Prologue Character Presentations
· Read Chaucer’s desction of your assigned character from the “Prologue” to The Canterbury Tales.
· Find out from Chaucer’s description or in other sources how the character might have dressed or for any distinguishing information about his or her particular profession or social class.
· Research your character’s occupation in a related book, an encyclopedia, or the Internet to find out exactly what he or she did.
Then, on______, you will bring Chaucer’s characters to life by doing the following:
o Introduce us to your character by explaining exactly what his or her profession was and sharing any interesting or important information about that particular profession.
o Describe, draw, dress a doll, or dress yourself in clothing appropriate to the time period and your character’s profession so we can visualize the person you’re describing. You may bring in any school-appropriate props!
o Narrate Chaucer’s description of your character from the “Prologue” in your textbook.
o Explain to the class all you can about your character based on that description. Be sure to include: 1) a description of the character and his or her occupation
2) the social status of the character
3) whether you feel Chaucer admired the character, had neutral
feelings for the character, or loathed the character.
The people of Chaucer’s era found his characters to be a humorous, fun, colorful and entertaining cross-section of Medieval society. Please present your character that way!
Your character is______.
“Prologue” Character Presentation Assignments
For 2nd block
Note: Please be prepared to present your character on______, the day assigned; there will be no makeups!
Character / Student Presenting1 /
Narrator (pp.218-219)
2 / Knight3 / Squire
4 / Yeoman
5 / Prioress
6 / Monk
7 / Friar
8 / Merchant
9 / Oxford Cleric
10 / Sergeant at the Law
11 / Franklin
12 / Haberdasher
13 / Dyer
14 / Carpenter
15 / Weaver
16 / Carpet-maker
17 / Cook
18 / Skipper
19 / Doctor
20 / Woman/Wife of Bath
21 / Parson
22 / Plowman
23 / Miller
24 / Manciple
25 / Reeve
26 / Summoner
27 / Pardoner
28 / Host of the Tabard Inn
29 / *The Pardoner’s Tale
30 / *The Pardoner’s Tale
31 / *The Pardoner’s Tale
*As we have more students than characters available, please read/narrate part of “The Pardoner’s Tale” and research/bring in information on the following: The Black Death/Bubonic Plague-; Foods and Culture of the Medieval Period-; The Protestant Reformation-
“Prologue” Character Presentation Assignments
for 3rd block
Note: Please be prepared to present your character on______, the day assigned; there will be no makeups!
Character / Student Presenting1 /
Narrator (pp.218-219)
2 / Knight3 / Squire
4 / Yeoman
5 / Prioress
6 / Monk
7 / Friar
8 / Merchant
9 / Oxford Cleric
10 / Sergeant at the Law
11 / Franklin
12 / Haberdasher
13 / Dyer
14 / Carpenter
15 / Weaver
16 / Carpet-maker
17 / Cook
18 / Skipper
19 / Doctor
20 / Woman/Wife of Bath
21 / Parson
22 / Plowman
23 / Miller
24 / Manciple
25 / Reeve
26 / Summoner
27 / Pardoner
28 / Host of the Tabard Inn
29 / *The Pardoner’s Tale
30 / *The Pardoner’s Tale
31 / *The Pardoner’s Tale
*As we have more students than characters available, please read/narrate part of “The Pardoner’s Tale” and research/bring in information on the following: The Black Death/Bubonic Plague-; Foods and Culture of the Medieval Period-; the Protestant Reformation-
“Prologue” Character Presentation Assignments
for 4th block
Note: Please be prepared to present your character on______, the day assigned; there will be no makeups!
Character / Student Presenting1 /
Narrator (pp.218-219)
2 / Knight3 / Squire
4 / Yeoman
5 / Prioress
6 / Monk
7 / Friar
8 / Merchant / A.
9 / Oxford Cleric
10 / Sergeant at the Law / A.
11 / Franklin
12 / Haberdasher
13 / Dyer
14 / Carpenter
15 / Weaver
16 / Carpet-maker
17 / Cook / B.
18 / Skipper
19 / Doctor
20 / Woman/Wife of Bath / A.
21 / Parson
22 / Plowman
23 / Miller
24 / Manciple
25 / Reeve / C.
26 / Summoner
27 / Pardoner
28 / Host of the Tabard Inn
29 / *The Pardoner’s Tale
30 / *The Pardoner’s Tale
31 / *The Pardoner’s Tale
*As we have more students than characters available, please read/narrate part of “The Pardoner’s Tale” and research/bring in information on the following: The Black Death/Bubonic Plague-; Foods and Culture of the Medieval Period-; The Reformation-