Student Health Advisory CommitteeMeeting
April 20, 2016
Meeting Minutes
Committee Members Present:
Emily Krall
Jacqueline Amarante
Marlene Pelayo
Brittany Lambert
Heather Castillo
Committee Members Absent:
Joao Aguilera
Rhea-Lanee Lansang
Colleen Nevins
Julianna Lacoste
Others in Attendance:
Ed LebiodaDr. Debbie Gravelle
Dr. Kirsten Olson
Dianne Wei
Ana Tougas
- Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 8:19 a.m. by Chair E. Krall.
- Welcome and Introductions
E. Krall welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- Approval of Meeting Minutes
Quorum was met; April 6, 2016 meeting minute corrections/additions were shown and viewed by the committee. Meeting minutes were motioned for approval byJ. Amaranteand seconded by B. Lambert. All were in favor and the minutes were approved.
- Public Forum
H. Castillo shared that the Arts Under the Stars 2016 event is taking place on May 6, 2016 at 7:00p.m. The event will include the audience sitting picnic style in front of the Broome Library. This will be presented by our CI students entitled, “Join the Revolution”, expressions of social issues and happenings within the world. Local food trucks will be present. All are welcome to attend and to bring your blankets!
- Approval of FY 15-16 Annual Report
E. Krall asked for any changes or additions to the Annual Report. No comments were offered. A motion for approval of the Annual Report was initiated byM. Pelayoand seconded by H. Castillo, all were in favor and the Annual Report was approved.
- Update from Wellness Promotion and Education (WPE)(Dr. Debbie Gravelle)
Dr. Gravelle informed the committee that there are 2 finalists for the Senior Health Educator position who will be interviewed this week. All are welcome to the Open Forum presentationswhich will be conducted on April 20, 2016, at 1:15 p.m. and the second one on April 21, 2016, at 1:15p.m. at Solano 2175 conference room.
- Update from Counseling and Health Services (Dr. Kirsten Olson)
Dr. Olson shared the following:
- Reformation of the Administrative Specialist position for the CAPS & SHS department has been completed. Included in theSearch and Screen committee will be Dianne Wei and Emily Krall. There will be phone interviews taking place the week of April 25, 2016, and campus interviews will take place in May.
- CAPS will have summer business hours after Commencement.
- Dr. Olson encouraged the committee if they had not already done so, to reach out to the Designee President Erika Beck by sending her a welcome email introducing the committee, its members and what they do.
E. Lebioda shared the following:
- A Faculty Tentative Agreement was made and there was no strike! With this new agreement there will be changes affecting the budget which will require a cut in expenses for an estimated amount of $15,000. This money will need to come from the fees. This new expense will require a lean budget possibly affecting travel and the ordering of promotional items. This will be a budget item which will be addressed with next year’s committee.
- There is current research being conducted with a Student Health Service consulting firm who is experienced in higher education environments. The firm is led by a medical professional and highly regarded. There is a planned conference call this week where there will be inquiries about the possibility of creating a 5-10 year projection plan for the CI Student Health Services area. If the committee would like to create a focus group on this subject matter, please inform E. Krall via email and she will forward the names to E. Lebioda and/or Dr. Kirsten Olson.
- New Business
- E. Krall and D. Wei informed the committee that each would be receiving an email with a couple of electronic links which would include: 1) a survey to be filled out by each member; 2) A Student Interest Form, for those members who are interested in continuing their service on a committee.
b.E. Krall thanked everyone for their commitment and participation this year and shared with the group that this would be her final year as she would be graduating in May. All congratulated her and good wishes were shared by all.
- Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35a.m.