City of Marine on St. Croix
Planning CommissionRegular Meeting
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
The City of Marine on St. Croix Planning Commission meeting of September 24, 2013was called to order at 7:43pmby Planning Commission Chairman Mrosla.Warren,Creager andRoden were present, Brenner, Smitten and Ritz was absent.
Citizens Present: None
1.Call to Order 7:30pm.
2.Old/New Business:
Watershed District – Update
3.Approval of July 26th, July 30, 2013 Workshop minutes and regular Planning Commission minutes and August 27, 2013 Planning Commission meeting.
4.Review Codes in the SFR, SFU, SCR, SCU, VC Districts, Section 3.
Watershed District –
Warren update the Planning Commission regarding the Watershed District progress and the meetings that were held with Jim Shaver and Tim Olson who was substituting for Ryan Goodman the city’s engineer. Tim is a specialist in surface water issues and has been assigned to Ryan’s office.Warren explained Mr. Olson has a real interest in working collaboratively with the District. The Planning Commission asked if he could establish some kind of working relationship with the Watershed Districts engineer to bypass the duplication efforts when relating to refining some mini water sheds and prioritizing one for each of the two districts. Warren explained that Jim Shaver proposes to separate the city’s two urban districts and the Village Centerinto two Watersheds. One draining into the Mill pond and the other being all else. This would fit for reporting purposes to the state. The hope is that Mr. Olson could sort out where each of the mini districts would be, whatthe top priorities willbe for each district and the cost of BMP Best Management Practices. Once this is in place they would have some idea of what the cost would be.
Warren also noted that Kristina Smitten is rewriting parts of the plan and the City Council will be considering the MOU at the next Council meeting on October 10, 2013. There is a grant application available from the State of Minnesotathrough the Bureau of Soil and Water Recourses (Bowser). The idea is to be granted enough money for the engineering on a mini watersheds or at least to cover a portion of the costs relatedto the engineering to make the city’s portion more reasonable. The hope is that the grant will come through for the 2014 year. Mrosla felt the permits and the cost structure is very concerning to the Council because of the lack of building permits that have come in and how it will be funded. Mrosla also noted there is a clause in Chapter seven that would give the city an out of the MOU and return back to the existing rule of the Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed district.
Member Creager will talk with the with Mr. and Mrs. Omdahl who live onJudd Street to get an understanding of what the costs were in regards to the rain gardens that were required to be put in by the Watershed District and he will report back to the Planning Commission prior to the Council meeting.
Review of Codes in the SFR, SFU, SCR, SCU, VC Districts.Mrosla noted that member Ron Brenner who was reviewing 311.1 “Criteria for Granting Variances” in section three was not present and felt that the review of this section should be tabled until Ron could give the Planning Commission members his update. Warren noted the concern that member Smitten questioned regarding the granting of variances in relations to the Chapter 19 law that was signed into effect by Governor Dayton in May of 2011 and wondered if the city could be more restrictive then the State law. The Commission will address this issue at their October meeting when Brenner will be in attendance.
The Planning Commission will continue the review of section three and will start section four at the October 29, 2013 meeting.
Approval of the minutes.
Warrenmoved Creager seconded to approve Thursday July 26, 2013 Planning Commission Workshop minutes as drafted with changes to page one, paragraphtwo, line one, correct the word after “work” to read “on”. Motion passed unanimously.
Warrenmoved Roden seconded to approve Tuesday July 30, 2013 Planning Commission and City Council Workshop minutes as drafted with changes to page one, paragraph two, line nine, correct the word “since” to read “sense”. Paragraph three, line three, delete the word “it” correct the word “ residence” to read “residents”, replace the words “and they were originally intended based on the” with “in the” add the word “originally” before “development” correct the word “development” to “developed” add the word “areas” before patterns, line six, add and “apostrophe” to “Districts”, line eleven add a coma after the word “acceptable”, page two, paragraph three, line four, delete the sentence starting with “The second” ending with “way” add the words “second is to” after “the” delete the words “neighborhood concept plan would also”, change the word “and” to “that” after program, delete the words “work that would”, line eleven correct the work “residence” to “residents”, paragraph four, line three, first word add an “s” to the word alternative” page three, line one, replace the words “refers to” with “enables the” delete the words “from September of 2012 and now is the time for the alteration” replace the words “the concept” with the word “that”, paragraph two, line two ad “ly” to the word “satisfactory”, line five, delete the wording “for what is considered a greater need for dealing with the storm water management”, line seven change the word “would” to “could”, line eight delete the word “equally”, line nine delete the words “If it agrees” and capitalize the word “the” change the word “would” to “might”, line ten add the word “initial” after the words “make an”, line thirteen change the word “that” to “than”, line sixteen add an “e” to the end of “rational”, line seventeen change the word “falling” to read “to be constructed”,paragraph three, line one and two, delete the wording starting with “local and ending with alternation” add the “enables” after the word “This” and replace the wording “the concept plan” with “that” line two, change the word “fee” to “financing”, paragraph five, line one, correct the word “residence” to “residents”, paragraph six, line two, add an “s” at the end of “permit”, delete the words “to evaluate fees” and replace with the word “costs”, page four, paragraph three, add after the word “through” “Bureau of Soil & Water Resource” and add parentheses around “Bowser”, line three add the word “will” after “funds”.Motion passed unanimously.
Creagermoved Warren seconded to approve Tuesday July 30, 2013 Planning Commission Minutes as drafted. Motion passed unanimously.
Rodenmoved Creager seconded to accept the Tuesday August 27, 2013 Planning Commission Workshop minutes as drafted with changes to page one, paragraph one, line five, delete the word “the” add the last name “Olson” after “Tim”. Paragraph two, line two, correct the word “right” to “write”. Page two, paragraph one, line three, change the word “are” to read “maybe”, line eight, correct the word “statue” to “statutes”, line tenchange the word “is” to read “may be”, line eleven, delete the word “what” and insert the words “Chapter 19”and delete “law allows”, add the word “possibly” after the word “should”. Paragraph two, line one, add an “s” to the word “area”, and “ed” to the word “review”. Motion passed unanimously.
Adjournment –
Roden moved and Creager seconded to adjourn the September 24, 2013, Planning Commission meeting at 9:04. Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes written by Mary Tomnitz,Assistant City Clerk
PLANNING COMMISSION TERMS - Gwen Roden, Gerry Mrosla, Ron Brenner – 12/31/2013, Andy Creager, Joyce Ritz - Expires 12/31/2014, Jack Warren, Kristina Smitten – Expires 12/31/2015