates, 12 nM for silicate and 9 nM for phosphate (Marine National Facility).
Low level of nitrate, nitrite and phosphate will be analysed using a three-channel nanomolar analyser, combining sensitive segmented flow colorimetric analyticaltechniques with a 2-metre flow-length Liquid Waveguide Capillary Cell [Woodward and 221 Rees, 2001; Woodward, 2002] (C. Law - ()
Ammonia by flow analysis with fluorescence detection (E. Butler - ).
TM rosette:
General Oceanics 1018 autonomous rosette fitted with 12x 10 L Nisken-X bottles
Particles/Aerosols: Dust is collected on filter(s) using a high-volume sampler (or cascade impactor) with automated sector control. The dust sampler (modified Lear-Siegler PK 2100 Hi-Vol sampler using Whatman 41 filters) was checked and calibrated for flow rate prior the voyage – E. Butler () and P. Boyd ().
List Underway data: [Met data, navigation hull mounted sensors including make and model]
pCO2 – B. Tillbrook (), accuracy +/- 2 uatm.
ADCP- current vector beneath the vessel – 20 minutes averaged
Simrad EA500 sounder (Marine National Facility)
Is there a national data centre: (name and contact) [If not GDAC should be used]
We will lodge relevant information with national meta-databases. (CARS 2009 - CSIRO Atlas of Regional Seas is identified in CMAR MarLIN metadatabase <>; Ken Ridgway [ is project leader)
Some of this work will also be publicised through a cross-institutional website on marine micronutrients, ( The contact person for the website is M. Ellwood ()
All data listed above which are deemed suitable for the GEOTRACES database will be sent to GDAC in a timeframe from 2-3 years (see csr form for more detail).
Other relevant information: