Ford Amateur Radio League


Article I - Dues

Section 1. The annual dues for all members shall be $15 per year, payable at the April meeting.

Section 2. New members upon acceptance by the club will submit with their application for membership:

A. $5 initiation fee (for club badge).

B. $15 yearly dues.

C. In the event that the application is dated after October 1, the dues payment shall be $10.

Section 3. Non-payment of such dues or assessments shall be cause for expulsion from the club roster within a period of two (2) months after the annual date (April).

Article II –Club Officers

Section 1. The regular term of all officers shall commence at the adjournment of the Annual April meeting.

Section 2. The duties of officers shall be such as are implied by their respective titles and such as are specified in the By-Laws.

Section 3. The President shall appoint all committees as required and are an ex-officio member of them without the right to vote. The President shall appoint a Club Station Trustee with the approval of the membership.

Section 4. The Vice-President shall assist the President in his duties and be ready at all times to assume the duties of the President in the event he is unable to act. He shall also be responsible for insuring that all appointed offices remain active throughout the year.

Section 5. Removed

Section 6. The Secretary

A. Shall keep minutes of all club meetings.

B. Shall conduct the correspondence of the club.

C. Shall keep an account of all awards.

D. Shall exchange club rosters with member chapters

Section 7. The Treasurer shall collect all monies due the club, notify delinquent members as outlined in these By-Laws and maintain an accurate roll of all members who are in good standing in the club. He shall pay no bills without proper authorization (by the club or the Board of Directors). At the end of each quarter he shall submit an itemized statement of disbursements and receipts. At the end of his term he shall turn over to his successor everything belonging to the club office. The Treasurer and the President signatures shall be the only signatures registered at the bank for the current year in office.

Section 8. Activities Managers Group

A. The group will consist of a minimum of one (1). The duties can be:

  1. Organize club member radio station activities.
  2. Plan and recommend contests for operating benefit.
  3. Advance the general club interest and activity as may be approved by the club.
  4. Maintain close liaison with the ARRL emergency coordinator or S.E.C.
  5. Further club participation in the Amateur Radio Emergency Service.
  6. Keep informed of the equipment, normal operating frequencies and type of operation.
  7. Facilitate emergency organization.
  8. Help in planning general interest activities.
  9. Encourage new stations in reporting activities to the club (bulletin) and to the elected section
  10. Communication official of the ARRL.
  11. Appoint traffic committees or assistants to aid them in specific branches of activities.
  12. Organize with Novice/Tech licenses in the club such activities as permitted by FCC regulations.
  13. Aid and encourage operation by Novice/Tech licenses in the Novice Round-Up, VHF contests, sweepstakes and other operating activities.
  14. Organize code/theory training classes with whatever training/study aids made available.

Section 9. The Club Historian shall serve as the custodian of records including:

  1. The club constitution
  2. The club bylaws including amendments
  3. Important correspondence
  4. Minutes of meetings
  5. Publicity clippings and photographs
  6. Special awards given or received
  7. Other important historical records, in physical or electronic form

Article III - Meetings

Section 1. Regular meetings of the club shall be held on the second Thursday of each month except for July and August.

Section 2. The Order of Exercises shall be:

A. Call to Order.

B. Reading of the Minutes

C. Report of the Treasurer

D. Communication from the President/Board of Directors

E. Committee Reports

F. Unfinished Business

G. New Business/Announcements

H. Program of the Day

I. Adjournment

Section 3: Additional Annual April Meeting Agenda Items:

  1. Annual Club Events Summary (President or delegate)
  2. Annual Club Inventory Report
  3. Annual Club Treasury Report of Income and Expenses
  4. Update of Club Constitution & Bylaws (yearly as needed)
  5. Nominating Committee Report
  6. Election of Officers

Article IV - Board of Directors

Section 1. The Board of Directors shall meet at the call of the President, the Vice-President or any three members of the Board.

Section 2. A minimum of three (3) Board members must approve any emergency expenditure not to exceed $300.

Article V - Committees

Section 1. The Nominating committee shall be appointed before the January meeting of each year and will be active until the adjournment of the April meeting.

Section 2. Other committees may be appointed at any time to function for any period as may be necessary for the best interest of the club.

Article VI - Awards

Section 1. The TIN LIZZY AWARD shall be given for contacting member stations as stated below:

  1. Local (US and Canada) stations - QSL'd contacts with 5 members
  2. DX (other than US and Canada) stations – QSL'd contacts with 3 members
  3. The TIN LIZZY AWARD shall be awarded by the FARL, or any club chapter, upon receipt of the required number of member contacts.

Section 2. Honorary Awards shall be awarded as approved by the Board of Directors.

Section 3. Sweaty Palm Award for the FIRST CW CONTACT and must be with a Ford Amateur Radio League member.

Section 4. Other awards as directed by the club.

Article VII - Liability Insurance

Section 1. The club shall carry liability insurance.

Article VIII - Incentives

Section 1. Members participating in FERA sponsored activities that benefit the club financially will, with a recommendation from the Treasurer and a simple majority vote by a quorum, receive free annual dues for the current year.

Article IX - By-Laws

Section 1. These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a quorum. Proposed By-Law amendments must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors and published to the membership at least one month prior to presentation for approval at a regular meeting by a quorum.

Section 2. Amendments voted upon and carried shall become effective after adjournment of the meeting they were voted upon.

Section 3. It shall be the duty of the President in Office to appoint a proper committee at least once every four years for the purpose of reviewing and reporting on these By-Laws.

Ford Amateur Radio League

Board of Directors

Revised: January 2011

Adopted by Membership: January 13, 2011

Previous issues are obsolete